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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Forum Modding Feedback

    Donald Trump is 70. He's way older than any of you. So he's right about everything? Then stick to the few posters who were here since the beginning, and forget about new members. Or...remember Darwin's dictum: ADAPT OR GO EXTINCT. Which is it to be?
  2. scorpiomover

    Forum Modding Feedback

    Thinking about it, I've seen it happen lots of times outside of therapy. But they only changed when: (a) several of their peers, people that they knew well and whose views they respected, responded in a similar manner, (b) they explicitly said they felt very strongly that the person's...
  3. scorpiomover

    Forum Modding Feedback

    Hey, I'm a member of three minorities! Yes, it's naive. I'm not sure that you understand what it means to be a minority. If you don't understand the problems that minorities go through, you can't possibly expect to keep them around. Likewise, if someone who says they are a minority, or is a...
  4. scorpiomover

    Forum Modding Feedback

    Nice to know. Yes. That's the sort of thing I was thinking of. Think that someone ought to moderate the thread, though or it could devolve into chaos. Maybe someone who isn't the one(s) doing the banning. Ne was just throwing out lots of ideas, to see which ones people might think had merit...
  5. scorpiomover

    Forum Modding Feedback

    Nice to see that I can post on this thread. Was not aware of this until the other day. For those of you who are not aware: I joined in 2011. Soon got fed up. Felt like either I couldn't really contribute to discussions, or they were oriented in a way that made me feel excluded. Contributed to...
  6. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    The big difference between IQ tests and MBTI personality tests, is that MBTI asks you about yourself, which include questions like "Are you organised?" That allows people who are disorganised but want to be thought of as organised, to answer incorrectly. Kind of like a IQ test which decides your...
  7. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    I don't know who told you that. But they're wrong, completely wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Africa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Europe Looking at the estimates of populations that begin with year 0000: Between year 0000 and year 1000, Africa's...
  8. scorpiomover

    Can humans eventually control and manipulate geology and geography of the planet?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Japan Japan occupies 377,973.89 km^2 . About 73% of Japan is mountainous. So 275,920.9397 km^2 of base area of Japan is mountainous. Japan's highest mountain is Mount Fuji, with an elevation of 3,776 m (12,388 ft). Assume a conic shape. Volume of a...
  9. scorpiomover

    Can humans eventually control and manipulate geology and geography of the planet?

    That's called Terraforming. The Kardashev scale measures the amount of energy we can use. Different measure.
  10. scorpiomover

    Non-USA Multivitamins?

    There are several: Thiamin (vitamin B1) Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Niacin (vitamin B3) Pantothenic acid Vitamin B6 Biotin (vitamin B7) Folate and Folic acid Vitamin B12 Then I should be able to clone you, like Arnold Schwarzenegger in The 6th Day.
  11. scorpiomover

    Binary logic propositions applied to non-atomic elements

    If you're right or wrong, that won't hurt someone else. But if you're an ahole, it will. Being an ahole all of the time is like going up to bears and stabbing them in the toes. Sounds exactly like haggling. In many cultures, people ENJOY haggling. If you haggle, the seller will give you tea...
  12. scorpiomover

    Non-USA Multivitamins?

    That's some seriously weird sh*t.
  13. scorpiomover

    Non-USA Multivitamins?

    Vitamin B deficiency is linked to mental illness. Also, low levels of serotonin (Hence SSRIs = Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors being used to increase levels of Serotonin and being used to (partially) treat anxiety and depression.
  14. scorpiomover

    Binary logic propositions applied to non-atomic elements

    Then it means that whoever you date would be always acting like an ahole. 50% of the time, she'd be an ahole, and 50% of the time, she'd be acting like an ahole that was also wrong. How long would you stay with such a person? If a Big Mac is worth $5, then you're claiming that there are 2...
  15. scorpiomover

    ideas that doesnt work

    Gaming shops. You can go there, hire a PS4 or Xbox360 with whatever games you want to play: new games, old games, whatever. You can go with your friends, hang out in your own little booth and play together. Like Laser Tag but for video games. I'd make them also like coffee shops in Holland...
  16. scorpiomover

    ideas that doesnt work

    There's a scheme like that in the UK, that could be imitated. You can hire a bicycle very cheaply on your credit card. You can ride it where you want to go. Then you leave it on the pavement. It's fitted with a GPS (lo-jack). A van is sent out to pick them up each night. You could use a more...
  17. scorpiomover


