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Search results

  1. Melkor

    YAY HOSPITAL. :D Do we get plasters with Mr Men characters?^_^

    YAY HOSPITAL. :D Do we get plasters with Mr Men characters?^_^
  2. Melkor

    *lick* Lattttteeeeeeee where have you beeeen.

    *lick* Lattttteeeeeeee where have you beeeen.
  3. Melkor

    Mreeeeeeeoowwwwwwwwwwwwww. How are you these days slinker?

    Mreeeeeeeoowwwwwwwwwwwwww. How are you these days slinker?
  4. Melkor

    I will bite you and the bite will be poisonous. ^_^

    I will bite you and the bite will be poisonous. ^_^
  5. Melkor

    Latttteeeee <3<3<3

    Latttteeeee <3<3<3
  6. Melkor

    *Dangles a biscuit on a string* Lor said you did animation and wot I should bribe you for...

    *Dangles a biscuit on a string* Lor said you did animation and wot I should bribe you for tips since I've started my first animation. ^_^
  7. Melkor

    I have a 3ds! :D I got it when Lor was over. :3 You should friend me. Friend me soooo hard...

    I have a 3ds! :D I got it when Lor was over. :3 You should friend me. Friend me soooo hard. (Tea Gardener) No pokemons yet tho.>> But you didn't pay me any loveeee. :((((((
  8. Melkor

    Hey lesbo. How are things with you? You're a terrible parent. ;-;

    Hey lesbo. How are things with you? You're a terrible parent. ;-;
  9. Melkor

    Ask BAP

    Would you run away with me? <3
  10. Melkor

    Conversation with Conversation

    Don't worry, I'll help you Latte. Just a simple matter of reversing the whosits in your whatsits. *Sonic screwdrivers you* DONE. :D
  11. Melkor

    EmoSpark AI Console

    I think I'll get one of these, attempt to condition it into believing I desire misery and suffering, and then give it someone as a gift. :D Pity this is probably 800% less impressive and responsive than it sounds. -_-
  12. Melkor

    Mraaaow. Hisssss.

    Mraaaow. Hisssss.
  13. Melkor

    A Direct Apology to Moderators

    Uhhh. Maybe? Whom is requesting an apology? *Munches cake distractedly*
  14. Melkor


    33 boobs? o-o Now I'm just imagining some Zelda midboss... Oh yeah...Hawt.
  15. Melkor

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    *Sets up a small mining troupe and begins to daintly hack away at the text wall*
  16. Melkor

    The "official" troll thread

    Uh...Uhm.... Uh... HIYA.
  17. Melkor

    The arcade?

    When can we get a real arcade in a physical location? I have often dreamed of living out my life in such a place, and becoming old, bitter, and highly successful at 2d fighters. :D
  18. Melkor

    A Direct Apology to Moderators

    Aw. Don't do it again Pi. ^_^ *Gives Pi a piece of cake with chocolate icing on the INSIDE*
  19. Melkor

    Dear forum: Missing - has anyone seen SNAFU?

    Not Snaffypants! D: *Puts on his flashing siren hat and leaps onto his tricycle in action* I WILL FIND YOU.
  20. Melkor


    33 is a cool age, it's such an interesting number. However it would be much better if you owned three of everything also. Three cars, three cats, three eyes, three boobs... AHEM. WELCOME AND ALL THAT!
  21. Melkor

    Hello world, I want to play a game

    They do!? SHIT. I was operating on the assumption that the elder Gods thought we were perfectly capable of judging! NO-ONE IS SAFE. AAAAGHHHH!
  22. Melkor

    Meta Characters

    It would be quite a terrifying individual to say the least, something that was tortured so much with such flippancy and yet self aware. I am reminded of Agrajag of Hitchhikers fame. Who, while sharing none of the above traits was probably in a similar craze inducing dilemma, trapped in a...
  23. Melkor

    Hello world, I want to play a game

    No games until you've eaten your siblings, slept with your mother and killed your father!
  24. Melkor

    Real Talk with the Gopher

    Does roleplaying as a Doctor turn you on? :D
  25. Melkor

    Of course! I was enthralled!

