BLAST. Comeon, both of those things are good for INTPs b/c they often have new interesting challenges. Why are you excluding them?
Still, you could: Create an online market for something. There'd be lots of organizing and customer service and doesn't that sound dandy.
There are starting to be positions for "community management". That involves: posting on forums, tweeting/blogging about said community, kinda being a PR person. All to drive more traffic to whatever online community you got. If you could find a job like that, it might actually be decent, but it would probably get repetitive.
I'm excluding design because I think it requires to be an F, as you have to "feel" the "art" side of design. Which I don't. I can't use Photoshop efficiently.
Excluding programming because it pays 400 bucks a month for that, it requires you to more than you'd have to do in the US for $10k a month, and because I need to start eating healthy before I do something to requires very intensive logical reasoning 8 hours a day. I like programming actually.
Online market, that's an interesting idea. I wonder how it would work. Would that work with $1 in my pocket before starting it?
Oh, and customer service doesn't sound nice, as customers are idiots. Most of the time. And I hate idiots. Unless they can bear me treating them like idiots if they act like idiots.
If they pay enough money to get vitamin-filled food, I could work it for a couple months or for a year, until I could get on with programming or something similar. Better than flipping burgers. Never heard of these positions though, never saw them?