• OK, it's on.
  • Please note that many, many Email Addresses used for spam, are not accepted at registration. Select a respectable Free email.
  • Done now. Domine miserere nobis.

Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
I posted a bit of the formspring drama I had a while back on the "Are you creepy/weird?" thread, and I wanted to ask if any of you have had similar experiences. I have very polarizing experiences with people; some people love me and my weirdness, while others are extremely annoyed and demand that I change in order to gain their approval.

So, the question:
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?

Here's the conversation that went on:

Them: why do you type so weird? like bees? like wtf..

Me: Oh that's only with my friends. I'm not sure why you would care if I type oddly, but okie-doke! To each their own.

Also, if you're going to critique my writing, you might want to check your grammar first. "Why do you type weirdly" is the correct way to arrange your sentence.

Them: u act like such a know it all. it is really annoying. you talk down to people so much. u act like u r smarter than everyone. it's obnoxious. so stop correcting people on everything! (also stop acting like u dont care about anything)

Me: I care about lots of things. Unfortunately, I don't care about Formspring trolls. Go find another victim.

You were complaining about something I wrote, so I complained about how you wrote. I'm not smarter than anyone at all. Everyone one is good at something. I swear. I might be able to see a solution faster than some people, but they can do amazing things I can't possibly ever accomplish. Like gym. If I talk down to you, I'm sorry. Just tell me something like "Can I put a word in?" and I'll let you speak.

I guess you've never worked with me. I'm actually very iffy on most of my ideas. If you're convinced I'm wrong, I'll listen to your arguments and either destroy them or agree with you.

Them: i think you think im stupid and i really dont care but at least dont make it so obvious it can hurt a lot of people

Me: I don't think you're stupid. Nobody is stupid. Talk to me in real life if you feel hurt and I'll try to work it out. I get irritated with people but I don't think ANYONE is stupid.

Them: i agree with the person who said that u try to correct people too often like when someone says something u should let them say it the way they want to cause no one cares about the grammatically correct way of saying it let them "enjoy their oddness"

Me: The only reason I was correcting their grammar is 'cause they were talking about my grammar. I seriously DON'T CARE whether or not you use your instead of you're; I might get irritated, and if it's on a graded assignment I'd point it out so no points are taken off, but otherwise its not a bother.

Some people do care about grammar. Ever met an English teacher?

Please give me an example of a time I've "hurt your feelings" by not letting you "enjoy your oddness" and I'll explain to you my rational behind it.

Them: you honestly can't even think of one time u were annoying and mean to someone. Way to think of yourself highly. you think u r the smartest person in the world, or at least u act that way. i am not trying to b a bitch. try being more modest, k?

Me: I'm just asking you to point out a time I was specifically mean to YOU. There are plenty of times I've been a horrible person to plenty of people and I'm not going to deny /that/. Try being less judgmental, k?

-I then made a facebook status talking about how amused I was by all the drama going on-

Them: your status is so bitchy. people are just trying to tell you things that they think would help make you an even better person and you call them silly completely disregarding the entire point of formspring. stop being so rude!

This is.. amazing. I'm almost convinced now that this is a joke. A "point" of formspring? The point of formspring is to make money.
Who would have ever thought that the company who make this website wanted to make money?
I was *convinced* the site was a playground for trolls.
Insulting people anonymously: not rude.
Posting vague statuses on facebook: extremely rude OMG!!!!

Them: you should probably be nicer to people who try to be nice to you. people really dont like it when others point out their flaws, especially publically. i think ur nice but whenever i talk to u u always find something ive done wrong its obnoxious

[I found this one extremely amusing due to the fact that they were yelling at me for "pointing out their flaws" while they were yelling at me on formspring... about "typing so weird"]

Me: Okay. Who are you? I don't remember doing this to anyone. I'll just say this: if you ask me to be honest, I will be completely, brutally honest. I won't lie to make you feel better.

Them: see, even when someone is trying to HELP u, u act as if u do NOTHING wrong which is complete bull. u don't need to put someone down to be "honest" that's makes that person feel crappy. stop acting like u know everything.

Me: Stop acting like YOU know everything. Ooooh, you're helping me? By trying to make me feel like I'm a rude, stuck up brat? Thank-you very, very much for educating me.

