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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Is Personification Immoral

    Second law of thermodynamics. Anything that is free to be willed to happen in the future. No, it's obeying. The early computers had free will. But people already had humans. They wanted something that would do something that humans would not, something that would be forced to do as it was...
  2. scorpiomover

    Is Personification Immoral

    Formulas are great. The first rule of formulae, is that formulae reduce things, animals and people to numbers. If you want anyone to think of you as more than a meat sack that can be made into 75 kilos of burgers, and you want a job, or a girlfriend, or people to talk to on the internet, then...
  3. scorpiomover

    Text is a better way of clarifying arguments

    Body language is 90% of communication. Imagine if you wrote out and emailed an argument, only to discover that the other person was only able to read 1 in every 10 words. Writing things down, helps to not get caught up in the heat of an argument, and gives me time to think. I can see my...
  4. scorpiomover

    can we make decisions completely divorced from emotions

    Antonio Damasio studied this several years ago. He wanted to find out the effects of emotions. So he studied people who had had severe brain damage in the areas of the brain that handle emotions, who also reported that they were unable to feel emotions, including some scientists. He gave them...
  5. scorpiomover

    The philosophers of the past era have failed our generation

    That sounds like Marxism. Marxists usually say that the poor are only poor because the capitalists have made the system such as to give the poor a major disadvantage that keeps them down. Schopenhauer is famous for his concept of making everything about "the will", as if willpower was the main...
  6. scorpiomover


    4th wave feminism Came around in the 2010s, about the same time as we started hearing about "toxic masculinity". That's the typical online description. That's also usually written as an example of toxic masculinity. Lots of scientific studies have consistently shown that it's extremely...
  7. scorpiomover


    The French have an appreciation for this. In French films, the most physically flawless woman is usually not the woman that most of the guys are interested in. The woman most desired, is usually flawed in some way. It's also very important to grasp, to help move on from Western perfectionism...
  8. scorpiomover

    Does this INTP like me or not?

    If it's very rare for him to say it, then he really only says it when he's really sure he means it. So it means he misses you often, often finds himself wanting to be with you even when he is with his friends, and genuinely cares for you. He obviously has romantic feelings for you, because he...
  9. scorpiomover

    Unexpected behaviours you have ever encountered.

    Easily done. The girl found that making a new account was for her, easier than logging in. She may have been shown how to make a new account, but kept forgetting her password, and was not shown how to retrieve her password from Instagram. Both require email confirmations. So it was probably not...
  10. scorpiomover

    The I-will-finish-this-no-matter-what trap

    1) I used to do the same. But then I've changed 50 different things in the code. Even with a 98% success rate, at least 1 of them will not work completely. But I don't know which of the 50 things is a problem, and thus am unable to diagnose what is the problem with any of those 50 things...
  11. scorpiomover

    The I-will-finish-this-no-matter-what trap

    The results are most clearly shown by repeated empirical observations of your experiences. Take 2 projects, e.g. writing a novel. Try with making versions. Try without. Your 4th draft in, you realise that you need the bits that you wrote in version 1, that you didn't have in versions 2 and 3...
  12. scorpiomover

    Emotions expressed during farewell

    When people change location and situation, sensors tend to be aware that the change of situation will mean a lot of changes that the leavers aren't aware of. Think back to when you left school. If you could go back and repeat your past couple of weeks when you were at school, would you have...
  13. scorpiomover

    How can people be against things that their existence relies upon?

    People learn about what they are exposed to. People who grew up without the internet, can compare life pre-internet to life with the internet, and can see the differences. People who grew up only with the internet, are not nearly as aware of the effects of the internet, because they don't know...
  14. scorpiomover

    The I-will-finish-this-no-matter-what trap

    Used to have that problem a lot. But then I got into some projects where that stopped being a problem. That is what inspired this thread: An xxNP development process - INTP Forum Nowadays, I'm more likely to ask: Do I really want to spend 2 weeks trying to code a feature that I only need to...
  15. scorpiomover

    StPD Dudes

    I sympathise. But the double-slit experiment shows that objects quantumly decohere at some time. So the choice will be made some time. But then it will not be made by you, and will be made by whoever finds the thing next.
  16. scorpiomover

    alternatives to MBTI

    Gives us ideas about how to understand people. Points out that different people have different personalities. They don't talk like us. We need to communicate in other people's language. They don't learn like us. We need to teach students in the way the student needs to be taught. What's...
  17. scorpiomover

    Favourite fictional INTP(s)?

