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Search results

  1. Overwatch

    I keep wafting around rank 45, I feel like giving up though cause too many people don't know how to adapt their hero picks or can only play with one hero. Or they take it personally and leave when you ask them to switch. The game still has an fps drop problem and frequent disconnects and...
  2. ADD and ADHD scam

    Thank you for sharing nobutlogic, your post has motivated me to commit to make an appointment with my school's pych counselor to see about a diagnosis and possible remedies. I would have done it today but I forgot... My little brother was diagnosed with the hyper subtype (forgot about this...
  3. INTPf out of context

  4. SKYPE

    ^I guess they would be under a gag order.. I could say yes to political accuracy and checking fear at the door, the problem is that the human mind is susceptible to commit and be affected by propaganda. The question is whether to work against it, in spite of it, or with it? On that note...
  5. SKYPE

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXOi44TmKXM I think society hasn't caught up yet with the new reality, and that democracy, liberalism, and the individual are suffering politically for not adapting. Because of the gradual changes it may be too late for society to adapt before global hegemony...
  6. Hey I finally got around to your Hidden Dimensions video. I agreed with the Fi vs Fe...

    Hey I finally got around to your Hidden Dimensions video. I agreed with the Fi vs Fe discussion at these timestamps: 7:30-9:12 9:40-11:10 [SPOILER]
  7. Violence begets violence

    Yup if you cant trust individuals not to harm you in the first place, how could you ever trust people to dole out vengeance in an equitable manner. I guess a reasonable compromise for a constructive society could be to bring back dueling or gladiator games. In participating all parties agree...
  8. Human extinction?

    I think I remember you having the Transmetropolitan avatar? Cyberpunk is obviously pop culture but yes intpf was the first time I heard of transhumanism.
  9. Keyboard recommendations

    :D I think that's about how much I spent so far.. Definitely good luck on your search though, I'm not sure if they make em curved like that for sizes smaller than standard. But yeah I would rec either of the two I listed above.
  10. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I found LaVey's writing and presence endearing even. Perhaps he was a fraud who only sought to make money, or a master manipulator who preyed on the youth who had no guidance, nevertheless it seemed half the values presented in the books were humanistic and focused on raising the dignity of the...
  11. Core Typology

    The Si one isn't as clear to me as the others but the rest I can understand. Do you agree with Beebe's 8 function model (trickster, demon, witch etc) ? We can ask whether INTPs are receptive to expressiveness / engagement, or if due to natural opposition to Fe whether they're critical of it...
  12. Keyboard recommendations

    Ah okay, I'm barely getting into touch typing so I haven't discovered the benefits of different layouts. Curious, would you be interested in something like this: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/infinity-ergodox ?
  13. Keyboard recommendations

    What did you like about the one you were using? Varmilo VB87M White LED Backlit Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard (Brown Cherry MX) I don't personally own this kb, but mx browns are a good pick for fast typing and gaming. As for ergonomics the keys are responsive and easy to press, buttery smooth...
  14. Human extinction?

    I support it based on my antinatalist and technological transhumanism values. I consider bringing new life into the world selfish and unjustifiable, and incompatible with the idea of individual choice. AI/robots would also seem to be the logical evolutionary successor of the human race and we...
  15. I can feel the vast mental landscape you have that I think is the Ne? It reminds me of Lyra in a...

    I can feel the vast mental landscape you have that I think is the Ne? It reminds me of Lyra in a way. Anyway I'm glad you added one for me, thanks. :)
  16. SKYPE

    True, you gotta give some forethought. I find it weird though that overall as a society we've carried on like nothing ever happened with the leaks etc, like lambs.. We've even forgotten that CISA and the USA Freedom act passed.
  17. SKYPE

    Sinny, what do you think about FB and skype considering all the surveillance leaks?
  18. What songs are stuck in your head?

    retail/restaurant work? I swear the music brainwashes you. This was my fave :ahh04::
  19. The Random Thoughts Thread

    this image comes from messier 16 or the eagle nebula, which has a few other peculiar looking figures as well. My first impression was that it looked like an exalted roman statue with the torso pointed outwards, right hand held close to the face. I searched online for others' thoughts and most I...
  20. What songs are stuck in your head?

    Breaks my heart that I'll never hear these in high quality: Kromestar - Unknown Strobes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK52moPIAQA Vivek - Crucial Dub / Soundsystem version Vivek - Fally Ranking / Soundclash dubplate version Subtlemind - Te Vas
  21. Why iNtuitive Functions Are Superior

    Might that have to do with the presentation of mbti itself? To me most mbti descriptions of INTJ seem very extraverted, socially certain, and focused on practical careers. The profiles rarely pay heed to his dominant intuition and when they do it's typically an ability to be a "long range...
  22. The Random Thoughts Thread

    That is so panache.
  23. How do you want to die?

    I guess I'd want to go either riding the euthanasia coaster after dosing on hallucinogens to make my death as intense as possible or perhaps by being propelled towards a black hole to chalk one off the mysteries of the universe.
  24. Nine Inch Nails?