Them: please i can barely talk to u because i know that i will be proven wrong by you, which gets very aggrivating. also u get so serious when people are joking around, and u start yelling @ ppl. please ease up :)

Me: Then don't push stupid theories. Don't say dumb things then expect me to cheerily say OH YES YOU'RE POSITIVELY RIGHT! If you're so bothered by me that you feel the need to troll my formspring just don't talk to me anymore, okay?

I can joke around. Trust me. I just don't think certain things are amusing. I'm not immature.

Them: if there are so many hate comments then TAKE A HINT! ur replies are nasty. "dumb theories"+"dumb things"? seriously at least try to deal with peoples stupidity because i am ur "friend" and u obviously can't deal with mine.sorry i am too stupid for u bitch

Me: You. Aren't. Stupid.
How many times do I have to tell you this? If you can't get it though your skull that you AREN'T stupid then /that's/ why I have a problem with you. I'm basically 99% sure that all these "hate comments" are from one person. You. I have no idea why you have a problem with me. If you could give me a more specific situation or tell me your name we could find a solution. Because you refuse to address the problem, it is YOUR FAULT. I've tried to work this through with you, but you seem dead set on a conflict. I'm sorry, but I don't care enough to actually "seek you out". If you're my friend, please just tak this through with me. You don't have to be anonymous about it. I won't hate you. Promise.

Them: why are u so mean! i met u this year and every time i talk to u u always find something wrong with what i say or you ignore me and listen to ur headset. i didnt do anything wrong and u feel the need to be a jerk, be nicer!

[This one made me start laughing hysterically. I knew by now who was writing these; she has known me since 3rd grade and has always fostered an intense dislike for me.]

Me: I listen to my headset because I am extremely INTROVERTED. That should explain why you may feel I'm 'distant' sometimes. I just don't like interacting with people in large groups.

I'm not going to do anything you command me to do. "e nicer"? I'm not going to skip though a field of flowers with you and be fake and idiotic for your personal satisfaction. If you want to talk to me, draw me away from the group we're in and I'll be glad to discuss whatever you want.

Them: i think that maybe it would be good for you to listen to some of this advice instead of blowing it off, these people have a point. i am trying to be nice about it but you are kind of rude to people and i think if you worked on that people would like u

Me: I don't care what you think. I don't care whether random people like me or not. Try talking to me in real life and I'll take you a bit more seriously. Like I said before, I won't get angry at you.

Them: only a bit? wow you really are mean. also you telling me that you dont care what i think, thats rude.


Grow up. If you can't say it to me in person I DON'T CARE, okie-doke?

Them: u needd to stop and realize who you are. cause the mary i knew a year ago is way different than the one i see now.

Me: I'm the same. Maybe you've changed, but I haven't. Actually, I change how I act occasionally, but I never go back to the same one. It gets boring after a while, staying the same person. It's fun to mix it up occasionally.

I realize who I am. I understand my outward behaviors completely.

Them: you used to be so nice! what happened?

Me: Nothing, actually. I haven't bothered to change my outward actions yet since last year. It must just be you. ^-^

Them: i dont understand why you are laughing at these people who truly feel these things about you. i know i do, so why would you be so mean to them?

Me: 'Cause they, or should I say, YOU are cowardly and not exactly a nice person yourself.
Tell me in person if you want me to listen to your ideas AT ALL.

Them: you used to be a really good friend of mine but reading your responses to these people's comments makes me really angry and you seem like you are being such a bitch! now i dont feel like we could be friends again

Me: If you actually are one of my friends, you would have heard me talking about why I retaliated to you in this way.
Fine. If you don't want to be my friends based on some stupid social networking site and can't actually confront me in person, I feel no need to be your friend.

Them: mary i used to like you. that shy girl was nice. and now u have gotten comfortably around all our friends. and because of that, you have turned into a bitch. u may not know it. if u only want Z** and m** as your friends fine.

Me: Just say this to my face. 'Kay?
I PROMISE I won't flip out at you.
Sometimes I'll make sarcastic comments that are rude and rather mean, but they're never meant to hurt anyone~!

JEEEZZZ I have other friends besides Millster and Zeenie. Okie-doke? My whole life does not revolve around school.

Why shouldn't I be comfortable around my friends? Should I just go around with my feelings all pent up and spew them on formspring?
Talk to me. Please. I'm concerned for you. I won't hate you. In fact, it'll prolly just make us better friends.

Them: oh please, i really dont need you as a friend. i am concerned for you. see i was trying to be nice, but now that you have ticked me off and insulted me a bit, i am bringing my bitch on.

Me: If you don't want/need to be my friend, why are you talking to me and trying to "improve" me?
I was in such a good mood, too..
I'm a sarcastic, caustic introvert who doesn't enjoy the company of most people.
Feel free to troll up my formspring. :)

Them: i think its really funny and so stupid for people like you not to see that all these comments are coming from the people u hang with. u always say something like if u were my friend u wouldnt say this. actually the truth is we would. ITS CALLED TWO-FACED

[I literally laughed for about five minutes straight at this. I can't believe she honestly thought she was one of my best friends.. After I'd spent a few months in 3rd grade trying to understand why she hated me, I had just tried to ignore her as much as possible]

Me: I mean, if you were one of my real friends, you wouldn't say this. There are some fake, two-faced people I hang out with, and I don't really like talking to them 'cos I know what they are. Hanging out =/= friends.

Them: so then i shouldnt consider u my friend because i am just one of your "hanging out" friends? mary u can do whatever you want with your life. but at least have some respect and dont become a bitch because i know you arent

Me: Look, I have no idea who you are. (Well, I do have an idea, but I don't wanna say anything 'cos you'd get uber offended)

There is a difference between FRIENDS (people you tell all your secrets, the ones you trust, the ones you would do almost anything for) and friends who you have inside jokes with and chat with occasionally. I'm 99.99% sure you aren't my super-duper close friend.

I'm not going to be a shy, docile wallflower just to make you happy. I'm not an outgoing and aggressive person, this is true. But I'm not a passive, do-what-you-want type of person either.

Them: u and m****** barely know eachother. she doesnt know what u are like inside of school so she needs to stop mocking us. she also doesnt know any of your friends. she needs to be quiet. you two make a lovely couple.

[On this post, she forgot to make herself anonymous. I was right about who it was, the silly fool.]

I was pretty sure this was you, A**. I'm sorry you feel this way. You are, however, one of those people I've never been able to completely trust.

You're right that M****** doesn't know what I'm like in school, but you don't have to go psycho over it.
Also, I wish you had told me this in person rather than as a mistake.

Then she tried to claim she was hacked, then she admitted she wasn't, then she acted retarded for a few weeks before everything went back to normal. In the end, she did end up dragging a few other people into it, but I knew most of them were just peer pressured into it (she's very, very domineering) and we made up. Ironically enough, the school ended up having an "anti cyber bullying" seminar shortly after she revealed herself, in which the instructor person told stories about people who committed suicide after similar incidents on formspring, and their "tormentors" were sent to jail. I had a good chuckle after seeing the look on her face after that one.


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
If that isn't an iron wall of text, I've never seen one before.

Don't feel obligated to read that, at all. The question is the important part. ^-^


Local time
Today 9:41 PM
Oct 1, 2010
I posted a bit of the formspring drama I had a while back on the "Are you creepy/weird?" thread, and I wanted to ask if any of you have had similar experiences. I have very polarizing experiences with people; some people love me and my weirdness, while others are extremely annoyed and demand that I change in order to gain their approval.

So, the question:
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?

Apparently how I post is an issue
on this forum for many.


lust for life
Local time
Today 10:41 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Eh, nothing new. I say disable your Formspring account and don't let timid people speak without it being face to face.

Nope, nobody really has tried to change me. People have commented though.


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 11:41 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Yes, my family both appreciate and critique my oddity. I'm known as 'weird uncle Architect'. My mother still complains about my 'odd' eating habits, and wishes I was more normal (that I ate higher on the food chain, like scavengers (crabs) and food genetically related to me (cows and sheep)). It goes on and on.

But they're tolerant, and also appreciate my weirdness, despite the chaff.


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
Eh, nothing new. I say disable your Formspring account and don't let timid people speak without it being face to face.

Nope, nobody really has tried to change me. People have commented though.

Hehe, I did enjoy it though~


Local time
Today 10:41 PM
Aug 26, 2010
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?
I've had these dime a dozen. The sad thing is, they seem to genuinely want to help me, so they can't be bad people. Just...unfortunate. And then people who flat-out refused to hang out with me unless I could change according to their liking... which hurt, since I don't approach very many people in the first place to be friends with.

An instance of this sort of guidance: few days back a friend of mine was telling me how I treat my guests is entirely wrong and unethical (I asked if he would like tea; he thinks asking is rude). The same person was also very much offended when I asked him if he was going to pay for the gas (he was, but he didn't). He thinks I lack social etiquette, and have no regard for social norms (he's right). Ironically, said person is an INTJ, and has a dozen or so habits that aren't socially acceptable, but I can't be bothered to point them out to him. Unnecessary confrontation and all. Bah. :kilroy:


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 7:41 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I don't have any friends, except the creepy/weird people on the internet.

Normal people scare me :phear:

Dimensional Transition

Bill Cosbor, conqueror of universes
Local time
Today 7:41 PM
Nov 3, 2010
the Netherlands
I enjoyed reading that a lot haha. But yeah... My mom tries to change me a little every once in a while, usually it doesn't work. Some people in my class were all very angry at me once and tried to 'change' me because they thought I was a douche because I didn't do anything for a group project. I was very depressed at the time, and had a really hard time doing anything at all. I explained the situation to the teacher and that it was my fault that the project wasn't finished, so she gave everybody in my group good, honest grades and gave me an F, which was fair. Nobody managed to change me in the end.

Those are the only times people have tried to change me I think... Most people tell me I'm a relaxed open-minded person usually, who is a little too anxious at times... But I'm happy with that. Someone has pointed out though that I can be very rude when I don't want to talk and people still bother me with their chit-chat. Which is true, that's something I want to change myself, too. Because I really don't like that. It's a bad characteristic. I told the person sitting next to me in class once that I really didn't feel like talking at all, but he still started talking... I RAGED, which was really unfair. I said something like 'WHY THE FUCK DO YOU TALK SO FUCKING MUCH FUCK!'. I apologized afterwards.


Local time
Today 12:41 PM
Mar 17, 2010
So, the question:
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?

I think mine prefer to just take condescending or passive-aggressive attitudes towards me whenever I dare to be myself. They do seem to get rather offended whenever I'm "not fitting in". Actually it's been pretty much downhill with the few friends I have for years and years. I think they know trying to "change me" at this point is a completely lost cause, so they're more likely to just start being dicks when differences arise.

In retrospect I wish I'd put more effort into picking my friends. I tend to just hang out with whoever will be nice to me (i.e. I let them pick me). As a result I end up not having anything in common with the people I know.

Anyway, sarcastic thoughts like "what lovely 'friends' I have" occur frequently. I'm not really sure how friend should be defined anyway. Is it someone you can trust? Someone that's fun to be around? Someone you spend a lot of time with? It seems like a lot of people who are "friends" really aren't very good "friends".

Stoic Beverage

has a wide pancake of knowledge
Local time
Today 12:41 PM
Sep 20, 2009
I'm not sure, but it's rather chilly.
I've only had one person try to "improve" me, but that was because they had a false impression of who I was. I eventually scared them away.

I'd like to thank you for posting that "iron wall of text". I laughed at least three times, and now the other person in the room is staring at me as if I'm mad.
Trolls are so very fun.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:41 AM
Aug 14, 2010
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?
Anyone who's ever been married.


But, no, seriously, the only people who try to change me are women, who love my boyish charms, yet hate my immaturity.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
I wouldn't try to change you but I would shoot you....which I guess is changing you (from alive to dead).

I recognised some of myself in that wall of text (until I stopped reading it). I've seen others irl behave much like this too and it's kinda funny in a sad way that I will see them as being so insufferable. I realise this is how I must seem to others and feel down about myself for a time. But I don't change, oh no, I'll never change. Thnx for writing it all out like that :D


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
I told the person sitting next to me in class once that I really didn't feel like talking at all, but he still started talking... I RAGED, which was really unfair. I said something like 'WHY THE FUCK DO YOU TALK SO FUCKING MUCH FUCK!'. I apologized afterwards.

Glad you liked it! :D

I feel like doing that all the time.. Mostly I just give death glares, but sometimes, if they start getting really annoying, I throw out rapid-fire insults until I get a lil' peace.

Anyway, sarcastic thoughts like "what lovely 'friends' I have" occur frequently. I'm not really sure how friend should be defined anyway. Is it someone you can trust? Someone that's fun to be around? Someone you spend a lot of time with? It seems like a lot of people who are "friends" really aren't very good "friends".

I define a friend as someone who doesn't talk behind your back, who you can trust a secret with, but someone who you can still have fun with. I've only had a few of these friends in my (admittedly short) life, but I thing quality > quantity.

I'd like to thank you for posting that "iron wall of text". I laughed at least three times, and now the other person in the room is staring at me as if I'm mad.
Trolls are so very fun.

Oh, I love getting trolls and messing with their heads. It's dreadfully amusing. ^-^

Do you know the other person in the room? I once went into a library and started laughing hysterically as I was reading a book. I thought I was alone, but when I looked up there was a boy staring at me.. I'm pretty sure he was terrified.

Stoic Beverage

has a wide pancake of knowledge
Local time
Today 12:41 PM
Sep 20, 2009
I'm not sure, but it's rather chilly.

Do you know the other person in the room? I once went into a library and started laughing hysterically as I was reading a book. I thought I was alone, but when I looked up there was a boy staring at me.. I'm pretty sure he was terrified.
Yes, the person was my sister.
I occasionally laugh out loud whenever I make some silent commentary that I find really witty, though I've received many looks inquiring as to whether I was in possession of my sanity. Always good fun.


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
Yes, the person was my sister.
I occasionally laugh out loud whenever I make some silent commentary that I find really witty, though I've received many looks inquiring as to whether I was in possession of my sanity. Always good fun.

No one in my family thinks I have any sort of sanity at all.

Why be sane when you can be having tons of fun?


Local time
Today 7:41 PM
Dec 22, 2010
Czech Republic, Prague
I don't remember anyone trying to really change me. Making some suggestions, yes.

About the conversation:
I may have missed the information - why do you bother with such conversation anyway? Things like this just annoy me so i try to avoid them. I'm curious what made you take the "risk" and write your answer to the very first question the way you did.
... doke! To each their own.
Also, if you're going to critique my writing, you might want to check your grammar first. "Why do you type weirdly" is the correct way to arrange your sentence.
Maybe i'm missing some context here but it kind of seems like you asking for "trouble" :angel:


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Sep 25, 2008
I see communication as a negotiation.

If the writer and the reader (which are roles played by both participatants, actually) cannot agree on terms/rules, then one or both will end the communication.

So the whole question of "doing your own thang" seems to me to fit with your priority in writing. If you want to be understood / encourage people to read, then you tailor what you do in order to make communication easier, to whatever balance feels acceptable; it's not just sensible, it's a matter of respecting the reader. If the writing's more about self-expression, then it's less important for people to actually read your content and you'll do your thing regardless, and the audience will have to puzzle it out.

So the first question to ask: Are you doing art, or are you trying to communicate?

Most people will meet you halfway (or thereabouts) in a typical communication. If the dialog demands more energy than the payoff, though, then people will start to bail.

If people are unwilling to meet me halfway by following generally agreed-upon patterns of communication, then unless I really find them insightful or enjoy their writing, it's probably not worth my continual energy investment. But that's just me.

@OP: As far as content, I only skimmed a bit of it. You might make a good case in there somewhere, it just seems like an awful lot of drama.

I value people who don't demand that I change either, I think each person does need to be able to offer who and what they are, to others... and also that we have to be given the freedom to grow even while imperfect/rough around the edges. Still, there's a balance between being oneself and learning how to work / mesh with others. It's both, not either/or.


ad nauseam
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Feb 13, 2010
In my own head
About the conversation:
I may have missed the information - why do you bother with such conversation anyway? Things like this just annoy me so i try to avoid them. I'm curious what made you take the "risk" and write your answer to the very first question the way you did.