    Hari Seldon R. Daneel Olivaw Multivac Basically, anything written by Isaac Asimov.
  18. scorpiomover

    Is progress necessary?

    I think progress is like anything else. It can be positive or negative. It only depends on if it would be a good idea for that progress in that situation or not. IMHO, controlling the human desire for progress, and learning to discern when progress is a good thing, would probably determine...
  19. scorpiomover

    Is progress necessary?

    Do you know more than you knew yesterday? Of course. Your brain cells remember what happened today and yesterday, while yesterday it only remembered yesterday. So because of our hardware, humans are always learning, always improving and always progressing. So there's doesn't need to be anything...
  20. scorpiomover

    Man called me for advise(?) about his newborn with Down syndrome.

    I've come across many Downs Syndrome kids in religious families. They are great. I make a beeline for them. They are always smiling, always happy. They always cheer me up. They are also completely innocent. So they are one of those who are "without sin". It's like spending your days with a...
  21. scorpiomover

    Truth - Subjective or Objective?

    How do we know that person B wasn't consciously aware that he was lying?
  22. scorpiomover


    Speaking as a Brit, you don't delete it. But you don't sell it to The Daily Star for money, to be splashed across the tabloids with the headline: "Queen caught on camera eating human remains." In those days, if your uncle was a doctor who was never married and seemed to never be with a woman...
  23. scorpiomover

    Technological Determinism

    I own a gadget called a "computer". It was invented as a type of weapons technology against the Germans in WW2. Satellites came from the Cold War. You own a mobile? NASA is going to Mars because of the Space Race in the Cold War. Usually, tech first gets prioritised by the military. The...
  24. scorpiomover

    What happened to intpforum?

    People IRL have been saying the same about TV and the internet in general. I joined the forums in the 00s. It was fun. I remember when I joined INTJf. It was fun. Then in a forum, someone started pushing their ideas on everyone else, and it stopped being fun. So lots of people left. Some...
  25. scorpiomover

    The first soft-shutdown of the world

    I believe that what you are describing was called "the Dark Ages".
  26. scorpiomover

    Notion of time in persespectives

    1. Pastly: Ti, Si, Fi, Ni. Si most of all. Presently: Te, Fe, Se, Ne. Se most of all. If I would give an order, from most pastly to most presently, then it would be: Si, Ti/Fi, Ni, Te/Fe, Ne, Se. 2. Not really. People who are very presently about some things, are extremely pastly about...
  27. scorpiomover

    You know, to think about it, I think Donald Trump...

    How much of that wasn't true 20 years ago? It's very PC to criticise people. It's just not PC to tell left-wingers that they are wrong, even when they are wrong, and it's not PC to admit that right-wingers are right about anything, in case either of those strengthens the position of...
  28. scorpiomover

    You know, to think about it, I think Donald Trump...

    When I hear about serial killers, the neighbours usually say "He was such a nice, quiet fellow. Always kept himself to himself. Never bothered anyone."
  29. scorpiomover

    how to invent something

    A few tips: 1) Start with something practical that will improve your life. Usually, if it makes your life better, then it will make lots of other people's lives better who have the same problem, and with 7,800,000,000 people on the Earth, the odds are very high that millions will have the same...
  30. scorpiomover

    Is atheism 'unnatural'

    Dude, you just said that billions of people that you've never met, that daily fight fires and stop rapists and murderers to protect you, that daily fight the coronavirus to protect you and atheists like you, are simplistic infantile paedos, and you are wondering why people don't trust you? Even...
  31. scorpiomover

    Freindship with ISTJ women

    Very smart. Very good with numbers. Very reliable. 1) Be punctual with them. They hate it when people are late. 2) Can have interesting discussions on any subject they know well. 3) If want to discuss things they aren't really into, best move onto a different subject and talk about that thing...
  32. scorpiomover

    blood is a component of your personality

    What about the people who are O+ but suspect that they're not from Earth? :xen-confused:
  33. scorpiomover

    Identity and difference in mathematics

    Inverses. 1a) We start with something. Call it "1". Now invent +. Now we have 1, 2, 3, etc. Now invent -, the inverse of +. It only applies to when (a - b) > 0. Suppose that we expand the definition of numbers to include all numbers that are inversions of existing numbers. Now have negative...
  34. scorpiomover

    Is there a problem of evil?

