Yeah I don't like the dilution of the term. Trolling needs to be cunning if not clever, it's not just being a jerk in the name of the internetz.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."
Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty. Trolling is used to catch pelagic fish such as salmon, mackerel and kingfish.
That goes against what you say. The very word "trolling" supposedly even originates from
No it didn't. He just said it needed to be cunning, which is exactly right if you're trying to get a reaction out of people.
It isn't cunning to act as if your EQ is almost nil.
It isn't cunning to act as if your EQ is almost nil. You cause shit that could be avoided and might not even be able to be corrected if you do this. Even worse, people are less likely to give a shit what you think, unless the intent is simply to turn a group upon someone. In that case, I have zero respect for both of you, regardless of how logically you think you can twist and abuse the meaning of simple words and very simple ethics.
The whole point of this is that this is what trolling is now, not what it used to be. At no point have I said that I support trolling in either form, but it is still true that it has changed over the years; it used to be a sport (a vain and sadistic sport) but now it's just jerks being jerks for the sake of it.
The end of that post was incredibly ironic, but I feel the others have a defensible point.
The more intelligent the reader happens to be, the more duplicitous and cunning the trap must be not to be outright detected as dissimulation. There are, however, definitely gradations of trolling. Criticizing someone's mother is perhaps cheapening the term trolling. On this forum, for instance, a disparaging post that transparent and juvenile wouldn't be taken seriously enough to warrant emotional outrage. The bait must be tenderly placed, and appear irresistible succulent.
Rationalists? ISTPs believe in rules and regulations, while INFJs are emotional. Where does the rationalism come in?
Rationalists? ISTPs believe in rules and regulations, while INFJs are emotional. Where does the rationalism come in?
ISTP as believers of rules and regulation? I think it was ISTJ you were talking about. ISTPs get moderate sexual arousal by insulting authorities.
INFJs are quite rational too. They are very introspective and logical about their feelings. There are quite some INFJs up in this forum. They simply blend in.
- EQ does not come into anonymous conversations.
- One can be vain and/or sadistic without being a jerk.
- a troll who announces his intent is an incredibly unsuccessful troll who will likely be dealt with by mods, probably with a glaring absence of emotional response.
- a clever troll can be damn entertaining, or even conducive to healthy discussion by exposing the inadequacies in someone's position. An example of the latter off the top of my head:
The premise being that a narrow-minded christian will not realize the satire, and defend the poster of the clip's view. The comments section seems to indicate that the majority of people are now catching on to the troll, but this was not always so.
ISTP as believers of rules and regulation? I think it was ISTJ you were talking about. ISTPs get moderate sexual arousal by insulting authorities.
INFJs are quite rational too. They are very introspective and logical about their feelings. There are quite some INFJs up in this forum. They simply blend in.
Well they have their own rules, mostly social rules, something along the lines "how one should act."
True trolls are different from an act of stirring up a little bit of chaos
"In Swedish children's literature, trolls are not naturally evil, but primitive and misunderstood. Their misdeeds are due to a combination of basic and common human traits, such as envy, pride, greed, naïveté, ignorance and stupidity. In some early 20th century fairy tales, by Elsa Beskow, trolls are also depicted as an aboriginal race of hunters and gatherers who are fleeing the encroaching human civilisation. Where man makes a road, the trolls disappear."
Apparently, Trolls find languages easy to learn. Reports tells us about Trolls being able to speak and understand both Cymri, Latin and Saxon, as well as their own language. They only seem to lack a bit of vocabulary, which has been explained by their limited intellectual gifts. They would not, it is reasoned, learn words concerning concepts they do not understand. Other say that they only use words which has a Trollish equivalent.
They seldom concern themselves with the finer points of grammar; examples of this are the use of sentences like "I is hungry", "You hurt" and "I eat sheep". They do not bother much with temporal distinctions either. The two last sentences above could be both past, present and future tense: "You has been/are/will get hurt" and "I have eaten/am eating/will eat sheep".
Their voices are surprisingly smooth, unless, of course, they are upset, and deep. They do not seem to be able to sing - their own speech is very monotone - but are reported to enjoy listening to a softly sung ballad or lullaby, which may be a reason why they abduct maids. One common folk story tells of a milk-maid who, after being abducted by a Troll, sung it to sleep, escaped and fetched her lord who promptly disposed of the Troll, who was kept drowsy by the maid's soft song during the battle. Unfortunately, this approach would not work for a man singing, since Trolls generally seems to prefer sopranos.
As has been stated earlier, Trolls are not animals. They can communicate and have societies with, to stretch the definition of the word a bit, ethics and rules. Generally, the Mountain Trolls are less intelligent and 'civilized' than their Woodland cousins are, but even among these you find a rather developed, for want of a better word, culture. Although different in sophistication, all Trolls share some common traits. These are the following:
All Trolls are very curious and are often willing to put off an easy meal to pursue a question or to gather new knowledge. They are, reputedly, fond of riddles and seem to be especially interested in all aspects of nature. If a plant or herb has some special properties, a Troll will know.
