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Search results

  1. Melkor

    Enter pursued by exit entered by enter yes yes here we go

    Welcome (back??) Alien, and thanks for the picture of dusty men marching in a strict rank. Why does everyone have a flag denoting where they are from now. It seems a bit unfair to the Americans if I'm honest.
  2. Melkor

    Pokémon Yellow

    I had Red and Blue. My brother who barely had an interest in the franchise but was quite spoilt got Yellow day 1 and by the rules of my family I wasn't allowed to play it or get my own copy. Much later in life I played it start to finish and 100%ed the pokedex. All is well in the world!
  3. Melkor

    What are you currently playing?

    Bladerunner (1997) Fire Emblem Awakening (Again) Smite and Paladins (Consistetly) Coming soon: Resident Evil 2 remake (PLEASE LET IT BE GOOD)
  4. Melkor


    Okay Cog, I'll take you up on your offer of transplanting me to the virtual realm, pretty kind of you to be honest. HOWEVER I wish to do so purely in the form of a distant and ambient balcony where I sit and monologue obnoxiously to the people below who can barely hear me or see me but are...
  5. Melkor

    I have been summoned.

    Wow we went from hot oil to hot garbage. Someone bring me a mountain of boiled sweets and a pile of robot succubuses, it's getting STUFFY IN HERE. Hi Polaris, your lack of a cute avatar enrages me. FIX ITTTTT
  6. Melkor

    Well if you weren't at least a little confused I suppose I'd doubt your identity. Don't worry...

    Well if you weren't at least a little confused I suppose I'd doubt your identity. Don't worry, you shall be provided with a cave and sufficiently spoilt rags to 'hag yourself out' with. Been reminded of you lately. Switched to a new healthier lifestyle and a rather worrying portion of my meals...
  7. Melkor

    Excuse you. I've moved on from a Nomura-like fascination with belts onto an Amano-like...

    Excuse you. I've moved on from a Nomura-like fascination with belts onto an Amano-like obsession with beads. Get with the times Addy. ^-^
  8. Melkor

    I have been summoned.

    Ugh a date? Things were nice for a bit then you had to go and ruin them. GO ON THEN. But don't come crying to me when you get your hearts broken and scalded by the hot oil I'm brewing!
  9. Melkor

    I have been summoned.

    E-eww! EVEN NOW I AM REPELLED BY HIS FORM. *Clutches his head with a pained expression* GET OUT OF MY BRAINNNNNN. Also hi Adaire. Did you get over your quiet inner rage yet? owo
  10. Melkor

    'Master of Germany' Ragnar I never had you down as the S&M type. The more you know, eh?

    'Master of Germany' Ragnar I never had you down as the S&M type. The more you know, eh?
  11. Melkor

    Also jesus this comment section is ugly, do something about it you shirker.

    Also jesus this comment section is ugly, do something about it you shirker.
  12. Melkor

    Ur gay

    Ur gay
  13. Melkor

    I have been summoned.

    I probably deserve to be with all the mundane yet frequent acts of evil I've been doing. I think if I drop jam on the carpet or scowl at strangers on the bus just a FEW more times I'll have banked enough evil to be the equivalent of burning down a small yet very hopeful orphanage. HOW HAVE YOU...
  14. Melkor


    Apparently I've been so out of the loop that I stumbled into a different and altogether more flaming loop and consequently not only have no idea what is going on, but also have third degree burns. I'm glad that the forum was able to survive it's apparent demise, it has needed a regeneration for...
  15. Melkor

    I have been summoned.

  16. Melkor

    Did you fix the forum yet you gimboid?

    Did you fix the forum yet you gimboid?
  17. Melkor

    Nintendo Switch

    I want one pretty badly, but my economic situation is a little on the bad side so I'm going to have to be content with getting the Wii u version of Zelda and waiting a few months to get the switch. I'll be sure to get back to you once I get a switch though ^-^ (You lucky bastard)
  18. Melkor

    Power Rangers 2017 trailer

    I'm already disappointed, I'll probably spontaenously combust if I actually go see it. D:
  19. Melkor

    I'm really tired of getting this stupid crap in my inbox

    I get these every so often and there's nothing worse than opening up a message just to see that XppX-**325ROSkal-xx didn't want to be my friend at all, he just wanted to sell me viagra, and not even cheaply! (I've always wondered, if you take viagra and don't need it, do you get super horny? :O)
  20. Melkor

    Forum Change in Direction

    I'm just trying to imagine what style of boot you'll be wearing when you stamp on a human face forever, Mr Auburn. Probably something small and girly, right? I will never use the report function! I will exercise my right to invoke anarchy! Up with the proles! Still, I'll be interested to see...
  21. Melkor

    Jerk move on my part

    Psh. Anyone who takes themselves seriously enough to be offended by obscure driveway lettering deserves to be offended. However I'm horrified by the discreet atheist bashing going on here given that this: is a healthy dose of truth soup.^_^
  22. Melkor


  23. Melkor

    Types on a 'gender spectrum'

    Hmm, I don't really know. I wouldn't deny that there is definitely a social expectation of how men/women are supposed to behave, and that could certainly filter into how one wishes to portray themselves. However I've never come across any evidence that I found particualry compelling to suggest...
  24. Melkor

    Types on a 'gender spectrum'

    I suppose my main problem is that the majority of such theories are formed around the concept that one can be mentally 'male' or 'female'. In other words that there are personalities which are inherently 'girly' or 'manly', which is kindof silly given the vast varities of personalities found in...
  25. Melkor

    Types on a 'gender spectrum'