    Don't know why I never got into them, but this is the only one I really know:
  25. The macho alpha voice competition thread

    *Sneaks into the den and shacks up with the lioness while the cubs have a squeaking competition* :cat:
  26. What's your favorite aspect about yourself?

    The world can't crush my spirit and positive attitude towards people. Honestly it's just that I detach and rationalize when conflicted, I don't embrace others as much as I think I do and even when I do try it doesn't work as expected. So at the end of the day I think I truly value my...
  27. Wifi in schools to create massive health crisis in next generations

    Wi-Fi should be safe when operating under proposed guidelines for frequency emission, no? You mention micro waves but isn't WiFi propogated through radio waves? Furthermore I thought radio waves were relatively harmless in general compared to UV, gamma and Xrays? I would like to...
  28. ADD and ADHD scam

    Okay yeah I understand how depression and adhd can be mistaken, perhaps even comorbid. I would suppose one more test is whether your life outside of school has improved as well since highschool or do you just have greater focus in classes? Also I hope I'm not stating the obvious but if you're...
  29. ADD and ADHD scam

    @crippli What about the headaches and sensitivity to light and sounds people experience when hungover? How often do you run into the police? I can appreciate quiet music like your piano example when I'm truly relaxed, most of the time I think my mind is chill but my body is not.
  30. ADD and ADHD scam

    Interesting, I guess passive ADD might not automatically benefit then, I was hoping you said hyperactive. Did your doctor prescribe the high dosage? Also I don't think you mentioned what the real cause for your trouble turned out to be? I don't know but I listen to energetic music and it...
  31. ADD and ADHD scam

    What do you mean by that? Aren't ADD people messed up with respect to dopamine?
  32. ADD and ADHD scam

    Rainman were you misdiagnosed as the hyper active or passive subtype? I am curious of how that's possibly the critical factor in your zombie effect experience after taking Ritalin.
  33. Ask an ESFP

    Proud. Sometimes they do things just to do them and keep momentum going. They like to be the center of attention and will position themselves near any focal point of discussion or power. Always dressed appropriately and never contradict their surroundings.They will be the first to act when...
  34. Overwatch

    After two weeks of not being able to play due to an RMA I come back to news that the June patch caused a massive fps drop for most people, I went from 120fps to 60-80. I thought it was my own card and was going to RMA it for the 3rd time...
  35. Forum Mafia Game #2

    #Overcrack pls send help :kilroy:
  36. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    3/5. I really haven't listened to much more than Through Silver In Blood but this sounds like a solid track in their usual style. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIW5PDvezIA
  37. The Random Thoughts Thread

    The way it's worded sounds like bulimia/anorexia acceptance. Water should be good enough, a gallon a day is probably optimal. If you're still hungry you can spread out your meals/calorie intake for several small courses and engage in light tasks that demand absorption, preferably physical ones...
  38. [INTP]How would you describe yourself ?

    Loyal Grounded Quick Protective Friendly
  39. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  40. Ask an ESFP

    The reckless part kind of applies but overall there was more to it. Kudos on the positive thinking in regards to the mistypes though. If you don't mind, where'd you move to / from?
  41. Mafia Game sign ups.

    Yeah I can't wait, a high quality player is really low on my priorities right now though. I don't know if you like reddit, but clicking on random links in vintageobscura kind of gives a similar experience. It was the one in Hollywood pretty cool that they would have shows there too. I...
  42. Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

  43. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I don't think she's really ESFJ, just like I'm not the INTP that I scored myself. I just thought it was slightly ironic. :) Actually she reminds me of a TV/movie character that I can't put my finger on, but I would say she's speaks kinda fast almost in a rambling fashion but not quite and it...
  44. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm taking a communications class and the prof early on revealed herself to be a face-palming misandrist, it's makes the class so damn awkward because it's really obvious. Then she drops a bomb that she was violated as a child and I just didn't know how to feel. It's like you can tell the stress...
  45. Mafia Game sign ups.

    At least the Crosley won't scratch your records, right? Mine isn't really worth anything, it's a Fisher mt716 and they produced the lower end stuff for Sanyo in the 70s-80s. High school was when I got into it as well, mostly because of WhatCD and hanging out at Amoeba records after school. I'm...
  46. This Generation and Memes

    @Nebulous your images aren't showing. You must have at least 7000 posts to view this image.
  47. Ask an ESFP

    Why is your social life dead right now? It's the way you answered some of the questions that gave me an idea of how you might approach the world, I interpreted a lack of Se dom liberalness and more Fe security. Plus a focus on 'synchronized fun' like the cha cha slide and line dancing. The...
  48. This Generation and Memes

    Hillary wants a Manhattan Project for memes, and Trump has been trying to pump up the pepe market so he can dump his pepes when prices are high.
  49. This Generation and Memes

    Memes poisoned my water supply, burned my crops, and delivered a plague unto my house.
  50. Mafia Game sign ups.

    Noice. Was that from random digging? What turntable do you have? My gramps let me have his old record player but it's dusty with no cover and the anti-skate doesn't work. I replaced the cartridge to get it to play again but the needle broke I think.
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