    Double post. Ahhh. I deleted my good post.
  35. scorpiomover

    I have a theory concerning COVID and personalities.

    Do you think we will end up with Elois and Morlocks?
  36. scorpiomover

    Connecting with INFPs as an INTP

    Yes. My NFP friends tend to say conclusions that are based on wibbly-wobbly logic. However, when I look into the same matter from a scientifically rational perspective, I tend to find that there's a rational reason which leads to the same conclusion as their conclusion. Thus, I tend to conclude...
  37. scorpiomover

    "We are undeserving of this planet"

    I gather that people with a lack of self-efficacy and lack of self-esteem seem to generally fail at situations where everything was headed their way. A person who perceives himself as being poor, even if they have $100 billion in the bank, will be suspicious of anyone offering to do them a...
  38. scorpiomover

    "We are undeserving of this planet"

    It's very evident that many humans don't think purely in selfish terms. Had all humans been incredibly selfish, then humanity would be predictable and easy to direct. But some are not that selfish, and that screws with the plans of the selfish to manipulate each other.
  39. scorpiomover

    "We are undeserving of this planet"

    Given how much effort went into travelling to the stars, and how far we've got so far, compared to how far we'd have to go to live amongst the stars, I think that we'll need to get ourselves together before we'll make it to colonising other star systems.
  40. scorpiomover

    Your favourite coding fonts?

    Times New Roman, Courier. Would like to write code in English with a Katakana font. Just to see what it would be like.
  41. scorpiomover

    What is real

    Until you've experienced the present, you have no awareness of tough, effect, reaction and physicalism to know that any of that exists. Once you have experienced the present, then in that moment, time has moved on, and so what you have experienced is now in the past. So you can live the...
  42. scorpiomover

    An existential question - 'Wisdom' and 'Sad/Harsh/Bitter realities' of life.

    Good realities are those that would lead us in a generally better direction. Bad realities are those that would lead us in a generally worse direction. In modern psychology, bad realities are often referred to as maladaptive schemas. So you would be more accurate to think of them as helpful...
  43. scorpiomover

    Vim v. Emacs

    On Windows: Notepad++. On Macs: TextWrangler. On Linux: I've used Vim and tried Emacs. Not so happy with either of them.
  44. scorpiomover

    Skilled trades, unused degrees, & my personal career mess

    Read this book:
  45. scorpiomover

    Ethical Egoism

    AFAIK, Ayn Rand said that morality should be based on rational self-interest. So it seems that you're saying that you agree with Rand's philosophy.
  46. scorpiomover

    INxJ and Je

    In INxJs, it's the difference that you can see in the behaviours of INTJs and the behaviours of INFJs. INTJs tend to lean towards displaying psychopathic traits, which is an indicator of flat affect. INFJs tend towards more emotional expressions and particularly a tendency to behave...
  47. scorpiomover

    Analytical Psychology - is it just pseudoscience?

    You've just described 99% of science. Think about something commonly used in science: the scientific method. 1) Where exactly is the the process of the formulation of a hypothesis described? It's just either the hypothesis being examined scientifically, or that it's "based on prior evidence"...
  48. scorpiomover

    Why do you think that in capitalism it is so important to erode the person?

    In the opposite of capitalism, i.e. communism, the collective takes priority over the individual. Thus in communism, it is important to erode the person. Capitalism relies upon lots of different people buying and selling things because they individually choose to buy & sell those things...
  49. scorpiomover

    Am I, INTP?

    Have you considered INFP? INFPs think a LOT.
  50. scorpiomover

    How far is analytical thinking useful in exams?

    Depends on what you mean by "analytical thinking". I gather that Americans think of it as being practical, while as traditionally, it means logic. Being practical helps for easy questions, but messes up difficult questions. Logic helps with difficult questions, but over-complicates easy...
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