    Of course! I was enthralled!
  26. Melkor

    Recent Forum Outrage

    Re: Recent forum outrage - "Account Suspended" YOU! IT WAS ALL YOU! Curse you!
  27. Melkor

    Recent Forum Outrage

    Re: Recent forum outrage - "Account Suspended" Sheesssh. Come back for a day or two and the forums go down. TYPICAL.
  28. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    Tut tut. Amateurish at best. Quite clearly the most satisfactory series of events would be to hook that chain mail costume up to some sort of cranking device and twist until his entrails squeeze through the all those fiddly little holes. ^_^
  29. Melkor


    ERMAGAWD! Rainbow cattttt.
  30. Melkor

    Meow. :3

    Meow. :3
  31. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    Awoogawoogawooga? o-o
  32. Melkor


    Welcoooome. I'm sure you'll find many fun things to do here. ^_^ You seem fated for great things! Fun fact: Assassin is the first username I ever chose on a forum at the age of 13. However I couldn't spell very well and had awful grammar, so it was 'assasin'. XD Good job on getting it right...
  33. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    Addy<3 Uh... Where was I? *Blinks into spotlight and sheepishly edges away* I guess I'll go Arena things...
  34. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    Hey Cog? Is it just me or is Minnie suffering from a Jelly-copter? :o Girls are weird.
  35. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    Nooooo. She's still interested in men as playthings. :'( (Actually the manga suggests she's primarily into relationships with men but likes fooling with laydees, while the anime suggests she hates everything.)
  36. Melkor

    Where has everybody gone?

    I was off pursuing my dream of becoming one of Motoko Kusanagi's stay at home wives whom she almost completely ignores. ;-; Very topical given your avatar Coggy, and my utter failure to succeed. :<
  37. Melkor

    Fear of being stupid

    I have long found myself becoming increasingly stupid the more I interact socially and the more I keep intelligent company. Thankfully this new loss of intelligence.means I care less with each passing day!:D
  38. Melkor

    do you shoot film?

    Only the occassional home brewed porn to satisfy my retro fetish. I can share the original copies if you wanna trade? :3
  39. Melkor

    Bout time I got some respect. :D I'm always making with the threats to summon Gothmog and the...

    Bout time I got some respect. :D I'm always making with the threats to summon Gothmog and the greater Balrogs, or tip dear Ungoliant in the right direction, or even just blam them with Grond! But nobody respects evil these days! *Grumble-moan-whine*
  40. Melkor

    Hmm...How should a ninja say hi?

    I always liked the fact that the original Ninja was a crossdresser, and looker convincing in a dress. Also that our current perception of ninjas is largely based on Japanese stage hands, who dressed all in black to avoid being as blatant between scenes, and that true Ninja would dress as...
  41. Melkor

    Round 2: Describe your ideal INTPforum

    Smoke. Steel. Shadow. An empty plain laden with bloodied corpses and broken dreams, riddled with privers of tears and undone promises. The only buildings that stand are the twisted metal frames that survived the inferno, lining the horizon like upturned spiders. And I the only...
  42. Melkor

    My old user...

    Oh boo. Maturity is for people afraid of their own nature and societal retribution.
  43. Melkor

    Examples of your ideal partner from Television, Anime, Movies, or Commentaries

    No. I could spend years ranting about fictional fancies, but I don't believe an 'ideal partner' exists in reality, much less in the limited scope of a fictional psyche. Though I did once write a wretched character who through mental dysfunction was inclined to love everyone selflessly and...
  44. Melkor

    Nostalgia time! War of the Worlds

    Course it bloody is! I wrote it. :D
  45. Melkor

    Nostalgia time! War of the Worlds

    What a dumb bish. Love of reason? More like love of VAGINA. :D
  46. Melkor

    Minor (and other) Changes

    I see nothing has changed for the better. Bah!!
  47. Melkor

    Depends how you look at it really. *Yawn* What about you? Still chasing bearded weirdos?

    Depends how you look at it really. *Yawn* What about you? Still chasing bearded weirdos?
  48. Melkor

    Another Brick in the Wall

  49. Melkor

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    Don't think so in either case. The most INTP wizard is probably Radagast, Gandalf shows none of the uncertainty, amorality and laziness of the typical INTP. I'd say he was resolutely INTJ in both, capable of gross levels of self confidence, with great impatience for those beneath his station...
  50. Melkor

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    I always get excited when I see the word dominate in a sentence. :D Uhm. I suppose dominate. It depends on the game though. Rpg style I prefer to harmonize, but if it's say a shooter or an rts I'll go so far as to kill my team mates if I must. Some games I'm happy to lose or share power, but...
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