Yes they also intrigue me.
I guess we could start with the "celebrity scientists controlling the weather" comment mentioned in the bullet points thread.
few things to note, the ENMOD treaty signed in 1977 was in response to the vietnam war where it's documented they were manipulating the weather, albeit primitively.
we don't have to go further back in history than that but there are high ranking servicemen who have claimed to be able to control the weather as far back as the 50's (creating, steering and destroying typhoons).
skip forward to more modern history and we've had the HAARP project being made public knowledge, the designer of the device states himself that it was made in an attempt to control the weather.
a congressional hearing later confirmed that HAARP was successful in doing so and was then being decommissioned from military service as they had, and i quote, "a more viable means of controlling the ionosphere" thereby opening up HAARP to public viewing and giving control of the facility to a local university (likely a shadow entity of the CIA).
this is the fireworks/missile comparison i made.
there's likely other whistleblowers that have come forward to congress or some VIP in the system and said that the weather is going to be weaponised soon, granted that was years ago before the fukushima disaster.
a note on the fukushima disaster, you can find videos of the then japanese finance minister saying japan was threatened by an earthquake machine, of course he laughed thinking it a fiction and then 2 days later fukushima happened.
here's michio kaku making the "research" public knowledge so that the elites don't fall victim to the metaphysical substructure of reality. "thou shalt not tell untruths"
pretty sure neal digrasse tyson did this too. (note the celeb scientists simply prime the public for the incoming reality, they aren't the ones in control)
congress hearing 1
congress hearing 2
haarp designer
the fukushima research you will have to do on your own cause no one can be told about such things without wanting to know.
granted all of this could be fake news put out by the shadow gov, but i doubt it personally there's too many threads converging and not enough knowledge on the topic in the public sphere.
last piece of evidence is the movie geostorm, cause i subscribe to the notion that the fiction primes the culture for the impending reality, or even gears the culture towards that reality even if it isn't impending.
this is a scientific reality instead of a social reality and a fiction has been made to prime the collective for accepting the science...cause that michio kaku clip is getting old yo, same for the congressional clips so clearly the collective isn't correctly primed for this information to be talked about in the daily news, where they tell you what weather they are making you have today instead of what the world would naturally have it be.
i'm also of the belief that once these ideas start getting discussed in the public space that they've been in research for ten years at the least prior to being talked about.
HAARP was established in 1993, kaku said the weather was controllable in 2013.
there's also a growing list of weather modification patents.
no telling what type of patents got black budgeted upon presentation.
you can find them here
beijing olympics, we got the "fireworks" equivalent cloud seeding that made it not rain for the opening ceremony.
"missiles" are in the back, they allegedly cause earthquakes and tsunami's.