Maybe i'm missing some context here but it kind of seems like you asking for "trouble" :angel:

Well, yes. I like messing with people who accuse me of being too weird. :P

@Fukyo: If you're too mean, they just run away! There's no fun in that!

Solitaire U.

Last of the V-8 Interceptors
Local time
Today 10:41 AM
Dec 5, 2010
"So, the question:
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?"

It's all fun and games until someone who struggles with a sincere inability to achieve social acceptance enters the picture...the homeless, the mentally disordered, the disfigured, the racially-divergent. This thread only implies that your true alignment with social acceptance is, like the vast majority of others', slightly canted at worst. But this common mis-perception of Social Acceptance is not merely credulous. When we de-value Social Acceptance for the dubious indulgence of proclaiming ourselves Black Sheep, we force others to contend with Social Acceptance as a vertical ascent.

We nurture our self-denial upon charitable delusions that amount to nothing more than conveniently-packaged gestures of concern, but a Black Sheep needs a literal hand to hold to maintain it's footing upon the Social precipice, just like the rest of us.

Precious few are the willing to hold hands with a true black sheep. Credulous to proclaim oneself such in total ignorance of what that entails...


Being brains, they feel compelled to know everythi
Local time
Today 10:41 AM
Jan 18, 2011
So, the question:
How many of you have had people who try to change you so you are more "socially acceptable" or for some other similar reason?

I was at a bar with a few ASL classmates last year for an event. We got on the subject of my social personality (this topic follows me everywhere).

Upon *concerned* prompting, I ensured my class-friend I enjoy relaxing with my beer, listening to the music and soaking in the atmosphere. "I'm having fun--though sometimes people don't understand *how*, and that I must be bored."

You can probably guess the next part. His ESXX personality compelled him to actually say that if I tried harder to be social, I can have more fun and won't have that problem anymore.


I know I don't have to explain this to you guys, but I will lay it out anyway:

1. I was having fun, but thank you for harshing my mellow, douche-bag.
2. "Problem"? You mean your precious problem?
3. How does "I enjoy relaxing this way." = "Help me! I'm lonely & confused!"

One day I'm going to go Joe Pesci on someone's ass. "What am I, a clown? Am I supposed to am'yooze you?"

Check out this wryly ironic Google ad posted under the INTP profile at Sociomics as of about 1hr ago:

Introvert = Loser
Being Yourself is Not the Solution It's the Problem. Learn to Change.
I don't know about you (or do I?) but the above makes me think of such sentiment as weak and useless.

I'm making this next part up for general am'yoozement, because I do am'yooze myself:
Two people, an E and an I, are sitting in an empty waiting room. After some insufferable small talk--mostly by the E--the room falls quiet (it can happen!) After a short while:

E: I'm boooooored!
I: Huh? What? Sorry, I was occupied by thought. What did you say?


Local time
Tomorrow 1:41 AM
Feb 9, 2010
Two people, an E and an I, are sitting in an empty waiting room. After some insufferable small talk--mostly by the E--the room falls quiet (it can happen!) After a short while:

E: I'm boooooored!
I: Huh? What? Sorry, I was occupied by thought. What did you say?

Realistically : What? No.. I mean.. uhh... *back to fantasizing*


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 10:41 AM
Aug 23, 2009
Good to see you are still around Mary.



Edit: Egads. That was horrifying.
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Dec 28, 2010
I rather die a horrible death than to let others change me. The world is ugly, putrid, disgusting, and plastic. I wouldn't think of joining their ranks. I'm happy with standing out. Besides another "normal" person would make things boring. I like variety.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:41 AM
Jun 13, 2010
I rather die a horrible death than to let others change me. The world is ugly, putrid, disgusting, and plastic. I wouldn't think of joining their ranks. I'm happy with standing out. Besides another &quot;normal&quot; person would make things boring. I like variety.

I prefer standing in while I change them. The ego is nothing more then an obstacle. We shouldn't just be mad at others for screwing us over, but also with ourselves for being screwed over. I have to take responsibility for all the abuse I have endured from others, so that I can let go of the past...
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