Unfortunately, they appear to be very jealous when it comes to knowledge. They might be ready to tell you what you want to know, but the answer always has a prize. It is possible to try to trick a Troll to reveal something out of pride, by showing doubt of their knowledge, but this could be dangerous. If the Troll realizes you are trying to fool it, it might tell you a lie, or become furious and attack without preamble.
Trolls are generally very proud creatures. If challenged, they almost always responds, even in the face of overwhelming odds. It will remember any slights and is not inclined to forgive. If you make an enemy of a Troll, there can be no reconciliation. You can hardly force a Troll to obey your command; their pride will not admit it.
Paired with their pride, Trolls do have honor, although their definition of the concept is not the correct one, as used by our knights and lords. There is nothing in their code to stop them from stealing cattle or to kill someone out of mere irritation.
But their hospitality is absolute. Once invited to a Troll's home, you are seen not as a guest, but as a family member, all throughout the duration of your stay. This might well be the reason why very few men have been offered this honor. Most Trolls would find it difficult to see what normally would be a meal as a brother instead.
Furthermore, an oath or a vow given by a Troll is not a promise, but a fact. If it is possible at all to fulfill, it will be done, and if not, the Troll will perish trying. It is hard, though, to extract this prize from a Troll. The only way would be to do the Troll a great favor, something it couldn't have done by itself. A Troll does always pay its debts, whether he owes revenge or assistance.
But be wary of lending a Troll assistance unasked for; if you presume he need help and step in to lend a hand, his pride might get hurt, in which case he will acknowledge a debt of the former kind mentioned above.
Fascination of beauty
This might sound strange in view of their appearance, but Trolls apparently enjoy beauty more than many men, particularly the fragile kind of beauty. Flowers, butterflies, birds and does can captivate them in mid-stride. They never hurt beautiful women or children, although many maid and playing child have been shocked and frightened when noticing a lumbering Troll watching them intently from the woods. In fact, sometimes they bring women and children as guests, or rather, abductees.
Fighting a Troll
First we must be aware that an enraged Troll does not stop fighting until the threat is no more. It won't become unconscious, but continues to fight with its full power until dead. On the other hand, a Troll does not fight for reasons other than self-defense or when hunting its prey. Unfortunately, they consider humans prey, although they tend to avoid stalking an armored knight. This is not because of fear, a concept they do not understand, but rather because the food comes in an inconvenient package.
As with some animals, you can try to fool a Troll that you are dead, in which case it will not need to defend itself. But if you do, you can only hope that it doesn't decide it has the time for a quick snack.
Normally, they fight with their bare hands or use a club, which has a reach, combined with the Troll's long arms, at least twice the length of a knight's. On their fingers they have sharp claws which often carry infections. These claws cannot penetrate a metal armor, though. Some Trolls have acquired great swords or spears. A fight with a Troll armed such is to be avoided, since they often have trained up an impressive skill over the years, wielding the weapon single-handedly and using whatever they find nearby (trees, sheep or unconscious knights) as a shield."
Well they have their own rules, mostly social rules, something along the lines "how one should act."
INFJs are irrational regarding other people, and sometimes their "inner world" can be irrationally build as well.
Only INTP forum could take this troll post seriously enough to start a multi-page dialogue on the art, definition and method of trolling.
You have a point, the definition on wiki does allow for more types of troll than I gave the term credit for. How about:
Troll phenomenon in general used to be more clever than it is now. The standard of trolling is now a lot lower than it used to be, and people seem to get there trolling rocks off by participating in less than clever inflammatory behaviour. Perhaps the term requires some subdividing to accurately communicate this difference?
I think this differentiation is important. I'm sick of my friends doing stupid shit to myself and others, then somehow they glorify their actions by calling themselves a troll. I'm not angry because I'm getting trolled, I'm angry that the troll was so obvious and pointless that it degrades both them and myself. I have no problem being the victim of a well thought out trolling.
Furthermore, I am a frequent troll. Last night me and a friend convinced his mum we knew fluent German by having a real time conversation on facebook. We were actually copy-pasting from a German youtube comment section. It was a spontaneous troll that ended up with several more people jumping in without prompt, his mother left both confused and impressed, she now thinks two of her children have somehow acquired an entire dialect without any external influences (she's not too savvy).
I do not like being lumped in with crude inflammatory trolls, there is a difference, and I'd prefer not to be associated with them.
I was not diluting the term, instead I was attempting to purify it to be a more distinct term. Shit trolls are easily communicable with words like 'jerk', it does not make sense to me to have another word for them when the other subset of the category is so lacking in terminology.