TL;DR: I'm just spouting bullshit sans rhyme or reason.
Hmmm. Okay. Here's what I tried to say, in short: It is no big deal, but I'm still ranting about it. I must admit, haven't been following much news 2018-2020, so not clued up with everything.
Compared to Darwin, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Hitler, Ghenghis Khan, Alexander, Ceasar, Augustus, Catherine, Napoleon, Montogomery, Churchill, Cleopatra etc. etc. Trump is a small fish, small fry, never did much of note.
I think it's all overblown, he's a dick, yeah, bombastic, yeah, but in historical terms, all the furor about him far exceeds the reality. He's more boring than the hype, is what I'm saying.
Yeah, not replying to anyone in this thread, just posting a word wall as you say. As Adaire said, pity is not an emotion applicable to such persons.
And 'Trump boogeyman/patzi/Arch-evil' is definitely a media narrative, one which bores me, because history has shown what humans are capable of, and Trump did not do much of historical note. BLM has been going on for a long time, and the cultural divide that exists in America has been developing long before Trump 2016. His election was a catalyst, definitely, but I think the trend is less due to his presidency and more due to the inherent nature of the society.
Oh, he had an accelerating effect, that's for certain, but the way I look at it, Trumpists/alt-righters/radical leftists/media addicts/insert-label-here have been the driving force behind the radical societal changes -- the populace itself, with increased political involvement and exposure from all walks of life due to the digital age we live in.
I am being political by posting about politics I guess, but I'm not recommending anything. I'm saying Trump is old news, and his presidency wasn't the total circus of entertainment it could have been, just a lot of whinging and ineptitude from both sides with a final climax that could have been more spectacular. If the capitol burned, it would have been a truly historic event, and I would write differently.
I follow politics like one would follow sports or a TV show, it's history in motion, and the more chaotic and unpredictable, the more I enjoy it. I would rather have a guy like Sanders instead of Biden, there's more narrative potential, or a fresh face with fresh ideas that do not toe the age-old party line. I was rooting for Sanders vs. Trump 2016, it would have been a cool debate.
These are interesting times, and this topic has been ridden so hard that the horse's knees have given in. I'm just getting a last ride on a dead pony, I guess.
Now, current geopolitics, that's an interesting topic.