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Search results

  1. ZenRaiden

    Men of today | Male influencers

    I feel like the motivation is we provide less meaningful structure for kids, and then males and females grow up in a rather fast paced world, where things arent always what they supposed to be. So people naturally want to find some semblance of structure where they can find it. I think all the...
  2. ZenRaiden

    Learning French is a pain in the A*s.

    You can download comic strips from archive . org on the internet such as: https://ia803400.us.archive.org/28/items/pif-gadget-hs-special-500-10-ans-de-bande-dessinee/Pif%20Gadget%20-%20HS%20-%20Special%20500%20-%2010%20Ans%20De%20Bande%20Dessinee_text.pdf
  3. ZenRaiden

    The Fine Tuning Argument - What Am I Missing?

    Simple things cannot be complex = it must be made by intelligence. However in computing we have what is called emergent properties. That is with enough simple elements that keep repeating complexity starts evolving. You could almost argue that universe is made such that complexity is...
  4. ZenRaiden

    How to become more intelligent.

    Fascinating, long have suspected the possibility, but did not know there are scientist who would claim this.
  5. ZenRaiden

    Intuition - Confirmation bias with hindsight is 20/20 or something legit

    intuition and thinking are the same thing, one is faster and one is more accurate. Being too logical and precise will make you sometimes slow and dumb. Being to intuitive will make you imprecise and dumb. Key is knowing where thinking logic counts and where intuition counts. If your...
  6. ZenRaiden

    Being a student ain't fun. Is it worth?

    Its a trade off, not sacrifice. If its sacrifice then don't do it. Sounds like you want to feel free to make choices and be independent. At 25 thats a good call. What are you going to do with the money now that you have it. I am going to guess a little, and say this is emotional problem and...
  7. ZenRaiden

    Is online Free Speech real?

    One needs to first recognize that they are a slave... in order to free the mind.
  8. ZenRaiden

    Have we been wrong about what to emphasize in education?

    Schools are waste of time. Just learn to understand. