What these thoughts stem from is the drug completely removes one's ego, and it seems you're looking at everything from a 'true' perspective, without your bias clouding your vision. If you give in to it, things can get messy an you'll develop paranoia during the trip, convinced perhaps that your life has been a lie up til now, at least in regards to the thing occupying your thoughts.
To me, the challenge of overcomin this is half the fun. I drop the tabs with a 'Do your worst' mindset, and I embrace the paranoia/removal of ego but don't dwell on it. This has led me to do large doses at a time, trying to see just how far I can push my mind. My most recent trip I dropped 2 tabs of LSD, waited an hour, smoked DMT, and shit got nuts. Then about 2-3 hours later I dropped another 2 tabs. I tripped for about 15 hours total. And it was potent LSD, apparently lol. Everything just became balls of glowing energy, like I was seeing the buildin blocks of the world. My mind seemed to expand and occupy the entire room, and I just got an overwhelming realisation that I can manipulate the energy in this world to do whatever I wanted, I was a powerful force that could change things. I wasn't part of my body, my mind felt connected with everything around me, and my thoughts could become reality. I could burn the world down, I could end my life in a second, I could create things and influence things, all with my thoughts. I could create an army Project Mayhem style (Fight Club), after all humans are energy as well, and they operate first and foremost like energy does (and this is why people who emit energy ('charisma') rise to fame and attract more energy (people, material possessions), people go to concerts/large events because of the energy they feel when they're all crowded together jumpin around and being in the moment, and they thrive off it at a basic level). So I reached out and tipped over a cup and declared, 'Ha ha! Manipulation!' lol
It's hard to explain, and I really haven't done it justice, but it was cool. It was about a year ago and I don't think I'll do it again for years to come. One day, maybe.