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Search results

  1. DrSketchpad

    Does anyone else think in the form of conversations?

    I've become increasingly aware that my thoughts might not be like other peoples thoughts. As the title suggests, a lot of my thoughts are in the form of a discussion with a specific person in my life (changes depend on what I'm thinking). It's like I'm constantly making arguments that don't...
  2. DrSketchpad

    INTJ Harassment: how the heck do I deal with it?

    The core of the INTJ's power is the ego! Drain the ego and the INTJ is nothing...
  3. DrSketchpad

    Music that distances/numbs you ?

    Good I guess. maybe numb wasn't the right word. Detatch maybe.
  4. DrSketchpad

    Music that distances/numbs you ?

    As opposed enticing certain emotions as most music does.
  5. DrSketchpad

    What were you like when you were younger?

    Compare and contrast to the present if you wish.
  6. DrSketchpad

    intelligence is overrated, ignorance is bliss.

    My own mind is my favorite hangout space anyways, my intelligence / knowledge only makes my internal monologue all the more interesting and more meaningful feeling... idk, depends on what your values are... :confused:
  7. DrSketchpad

    Its finally happened, INTP or INFJ

    So basically, it's second nature for an INTP to indentify with different types because of the INTP's functions?
  8. DrSketchpad

    Its finally happened, INTP or INFJ

    I thought that both INFJ and INTP don't even use Fi?
  9. DrSketchpad

    Its finally happened, INTP or INFJ

    Sorry for a kind of lengthy post. So, the past year or two I've been researching MBTI, the functions, pretty much everything I can find on the matter. So I have a pretty good understanding of this area. One thing that finally happened to me as I'm sure a lot of you have been through, I'm...
  10. DrSketchpad

    REALLY long dreams

    Has any of you had a dream that seemed to last for days/months/years? What is your experience with these? What did it feel like to wake up?
  11. DrSketchpad

    Fear of Suicide

    That wiki page sounds almost exactly what it is, good to know its actually a thing
  12. DrSketchpad

    Fear of Suicide

    Thank you all for the insight, you're all great!
  13. DrSketchpad

    The INTPf invention ideas thread

    You mean like this? http://www.caring-for-aging-parents.com/chair-lift-for-stairs.html
  14. DrSketchpad

    Fear of Suicide

    I don't know why I worry, but I do, you are absolutely right though.
  15. DrSketchpad

    Fear of Suicide

    I don't know exactly, I guess what frightens me about it is exactly that, for whatever reason, if I do get so depressed in my lifetime and in the unlikely instance that I do choose to end my life, that'll be MY decision. Like I said before, I've never wanted to NOT live, sure I've been...
  16. DrSketchpad

    Fear of Suicide

    Let me start off by saying I am NOT suicidal, I've never wanted to not live. What has been troubling me for the past year or so is the fear of committing suicide. Its just this fear that hangs around in the back of my mind all the time. I'm not sure if other people have this or can relate, so...
  17. DrSketchpad

    Something that has been bugging me with marijuana

    Yes, multiple times. I have never smoked a day in my life but I've been told a lot of times that I'd be the perfect stoner. :confused:
  18. DrSketchpad


    I've had several lucid dreams all of which had occurred before I was 10. Unfortunately at the time, I had no Idea what was capable with lucid dreams and always woke myself after becoming lucid. After learning what lucid dreams actually were, I haven't been able to have one yet :confused: ...
  19. DrSketchpad

    What's Your Best Friend's Type

    All of my best friends are "N"s, I think as a subconscious choice to compensate for the HUGE amount of SJ's in my family. My two best pals are an INFJ and ENFP. Hoping to meet another INTP someday, but I don't even think those exist within a 20 mile radius to where I go anywhere... so yeah...
  20. DrSketchpad

    Rate your sanity

    2.86 Couldn't rate myself as a 1, and unless its just the insanity talking, I don't think I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a 4 or 5.
  21. DrSketchpad

    Minecraft NT

    Soooo.. just wondering, what ever happened to the minecraft NT server, it was fun
  22. DrSketchpad

    The Madness Place

    My madness place is when I've stayed awake longer that most people should and it seems like my brain is on steroids (in terms of thinking ability of course). my mental abilities seem to boost after the 24 hour mark.
  23. DrSketchpad

    Lucid Dreaming

    There's probably already a thread regarding to this, but I was just wondering. What are your experiences with lucid dreams, also, what is the technique you do to induce them; if you use one that is and they're not just random occurrences you have some times.
  24. DrSketchpad

    Songs that strike a feeling

    Especially as an INTP, this hits me right in the feels. Pink Floyd- Shine on you Crazy Diamond http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SqFPNTBnv8
  25. DrSketchpad


    Welcome bretheren...
  26. DrSketchpad

    Any Game Developers Out There?

