The sensors and somewhat the NF-types can't follow an NT as easily nor do they relate to the ways of an NT nor do they feel comfortable about it.
The "monotone" is less of a problem to the NTs that have extraverted thinking as it's outer organizing, better with expression, though the ENTPs (with Ti) are Extroverts and INTPs (with Te) are Introverts. The least it's a problem to ENTJs (TeNi), then to ENTPs, and then to INTPs, and the most it might be a problem to INTJs (TiNe) though as they have such a good outer (Ne) organizing ability with the most dominant Ti, and have extravert sensing and extravert intuition (that makes them visually extraverts), they should manage if they keep it simple enough. One thing the IN(T)xs should not do is start to compete talk or and talk too much even when the Sensors etc. are talking a lot; the INxxs better take their optimal place, and it depends of the people they are with.