Ok I was trying to be minimal in the descriptions but I am sure these are all different persona in my own head. I will then elaborate on what I think each does and what causes them to come about and when I created them, because it is only logical that I created them.
A) Excited voice. This occurs during happiness, it is my oldest voice besides my own. My own voice when at a young age was somewhat alone, and eventually I would talk to myself when forced into being introverted. It keep my spirits up. It is also the voice that notices things. It tells me when I missed something, as long as it didn't miss it either.
B) Dramatic voice. This started when I learned I could write fiction and I started to read. This voice began its life acting out things, it would flash pictures in my head at first, then eventually when I started reading it would take over for my normal voice and I would sit back and watch. But it only sticks around for the things that are interesting to it, fiction mostly. It is also the voice that helped me get into music, it understood it before my own voice could and the excited voice just keep going on about how cool it would be to learn to play something while the dramatic voice pushed forth learning it, telling the excited one to be calm that it would happen, I would say that this is the calmest of them also. I do have the ability to use these voices in conversation but it happens not at will. I have been told by countless females that my voice is very sexy and that they could listen to it for near forever, and I think that is because of the presence of this voice.
C) The British Cynic came about when I was 16, I had always had doubts, and always questioned everything, but when I experienced enough of the religious doctrine around where I live, this guy appeared. He made me into a misanthropic nihilist. He gave me many insights, I talked back to him, he would always answer truthfully to our knowledge. The dramatic one never talked to him much but the excited one keep the conversations going in my head for hours with the cynic.
D) I am not sure when the Scholar came along, but he did. He sounds near robotic, always pulling information out of thin air, doing stuff I could never have thought of. He grasps ideas in such a way I can explain them to anyone. I know he wasn't present in high school, I am sure of that, think it came about when I was studying physics the first time in college, I remember it when he first talked to me but I am sure it was there before. It was during a conversation with a fellow engineering student, I was explaining some idea I had about how light worked and it started talking to my inner voice and eventually started talking for me. I credit this voice for my ability to daydream in class and pass tests with near 100% without ever studying or reading the material.
E) My inner voice, this is what I claim to be myself. It has the greatest moral convictions of them all. It has always been part of me since my first memory. It has always been the one learning and questioning things. It looks at things and knows what is right and wrong and if I let myself do the wrong it becomes bothered. And the other voices will not stop trying to tell it how it does not matter that we did wrong because it has already been done, and they each have their own reasoning naturally.
Each of these are all me, but I know they are also separate. I can tell the difference between them, they have different ways of talking and formulating words. The dramatic voice is my favorite to let be me, it is the most clever of us and has the best way to formulate words. My excited self does get annoying since it will randomly tell me when I missed something, sometimes it will wait months before it gets around to it, such as, "Oh yeah remember this event that happened 6 months ago? Well what you didn't see and I was to occupied to mention it, but you should have done this because this right here was happening, it would have helped a lot, but I kept forgetting to tell you."
That is my best effort at this moment to explain the other voices in my head, I think that is all, except for the depressed guy that I don't like at all, he wasn't fun to have in my head, the other voices feared him, even the courageous dramatic one.