    There are matriarchal societies ALREADY. It's a question of WHICH societies would be better if they were matriarchal, i.e. what properties of a society would lead to more improvements under a matriarchy than a patriarchy. You already outlined one: strong and forthright women. A society where...
  18. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    Sure. There's no pride in thinking that women are against you, not as long as you want women in your life. So for gay men, there might be pride in this type of thinking. But not for heterosexual men. Of course, there's pride in it IF those men wished to blame women for their relation ship...
  19. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    That was traditional pre-marriage male life. That was traditional married male life. Now add in feminism, where men are told that they are ALL "potential rapists", where: if you break up with them, it's the man's fault, if they break up with you, it's the man's fault, if the man doesn't ask you...
  20. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    Lots and lots of ideas. Low confidence. Low motivation. Sometimes think about starting a blog. Then worry about it being criticised. I research unusual stuff that I read on the internet. I like to hang with unusual people, and hear a lot from them (and then look it up). I'm drawn to unusual...
  21. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    That's what the Iraqis who cheered when the Americans and British came, wondered after they got rid of Saddam. Canada has so much oil, that you can just scoop it off the ground. That's what those "Ice Road Truckers" are all about. The point is two-fold: 1) Control the supply of oil. There's so...
  22. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    I was talking to a female friend I know. She's religious and likes to host events for older people and do things for people. There are also a lot of learning opportunities for women these days. A lot of women like them. So I asked her if she went to any of those as well. She replied that her...
  23. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    One male can impregnate many females. So you could kill 75% of the males in a war and still repopulate the nation in 1 generation. But a woman can only carry a few kids at most, and usually only 1 at a time. So if you killed most of the females, it would take several generations to repopulate...
  24. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    I was taught about the Balfour Declaration as a kid. I was in Israel during the Intifada. There were deaths almost every day. When I came back to the UK, I started doing my own research. I discovered a lot of things. The Muslims had been promised an Islamic State from Yemen to Syria by the...
  25. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    Beating kids was normal when I was a kid. I read things that indicated that it was accepted even in older times. But I think it varied by the parents and the children. Differs by culture. I was learning religious stuff in my youth, when we came across a bit in one of the Medieval commentators...
  26. scorpiomover

    Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes

    There are plenty of people who want to make a ToE of physics, but don't. So I don't think that the desire to make a ToE of physics makes you become extremely religious. Rather, those who are extremely religious and thus have a strong belief in G-d anyway, have a strong belief that G-d will help...
  27. scorpiomover

    The science delusion

    I can't? Wow. For me to claim that the square root of 2 can't be a rational number, I'd need a proof of that. But somehow, you think you can just make a statement that theism cannot be proved, and expect that the world should just believe you like you are an omniscient deity? If you were...
  28. scorpiomover

    The science delusion

    Scepticism just means that I don't assume you are right just because some humans say so, and want to check it out for myself. I'd read what you wrote, and analyse it for myself. I might even repeat your experiments for myself. Peer review means I ask the guys who you went to school with, if...
  29. scorpiomover

    The science delusion

    If you thought you had sex with your girlfriend on several nights, if you haven't submitted your ideas to the scientific method and got results, like having scientifically-valid witnesses and videos on every occasion, they are probably wrong and you need to re-think them. Even if you had a...
  30. scorpiomover

    The science delusion

    This is easily demonstrated by Newton v Einstein. The data that Newton and Kepler worked with, the precise measurements of Tycho Brahe, were still not exactly matching Newton's theory of gravity. Einstein's theory is much closer, by billions of times. Even so, 99% of the time, Newton's theory...
  31. scorpiomover

    Am I in the grip of Fe?

    Science doesn't have the answers yet. Scientific theories keep being changed in light of new evidence and new understandings (like Relativity), i.e. in light of new information, not just by filling in the details, but even by redefining the nature of reality in principle. The theories themselves...
  32. scorpiomover

    Am I in the grip of Fe?

    Ignorance is when you don't know anything, not when you know stuff, some of which is wrong. Sure. But Maimonides doesn't deny that you have to be Meizid (intentional) to be punished fully for something. To be an apikores, you cannot be ignorant, because then you wouldn't be intentionally...
  33. scorpiomover

    Am I in the grip of Fe?