    Been wanting to start learning programming for a while now, I have no doubt I have the ability for it, its just the actual focusing and learning part that stops me.
  27. DrSketchpad

    Your Greatest "Awww!" Moment

    When my Dad (INTJ) watched me go on to a plane by myself going to seattle. The last words he spoke to me were "bye buddy!". He's my dad and an INTJ; he never calls me "buddy". Its just that he knew he'd be without me for a week or so. It made me have an emotion
  28. DrSketchpad


    For all of you MMO/RPG fans out there what is your free favorite MMO and or RPG in existence?
  29. DrSketchpad


    simple question, everyone handles losing a loved one differently, so in general, do you handle death well?
  30. DrSketchpad


    This might sound a little far-fetched even for INTPs ,but I was thinking; Does your name have a significant impact on who you are, as in how you think, what you act like? My reasoning is, you are named at birth, and are referred to as it for the rest of your life, I thought that would...
  31. DrSketchpad

    Time Does Not Exist

    My thought is; Time is essentially a concept made up by man to measure and explain in a kind of way the constantly moving, creating and destroying universe around us. It does exist to a certain extent, its kind of hard to explain what I'm thinking, but I'm sure you get the main point. Its more...
  32. DrSketchpad


    lol swwwweeeeet
  33. DrSketchpad


    I didn't know exactly where to post this, so I just chose visual art because it was the closest category (In case you all wanted to know). So basically, just post your current wallpaper or your favorite wallpaper. ready set go
  34. DrSketchpad

    Greetings all...

    YES MASTER :borg0:
  35. DrSketchpad

    Greetings all...

    I still haven't properly introduced myself to you all, I thought I owed that to you all after a few months of basically lurking.... So, I'm an INTP (Obviously) who enjoys drawing (I might post some examples in the visual art section if anyone is interested.) Hoping to start learning code...
  36. DrSketchpad

    Black Mesa

    OMG, It's flipping amazing been playing it for about the past hour and love what they've done with it
  37. DrSketchpad

    Minecraft Server Up Now!

    zeldaguy22 intp, thanks
  38. DrSketchpad

    Doctor Who (BBC television show)

    Doctor Who I'm a huge fan of doctor who, so I must ask this to the forum; Have you watched doctor who? And also, if you've seen the new episode that came out a few days ago, do think it was a good intro to the new season?
  39. DrSketchpad

    Starwars: the old republic

    Anyone play S:WTOR?
  40. DrSketchpad

    The INTP Steam Handle Thread

    Also an invite would be tremendously awesome and stuff... :D
  41. DrSketchpad

    The INTP Steam Handle Thread

    SteamID: mysteriousnotepad or Dr.Sketchpad I have too big of a list to post on here I'll write a few though: tf2, orange box mirrors edge, Starwars: KOTOR, dota 2, dc universe etc.
  42. DrSketchpad

    Jack White

    Does anyone else have this love for jack white (no-homo) and White Stripes, Raconteurs, etc.? White Stripes are probably my favorite band of all time, if not, or have never heard of any of these groups, what's you favorite band/ artist of all time?
  43. DrSketchpad

    Sensor Hate

    I've always thought that ISTPs were the closest you could get to N though anyways, I tested for ISTP multiple times, the INTP research I did fit me more though.
  44. DrSketchpad

    What songs put you into your happy place?

    Wilco, definitely Wilco.
  45. DrSketchpad

    Shooting guns

    Well I live in Texas on a ranch, It's more of an everyday required thing lol.
  46. DrSketchpad


    blue also
  47. DrSketchpad

    INTP humor

    lol, I live in the country, no I'm not a total red-neck I used to live in San-antonio, I think the stereotipic "every Texan is in a saloon or riding into the distance on a horse type thing is pretty funny. Responding to the thread topic, yeah I've gotten into some trouble with some honest...
  48. DrSketchpad

    INTPs are the homicidal, sociopathic type.

    I've always heard that ENTPs are more of the sociopathic type and INTPs are the ones that are the total psycopaths when it comes down to that.
  49. DrSketchpad

    What would the world be like...

    Either all insane and in solitary confinement, all dead, or more technologically and mentally exceeding than any other way of existence.
  50. DrSketchpad

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    The #1 reason I love dreams is it's basically a visual representation of your subconscious and that fascinates me. Especially when you have lucid dreams, don't even get me started...
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