Intentional error, if you can even call it that. Slut is such a harsh, jagged word. Girls are much less taken aback and offended when you call them a slute, as it is much more warm and welcoming. Say it aloud, and enjoy the tingling pleasure as it just rolls of the tongue. Enjoyable right? But the best has yet to come.
Even going so far as to disregard my aforementioned issues with the highly offensive oratory nature of the word, I want you to say aloud the most common, though grammatically incorrect, variation of word slut. (For all you idiots, it's slutty). Ew. I feel gross even typing it. But like I said, let us disregard for a moment the phonetics of this disgusting word.
Slutty. How completely offensive. For any of you out there who HAVEN'T already made the mistake of calling a girl this, I strongly recommend you don't. First of all, it is just horribly mean, and no man should call himself such if he describes a girl with this colloquialism of an adjective. Secondly, it is unfair to derogate women for actions which are praised in men, and the word slutty does just that. Thirdly, using said word will irreparably damage your reputation within the female community as a whole. Fourthly, and breaking my own rule, it just sounds terrible coming out of your mouth.
Now. Say slutey. Slutey slutey slutey slutes. (FYI it is pronounced S-S-S-l-o-o-o-o-t-ie, hold the s a bit and let the delicious word build up with anticipation before releasing this verbal pleasure to the world.) Calling a girl slutey is much more appropriate, kind, and endearing. Calling a girl slutey does not insult her sexual promiscuity, but rather embraces, and in doing so, reinforces it, therefore making her easier to tag for either yourself, or your fellow males. This is obviously a positive, so long as you aren't enough of a dunderhead to pull a boner (look it up) and practice unsafe sex.
1. Disgusting sounding word for whore, used to insult women for being sexually progressive and thus represses them to menial roles such as child-rearing and kitchen duty.
2. Word used by guys who're (get it, teehee) so insecure that a sexually forward woman intimidates them to a point where they must hide behind insulting, archaic terms to validate their masculinity lest their penises shrivel up and fall off for lack of testosterone.
e.g. That JV hockey pussy Brian made my friend Karina cry when he called her a slut after she dumped him, so I broke his nose. What a douche-amatron.
~n. adj. adv. v. BA. BAMF.
1. Awesome sounding word created to remediate the damage done by this word's ancient arch-enemy, the word slut.
2. Word designed to be used both jokingly and seriously, in nearly any situation. Protip: Safe enough to use directly to a girl, who will undoubtedly either laugh or inquire into its meaning, giving a guy with game an opportunity to explain it's origins and thus portraying yourself as a tolerant, modern man, who is also likely good in bed, even if he isn't.
3. It's fucking sweet, so use it more.
e.g. Bro 1- Hey broseidon, did you remember to invite those slutey latinas from Wellesley to the suite tonight?
Bro 2- Of course, brotato, I love those slutes.
Bro 3- Hooray for slutes!
Bro 1- Shutup asshole, nobody asked you. Now go fold my lax pinneys.