    The oldest of the Abrahamic religions is Judaism. Judaism is obsessed with studying and learning. Some quotes from Judaism: One who does not learn is deserving of death. (Ethics of the Fathers, Chapter 1, Mishnah 13) Rabbi Yaakov would say: One who walks along a road and studies, and...
  34. scorpiomover

    Am I in the grip of Fe?

    If I say that you're an ignorant moron who believes in rubbish, then that would be critical and rude. You seem to be talking as if you expect that everyone speaks politely about everyone else's views, which you can only expect if you speak to everyone politely about their views, no matter what...
  35. scorpiomover

    The science delusion

    One of the big problems with science is precisely this. According to science, if someone tells you that the Sun goes aroung the Earth, or the Earth goes around the Sun, you're supposed to tell them to go to Hell until you see clear, consistent evidence that proves it beyond any reasonable...
  36. scorpiomover

    Am I in the grip of Fe?

    Yes. Bound to hit your Fe and Si. So get some. However, the INTP version of external validation is auxiliary Ne, which isn't at all like the Te-aux for INTJs. In a nutshell, Ne looks for patterns in data, by cross-linking (observering the same phenomena in several disparate topics). E.G. to...
  37. scorpiomover

    How many people here are software developers

    Nah. You only need a macro. The problem with programming using voice dictation software is that software uses a combination of words, letters, numbers and punctuation symbols. While most languages have short sounds for letters, numbers and words, English doesn't have any appropriate sounds for...
  38. scorpiomover

    Older INTP signing on...

    I thought the NTs were dinosaurs: Oddly developed types - Island types 54
  39. scorpiomover

    On The Connexion Between the Inutition MBTI dichtomty and Machine Learning Algorihtms

    A lot of the time, people argue for hidden agendas. Nietzsche also pointed out that most philosophers conveniently were arguing for choices that supported lifestyles they either lived by, or things that would have made their life a lot nicer. Not exactly. INTJs tend to think strategically. E.G...
  40. scorpiomover

    On The Connexion Between the Inutition MBTI dichtomty and Machine Learning Algorihtms

    We were taught to do maths from first principles. First principles means reasoning from fundamental axioms, as you explained, which means you have to forget about the last 2500 years of maths and science, and start re-discovering everything from scratch. Not very practical. However, if you...
  41. scorpiomover

    INTPs ..why so serious?

    'Mind-reading' AI can predict your personality by studying your eyes | Daily Mail Online
  42. scorpiomover

    If you could choose to major/re-major in anything at all, what would you choose?

    You could. It's just about studying emprical correlations scientifically, what actions are major influences over which major social and economic changes then occur, and then converting them to equations. The ability is there. We just need the will for several liked-minded individuals to study...
  43. scorpiomover

    The End Begins Now

    Aha. The US military would pay a lot of money for a full-on Terminator.
  44. scorpiomover

    The End Begins Now

    Looks like the inside of a sewing machine. It really does. Still, have fun. You can make all sorts, knives, guns, spaceships. The last is my idea. I've come across INTJs who like making weapons in their spare time.
  45. scorpiomover

    If you could choose to major/re-major in anything at all, what would you choose?

    Whahey! Tangents are OK? Trolling too? This is like an all-you-can-eat buffet of my favourite ice cream. :cake: Probably psycho-history (See Asimov's Foundation series), combined with quantum physics. Also, as a minor, I'd take "dating skills", "car mechanics", "investing for beginners"...
  46. scorpiomover

    INTPs ..why so serious?

    Can you imagine any other type of world-reknowned physicist doing this?
  47. scorpiomover

    Having kids

    IIRC from biology classes, the pH in human blood has an extremely narrow range, like +/-0.05pH. The range of temperatures that the human body can handle is far, far less than the range of temperatures found in the universe. Just think about the temperature of the Sun: 5000 C. The range of...
  48. scorpiomover

    Having kids

    I've known several people in the world who actually say the things you did, and are completely serious about it. So if you don't want to be classified as a crazy lunatic, best to wrap your sarcastic posts in
  49. scorpiomover

    Having kids

    No balance = you on a bicycle on a road with trucks travelling at high speed, and your bicycle keeps falling into the middle of the road. I.E. No balance => horrifically painful death. So if balance was fantasy, there would be nothing left alive. Even the universe would be a smoking cinder.
  50. scorpiomover

    The value of IQ

    Occupational success => being paid more money. There are less and less well-paid jobs, due to them being replaced with automation or workers in poorer countries that are willing to work for much lower pay. So there's more competition for the better-paying jobs. So a lot of college students...
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