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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    1) Freud: Freud's approach was to put someone on a couch and get them to talk about their childhood. His experience was that when patients who suffered with sexual problems talked about their earliest sexual experiences that formed the basis of their sexual dysfunction, having talked about it...
  2. scorpiomover

    H o m e o p a t h y.

    A sailor's life was a hard one. Distilled water in sterile vacuum-sealed environments doesn't go off. Do you think your average ship in the 18th Century was sterile or vaccum-sealed?
  3. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    As of yet, I've not seen or heard of any reliable unbiased studies regarding Big Five. Science is about the evidence. If a theory is untestable, the evidence will tell you nothing about its validity and soundness. A scientific theory is one where you are 99% sure it is wrong, but where it is...
  4. scorpiomover

    H o m e o p a t h y.

    100% rum. Water goes off after a couple of months. Sea voyages could take years. So they needed something for sailors to drink that could last for years. That was also the problem. Fresh limes would go off. The fresh fruit & veg would last 2 weeks. Then for the next 6 months, they lived on rum...
  5. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    Read Jung's Chapter X of Psychological Types. You can find it online by googling it. You might have to read it a few times before it sinks in, that it's not a cookie-cutter technology designed to make you sound better and other types sound worse. It was not invented for people who are living...
  6. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    For over 2,000 years, Jews suffered with anti-Semitism. Jews who converted to Xianity were welcomed by Xians. Jews who converted to atheism, were allowed to succeed to a point by atheists (but there was a glass ceiling. Alfred Dreyfuss fell foul of that). In that time, only for 12 years...
  7. scorpiomover

    Taoism is a spook.

    Actually, I studied maths, physics and self-read about relativity, and from what I have learned, the universe mostly ONLY works in terms of multiple oppositional functions. In maths, and in physics, there are numerous forces. In one situation, the electromagentic force is more powerful than...
  8. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    Being a Jew is DYNAMIC (you can convert to atheism) and SELF-IDENTIFIED (for the same reason). So you are OK with anti-Semitism?
  9. scorpiomover

    Social Justice is the basis of Racism and Sexism

    That would be judging Catholics as all being paedos, just because some were. When has tribalism and competition had a legitimate basis? Inherited sin is a term that means that you were born into a society where people are often irrational and immoral in a thousand ways, and as a result, you...
  10. scorpiomover

    Social Justice is the basis of Racism and Sexism

    1) This is a white person: This is a person of colour (pink-skin): People of colour (pink-skins) say they are part of "the white race", and call brown-skins "people of colour". 2) Europeans and Aussies and Canadians and Americans all descended from Africans. It's in their genes, forever...
  11. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    Don't worry. Big Five will follow the same pattern. After all, it's based on SCIENCE. So it HAS to be right. I read the same sorts of things said about SJs, that people used to say about black people and the Irish in the 1970s.
  12. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI? A rebuttal.

    If it was 100% certain that you were NOT an ESFJ, but you thought you were an ESFJ, and you convinced yourself that you identified with your ESFJ label, and you felt like you knew where you fit in society or with humanity or whatever, would you still think that there are CLEAR benefits to...
  13. scorpiomover

    H o m e o p a t h y.

    They did. But lots of people refused to accept the answers, because it wasn't "rational". As moronic as the idea that you can press some plastic boxes in your home, and expect that you can send an communicate with someone in an entirely different country that you've never seen? What's next...
  14. scorpiomover

    H o m e o p a t h y.

    Several years ago, I was surprised to find out that in the UK, 4 different homeopathy hospitals were set up by the NHS, because although it didn't make sense to lots of people, the scientific evidence showed that homeopathy had such high rates of success that it was scientifically moronic not to...
  15. scorpiomover

    Social Justice is the basis of Racism and Sexism

    You argue that it should not be OK to criticise whites, and you consider yourself white. You argue that it should not be OK to criticise males, and you consider yourself male. You argue that it should be OK to attack Catholics, and you do not consider yourself a Catholic. Your arguments are...
  16. scorpiomover

    Dune Characters

    Typology: Paul is an INFP: Duke Leto is an INFJ: He's an intuitive: He has Fe: He's a J: He orders his men about. He's an introvert, because he's not all that friendly to most people, but is very close to those who are part of his inner circle.
  17. scorpiomover

    Dune Characters

    Dune is an alternate version of the history of Islam. Paul is Mohammed. The Fremen are the nomaic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. The Butlerian Jihad is the Dark Ages, during which time the Muslims conquered everywhere they went, and the only thing stopping them from taking over America, was...
  18. scorpiomover

    Social Justice is the basis of Racism and Sexism

    You ALMOST had a good argument. ALMOST. But then you wiped it off the face of the map. You cannot be judged for being born a man. But you grew up in an environment that was sexist and racist, and yet did not reject the racism and sexism by joining left-wing SJW movements and protesting in...
  19. scorpiomover

    Your thoughts on S Korea's Plastic Surgery Industry and Japan and Korea's Idol Services?

