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Search results

  1. Dimensional Transition

    EVENTUALLY I will grow tired of this avatar, however, whether the new avatar will be an...

    EVENTUALLY I will grow tired of this avatar, however, whether the new avatar will be an improvement remains a mystery...
  2. Dimensional Transition


    I don't hate metal but I don't really like it anymore either. Music taste isn't bonded to MBTI types probably. I used to love metal from 11-13 I think, then I just started regarding it as childish and stupid, now I can appreciate metal at times, but for the most part I find it tiring. I still...
  3. Dimensional Transition

    Ah I have the same thing pretty much. Sorry! Just see this alien Bill Cosby as a friendly...

    Ah I have the same thing pretty much. Sorry! Just see this alien Bill Cosby as a friendly guardian watching over you B)
  4. Dimensional Transition

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

  5. Dimensional Transition

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    Definitely. Exactly, it feels as if you're driven into a corner, eh? <3 That's worrying. So to the girl I like I seem like an untrustworthy anxious weak guy? I do look her in the eyes sometimes. Feels amazing. Maybe because I'm not used to looking people in the eyes.
  6. Dimensional Transition

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    What would be the factor causing the 'fear' of holding eye contact then be?
  7. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

  8. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual maturation and weight

    It becomes a habit? Not necessarily an addiction.
  9. Dimensional Transition

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    I find this really, really hard. I always try to when it's a serious conversation, for example a job interview, but after a few seconds of looking that person in the eyes I feel like I need some 'air', look away for a moment. Sometimes I think people might think I'm paranoid because I'm...
  10. Dimensional Transition


    Wonderfully interesting topics!
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual maturation and weight

    Same. Except I didn't watch porn yet. I still don't do often because porn just feels nasty, Imagination/still images are more preferable haha. I think men start maturing earlier than women in sexual behaviour, but for the rest women start earlier in maturing(thought process, body etc although...
  12. Dimensional Transition


    Which wikipedia articles about psychology & neuroscience have interested you the most personally? Which articles do you keep visiting every once in a while? Interesting wikipedia articles I probably read too much: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highly_sensitive_person...
  13. Dimensional Transition

    Personality Disorder Test

    Wow. You people score quite high. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: High Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate Damn it. They're a little right though. I should go...
  14. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual maturation and weight

    I did read the link, I guess I just read it too quickly. But alright then.
  15. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

    Yeah, that's so stupid. I hate how everybody has to be afraid as to not give 'TOO MUCH INFORMATION AMAGAD'. Sexual topics occur in our daily lives, what the hell. Most people watch porn regularly and still everybody has to keep it on the down-low and politicians even get fired when it comes out...
  16. Dimensional Transition

    What do INTPs look like

    I wear converse/vans-type shoes. But barely the real brands because you can get the same comfortableness for like half the price. I'm cheap-ass when it comes to stuff like this.
  17. Dimensional Transition

    What do INTPs look like

    I don't like nikes because most people I see wearing them look very unfriendly or are trying really hard to fit in and be popular. And they're way too expensive. You can buy good boots and shoes anywhere from 25-60 euros.
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

    And THAT is why INTPs are viewed as creepy or weird.
  19. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual maturation and weight

    Eh? The angst is caused by the results of sexual maturation, the angst isn't influencing the way boobs grow. Or am I missing something here.
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Haha, how is it disturbing?

    Haha, how is it disturbing?
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual maturation and weight

    LET THE DISCUSSION BEGIN I've always had a normal weight. Not skinny, not overweight. At the moment maybe some lack of muscle because I'm quite reclusive. My family's weight suggests that around my 30s I will suddenly start becoming obese though ): I had hair on my arms at a really young age, I...
  22. Dimensional Transition

    What do INTPs look like

    I see. But I still don't count history as economics, really. Maybe it's my lack of knowledge of the English language. I associate economy with wall-street crashes, lots of people caring only about money, etc etc. Of course, this is generalized information. But I wouldn't see all of you working...
  23. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

    Well at least you have a boyfriend! Blood and gore... that is really disturbing to me. The rest, nah.
  24. Dimensional Transition


    Aha, I see. That seems fine, then. @Gnome: Yeah, I was thinking that... It really depends on the long-term emotional position the INTP is in. (Of course that matters for most people, but for INTPs a little more) I wouldn't trip knowing that my last panic attacks were only 2 weeks ago. I would...
  25. Dimensional Transition

    What do INTPs look like

    How is this possible? Don't we all have a strong sense of justice and are mostly against brain-washing commercials? I hate this description. It does not fit me at all, I don't like economy, 'businessmen' etc. at all! I'm good at economy at school, but I still don't like it. I would prefer to...
  26. Dimensional Transition


