Humans have less agency and lower drive for self-determination overall in this age.
Not because of some scheme or other, but because of a type of lethargy, indolence bred of routine, comfort, and ease of living. Communication immediate, opinion forming immediate, outrage immediate.
Travel to commune with others is not required in this age, therefore outrage over inhibition of movement is not widespread, and diktats concerning personal behavior are stringently adhered to.
I speak in a general sense, yet the trends are clear, and the knee-jerk temperament of humans concerning this topic or that topic has replaced mutual discourse, respectful parlance, and considerate daily interaction.
To a lesser degree, governments and .orgs lead this change; to a greater extent, the possible dark age of technology that humanity is on the cusp of entering is guided by herd instinct, fear response, and complacency regarding one's immediate environment in exchange for the absolute focus on the broader view of country, empire, culture that media portrays and which so many neo-religious cults are formed around.
Conclusion? Fuck this shit, I'm gonna have fun with people who wanna have fun.