    Sounds like the main goal of cities in the modern era. Middle-class earners are people with more money than they need to survive, which means that if they splurge on products that are not worth the price, they'll probably keep buying them anyway. Makes them a great market for selling stuff.
  20. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Lots of people tried this: women looking for guys with money. Men looking for women to provide sex. Relationships got commercialised. But they last shorter, and they are harder to establish. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to see why it doesn't work. Well, think about what I wrote above...
  21. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Cog, think about what you said. There's no shortage of women who want a serious relationship. If that is all you need, you could be in a relationship today. So could pretty much every man in the world. Moreover, if that's all you need to stay together, then since when the relationship began...
  22. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Don't need one, not unless I'm writing a computer algorithm for a dating site. What do you do with a partner? Spend time with each other? Talk? Hang out? Go places? Share woes? Lean on each other for help? Apart from sex, the rest is stuff you'd do with friends. Consider that for a moment...
  23. scorpiomover

    what are the consequences of time travel

    Time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel causes time travel Seems like it's a never-ending story.
  24. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Such a calculator works well for people who are usually attracted to the people that your compatibility calculator says are very compatible, and are mostly unattracted to the people that your calculator says are definitely incompatible. Thus, that would work for those people whose patterns of...
  25. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Then it's a good thing for you, that internet dating has become so popular then. The people who I dated, or almost dated, and where there was mutual attraction and a lot of chemistry, came from random encounters with people who were friends/acquaintainces of people I was with, and who just...
  26. scorpiomover

    The right to be selfish

    @Animekitty, modern psychology says that it's harmful to deny internally feeling your emotions and desires. But it's also harmful to outwardly express them in an inappropriate way. You can inwardly feel everything, without having to externally act on anything.
  27. scorpiomover

    Your excuses for smoking?

    IME, SPs drink alcohol and use drugs like kids drink sugary drinks and eat sweets. I've known builders who would drink 8 pints of beer every single night. The SPs I know, would take every drug going, and would use heroin and crack daily. Even the ones that don't touch illegal drugs seem to...
  28. scorpiomover

    Your excuses for smoking?

    I think it's to be able to converse with normies. I remember back in university, the first time 2 of my friends took LSD. I didn't take it, and only had a couple of beers. I was just talking away like normal. One of my friends said that for the first time ever, I finally made sense. I suspect...
  29. scorpiomover

    I called someone a stupid whore

    That you're advertising to go on Jerry Springer? That go on Jerry, dude. Or Montell. Or whatever other talk show / reality TV show is popular at the moment. Share your humour with the world.
  30. scorpiomover

    what are the consequences of time travel

    1.1) Lots of bereaved parents going back in time, trying to save their children from dying. Lots of people trying to going back in time, trying to save their lover. Even if the effort is futile, plenty of people are so upset about the loss of a child or a partner, that they act extremely...
  31. scorpiomover

    The right to be selfish

    I recognise that Nietzsche is only arguing in a certain way, and one that validates his viewpoint. But we need to consider both sides of the equation. A 1-sided viewpoint is not a strong one, and one that would not be held by an Ubermensch. I tend to like to remove redundancies from arguments...
  32. scorpiomover

    Can human compatibility/relationship be calculated and measured

    Dating software uses the ideas of the designers, the ideas of psychologists, and probably machine learning to improve the matches. Compatibility tends to follow similar patterns. E.G. if you can talk easily to a person, you usually find that you don't argue all that often. Life experience is...
  33. scorpiomover

    matter and spirit

    You can't touch the Sun either. But it is material, right? You can see the Sun. But you can't see the suns of far-away galaxies. You can only see the galaxy. So then you can't see or touch the suns of far-away galaxies => they are not material ???? Physicists don't measure and study the human...
  34. scorpiomover

    Toxic Femininity

    Actually, I quite like all of those people. In terms of traditional gender roles, they're all admirable characters. Even Nietzsche probably would have liked most of them, because they stood up for what they believed in, even to the point of often risking their lives, their livelihoods and...
  35. scorpiomover

    The right to be selfish

    On your points about morality: It's rather ironic that you mention that Nietzsche regards the ressentiment man as an example of morality. This is what wiki says about "ressentiment": That describes a person or group, that blames the group's problems on another group, and shows resentment &...
  36. scorpiomover