    Yeah, but in level 5 of type 5?
  27. Dimensional Transition

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - How to Dress Well - Lover's Start (Official Video) Anything that has a little 80s, relaxing, trippy or spacey atmosphere will do for me. By now I'm listening to this already... YouTube - Twin Shadow 'Slow' (NSFW) Just listen to this if it's midnight or later(and watch...
  28. Dimensional Transition


    What do you want to say with this? Is this the right thread you wanted to post in? Level 5 seems to fit me. Should I be worried? I am, kind of. It sounds worrying.
  29. Dimensional Transition

    Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~

    I enjoyed reading that a lot haha. But yeah... My mom tries to change me a little every once in a while, usually it doesn't work. Some people in my class were all very angry at me once and tried to 'change' me because they thought I was a douche because I didn't do anything for a group project...
  30. Dimensional Transition

    Weak voice

    This. Mainly. I think this applies to most of us.
  31. Dimensional Transition

    Last movie you watched

    The Big Lebowski. What a wonderful absurdist/surrealistic movie. Even though I barely understood the plot, I loved it.
  32. Dimensional Transition

    Merry Christmas INTPf

    Me too... Anyhow, merry Christmas everybody(even though most of us probably aren't Christians), and a happy new year!
  33. Dimensional Transition

    I'll try playing it with a mouse later on, see what happens haha.

    I'll try playing it with a mouse later on, see what happens haha.
  34. Dimensional Transition

    I have a wacom tablet, maybe it's easier to catch the little balls when you use a pen instead of...

    I have a wacom tablet, maybe it's easier to catch the little balls when you use a pen instead of a mouse.
  35. Dimensional Transition

    I'm back.

    I don't think the problem is mainly in INTJs or ISTJs or something, it's more that Js in general are pretty JUDGEMENTAL(woah) which annoys people who are more perceiving.
  36. Dimensional Transition

    Weak voice

    I had one of the lowest voices of all my friends when I was around 13, now I have a normal voice, maybe a little lower than most other guys, but I don't notice it. I do have quite a passive voice though, yeah. People tend to think I'm always stoned. Apparently that's the way I talk. I also have...
  37. Dimensional Transition

    Learning to talk as a child

    This. Exactly this. I'd also call my parents collectively 'mapa', instead of papa or mama, because I didn't know which one to choose. (According to my mother)
  38. Dimensional Transition


  39. Dimensional Transition

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    Yeah, I agree with you. I found this out too early though. It shouldn't be knowledge gained in high school. Now I'm 16 and unwilling to finish school and I've become a cynical depressed douchebag to others. The chameleon effect is awesome, but it's also depressing how shallow people are. I quit...
  40. Dimensional Transition

    Worst Music Ever

    It made me giggle. (I LOVE calming harps, how is that awful music? Okay, the rest might've been a bit messy, but it's not nearly as bad as some serious music.)
  41. Dimensional Transition

    Shy or Outgoing.

    Introvert, middle. I'm very shy when I have to interact with someone I like, I'm extroverted towards friends. I'm somewhat shy/middle with strangers.
  42. Dimensional Transition

    Worst Music Ever

    Is it very bad... If I kind of... like this?
  43. Dimensional Transition

    INTP vs. ADHD

    I've been wondering that myself too. I don't know for myself yet.
  44. Dimensional Transition

    INTP Fashion?

    I do care a little. I don't want to wear the exact same as everybody else, nor look like an attention-seeking douchebag. I usually go for somewhat slim-fit mens' jeans in the colors black or grey, just not so slim-fit that you can see the shape of my legs... That's kind of creepy. And for...
  45. Dimensional Transition


  46. Dimensional Transition

    Worst Music Ever

    YouTube - HARDCORE YOUR PUSSY MOTHERFUCKER This is pretty awful in my opinion. And yeah, pretty much anything else that has to do with 'XD IM BISEXUAL SINCE YESTERDAY JAPAN JAPAN XD KAWAII EMO EMO' is pretty bad yeah.
  47. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

    Haha, you sound like a really fun person actually (: Long posts are okay around here, I think.
  48. Dimensional Transition

    INTP Personality Development

    Do you feel ashamed now? (You don't have to be/shouldn't be, by the way, just curiosity) I always feel very ashamed when things like these happen to me, when I assume a lot of wrong things, and somebody corrects me. I accept my misconceptions etc, but it still makes me feel a bit vulnerable. But...
  49. Dimensional Transition

    Is it just me or...

    I'd go, and participate, AND watch for people's reactions!
  50. Dimensional Transition


    I thought psychedelics were more INTP-like drugs, but I guess not. I can see how INTPs will seek for moments of tranquility in their minds though, as the thoughts seem to keep on racing always, which gets very annoying from time to time.
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