Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Vector fonts
1) Hack pt. 11
2) Noto Mono
3) DejaVu Sans Mono
4) Liberation Mono
1) Termsyn
2) Terminus
3) Dina
4) Boxxy
5) Misc Fixed
6) VGA 437
I used vector at first, then bitmap for their crispiness. Then I stuck with Bitmap for a long time because I don't have an HD monitor.
Benefits to using bitmap
1) You can fit more code on your screen
2) Absolutely no problems of blurry fonts
1) Painful for the eyes
2) More code on the screen does not really make much of a difference
3) The font are too small. I don't understand why the best bitmap fonts are always too fucking small.
Current font: Noto Sans Mono Semibold 10pt. It seems like a good compromise for now.
1) Hack pt. 11
2) Noto Mono
3) DejaVu Sans Mono
4) Liberation Mono
1) Termsyn
2) Terminus
3) Dina
4) Boxxy
5) Misc Fixed
6) VGA 437
I used vector at first, then bitmap for their crispiness. Then I stuck with Bitmap for a long time because I don't have an HD monitor.
Benefits to using bitmap
1) You can fit more code on your screen
2) Absolutely no problems of blurry fonts
1) Painful for the eyes
2) More code on the screen does not really make much of a difference
3) The font are too small. I don't understand why the best bitmap fonts are always too fucking small.
Current font: Noto Sans Mono Semibold 10pt. It seems like a good compromise for now.