    The right to be selfish

    On the question you asked: Selfish = self-ish, being somewhat oriented towards the needs of your self. People who are completely un-selfish, would happily starve to death, rather than go out and get a job to feed them. He doesn't care about his needs. People who are completely selfish, would...
  37. scorpiomover

    Toxic Femininity

    I agree that if I asked traditional men who believe in traditional gender roles, about those people, they would all agree that they're all examples of traditional masculine men, except for Keanu Reeves (too much of a pretty boy). But if I asked a feminist about Tarzan, she'd probably point out...
  38. scorpiomover

    Swapped Gender-Roles Worldbuilding

    Perhaps you should have asked the question, then. I grew up with reversed gender roles. My mum worked full-time as an accountant. My dad worked part-time, organising the local Synagogue's prayer services. My mum LOVED to drive. She would check the water, and the oil, every morning before she'd...
  39. scorpiomover

    Have we screwed ourselves over with mass vaccinations?

    Was a big deal in the UK for several years. Sooooo many people went into hospital for something, caught MRSA, and died. Wasn't spreading outside of hospitals. Even knew someone whose dad died of it. It was like COVID, but for a decade. I'm sorry that you aren't aware of the epidemics that have...
  40. scorpiomover

    Have we screwed ourselves over with mass vaccinations?

    Had that problem with MRSA 30 years ago when we used antibiotics liberally to wipe out SA. Oddly enough, it was more prevalent in hospitals than in the people outside of them. If vaccines are used ubiquitously, so that the body is consistently living in an environment where natural immunity...
  41. scorpiomover

    Perparing Humanity for Space: Politics

    We'd treat them the same way we treated other new subspecies of humans in the Amazonian jungle. Probably give them COVID. Then blame white people for being so inconsiderate. What makes you think you'd be more likely to learn from a war on a different planet in a different solar system, than...
  42. scorpiomover

    Toxic Femininity

    If there is masculinity, there has to be non-toxic masculinity. But we can't know if there is non-toxic masculinity, until we have examples of things that are classically masculine, and also non-toxic. Tensions have been escalated. 1) When people become emotional, it becomes difficult for them...
  43. scorpiomover

    Swapped Gender-Roles Worldbuilding

    No. But I used to watch Sheena. IIRC, the old shows with girls as the main characters, had to have real bad-ass heroines, because even the old men and the pets were already portrayed as very tough, and so the women had to be even tougher to out-do the men. It's easy to make women scary. You...
  44. scorpiomover

    Swapped Gender-Roles Worldbuilding

    Bible had that one without magic. An alternative would be a virus that is harmless to most people, but have a very high rate of death for certain demographics, in this case, those with a Y chromosome. Wait. There's a virus called COVID-19, that kills twice as many men as women. Might be a bit...
  45. scorpiomover

    The curious case of 'chatting' and their possible resemblance with human speech

    Chatting is a form of social reinforcement. You can see chimps engage in regular physical contact as a form of ergular social reinforcement. If you look at the types of things being posted on social media these days, it's things like "It's my birthday", "I got married!" and "I had a baby"...
  46. scorpiomover

    Swapped Gender-Roles Worldbuilding

    I've watched several shows like this recently. The women in these SF&F shows who are fighters, warriors and leaders, are usually written to still end up falling for men who are warriors. The men who are not warriors, are usually considered only "friends" by the powerful women, and usually are...
  47. scorpiomover

    can an AI robot become a salesperson

    A sales helper's job is to answer any query asked, no matter what it is. You'd need a computer that can generally process and answer any question, including questions it has not been told what to do with. A sales assistant's job can be similar. If you're talking about a sales assistant like...
  48. scorpiomover

    can an AI robot become a salesperson

    Done sales before. It's a numbers game. They give you a script. They tell you to read through it with each customer, no matter what, like a computer following a program. It takes about 5 minutes. Then they tell you that the more customers you read the script to, the more sales you make. The...
  49. scorpiomover

    Is Personification Immoral

    That would be making a whole new technology, which most programmers would not know yet, which would in turn means that sh* programmers would not be able to do it. But if you simply make technology faster, then even if sh*t programmers write sh*t code that took ages to run, now that sh*t code...
  50. scorpiomover

    Is Personification Immoral

    The average laptop, is 1,000 times as fast, and has 1,000,000 times the memory, as a 1980s computer that would run an entire business. With 10 laptops, you could probably run Australia. In the early days of computers in the 1950s and 1960s, the hardware was much slower and less capable than...
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