    That chart is as vague as it is terrifying.
  26. Melkor

    The Cog Blog

    That's the worst case!? Sign me up. I too was enthusiastic for something called Cyberpunk, but they seem to be focusing more on the 'HEY LOOK MY ARMS ARE SWORDS' side of things. As opposed to my prefered approach which is 'HOW DO I LIVE LIKE A NORMIE WITH SWORD ARMS'. Continuing my trend: Are...
  27. Melkor

    I am not who I was

    Oh, welcome back, if you truly be Lightspeed, and not some maddened copycater. I bet this: helped with this P.s Do you still like FF4 and did you know about this: http://store.steampowered.com/app/346830/
  28. Melkor

    ADD and ADHD scam

    Hm. I'm not really sure how much I can genuinely contribute to this, but I was medicated for ADHD for some 15 years, taking ritalin initially for 3/4 years and then switching to dexamfetamine. When taken I was calm and sleepy, very content, but also very, very boring. I had to take these...
  29. Melkor

    The Cog Blog

    Are you lonesome tonight?
  30. Melkor

    The macho alpha voice competition thread

    I am deeply and irrevocably hurt.
  31. Melkor


    *Finally lands after eight years* *Squish* Ow my bones ;-; Someone get a mop!
  32. Melkor

    Do you watch TV?

    Nope. I find it quite hard to watch TV actually. Probably a byproduct of growing up ina household in which the tv was hotly contended with 9 other people. However I've probably also fallen victim to the modern ailment of having a very short attention span, so I tune in whenever I like one show...
  33. Melkor

    Sudden Avatar Trends

    This is very cute. ^-^ I recall doing something like this when I was roughly 16, and it started a small and unrelated obsession. I must be awfully suggestible. Therefore I should probably avoid this, heheh. >_>
  34. Melkor

    Forum Public Service Announcement.

    Lengthways huh? That could get invasive fast. OwO I'm confused. I thought Rook was a birdy? So he's more like a PapaOwl? EXPLAIN YOUR SCIENCE.
  35. Melkor

    January Goals Thread

    My goal is simple. Set out into the southern counties, find Queen Maeve, and make her my wife. There's some other boring happening involving cows, but I'll spare you the details.
  36. Melkor

    Forum Public Service Announcement.

    Where do I fit into this arrangement? Sideways or lengthways? P.S THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUCEMENT. REMAIN INDOORS.
  37. Melkor

    Barren rock

    Hey sounds familiar! Uh... Hi everyone... *Waves sheepishly* Keep writing. It's bound to help something...eventually...Right? Have a drink~
  38. Melkor

    I don't know. I have no consistency whatsoever, which is kinda important for Anatomy and such...

    I don't know. I have no consistency whatsoever, which is kinda important for Anatomy and such. ;-; But this lack of skill means my stuff looks pretty unique. Mwahahah. I'll try drawing that later. It will be glorious. :D
  39. Melkor

    Yeah I suppose he does look quite turtleish. :o I'm glad you like it. I've been drawing a lot...

    Yeah I suppose he does look quite turtleish. :o I'm glad you like it. I've been drawing a lot lately, it's hard with a brain this hyper and disorganised to draw any one thing enough to get good at it. XD But some things you just HAVE to draw!
  40. Melkor

    Aw that's a shame. *Feeds you jam on toast* Did your mind survive all three original ghost...

    Aw that's a shame. *Feeds you jam on toast* Did your mind survive all three original ghost pokemon or are you communicating to me through the veil of death?
  41. Melkor

    Type Grayman

    I think you are a charming and much welcome individual with a personality that aspires to be greater than those defined by this inconclusive system. :)
  42. Melkor

    Handouts for RB's VTRPG

    Hahah, I shall take your word for it, and someday look forward to seeing you in action. ;)
  43. Melkor

    Handouts for RB's VTRPG

    Oh tsh. I bet you bunch of goodingtons would make me cringe with your moral sensitivities. Welllll I understand that things are underway, but I'd like to register my interest for potential future renditions as a somewhat physically inept but deliciously cunning/charming Dark Lordddddd. :D
  44. Melkor

    Handouts for RB's VTRPG

    I don't know how this works or if I'd even have time for it, but I am vaguely curious. Plus it looks like your party could do with some of this:
  45. Melkor

    Nyeeeeeh. Only to kidnap and subsequently snuggle you to death<3 I have Bamboo!

    Nyeeeeeh. Only to kidnap and subsequently snuggle you to death<3 I have Bamboo!
  46. Melkor

    Aiiiieeeee Red Pandas. <3 Red Baron Pandas. <3<3 GIMME. [IMG]

    Aiiiieeeee Red Pandas. <3 Red Baron Pandas. <3<3 GIMME. [IMG]
  47. Melkor

    Hi. I drew this for you a while back, but my scanner broke and I only got it fixed recently. :3...

    Hi. I drew this for you a while back, but my scanner broke and I only got it fixed recently. :3 http://i59.tinypic.com/2cwlq8x.jpg P.s I'm not really an artist, I just felt like it. XD
  48. Melkor

    I want to donate my organs, but.....

    I can understand your concerns but I don't really share them. o-o I think the body is merely a useless husk which one should have no sentiment over it's fate after death (and indeed you'll be incapable of sentiment!:D) In addition I think we should leave that kind of moral quibble to the...
  49. Melkor

    "Creating content"

    Speaking as a writer I think it is entirely possible to apply creativity to little more than a cold walk with an empty head. However I also think a lot of my ideas are derived from interpreting experiences in entirely the wrong way. When a human sees a combined mass of broken stones, it should...
  50. Melkor

    D: Maybe you're still holding a grudge and this is just part of your long plotted revenge. So...

    D: Maybe you're still holding a grudge and this is just part of your long plotted revenge. So secret even you don't know!? AAAAHHHHHHH. Also nice newly acquired scar. XD
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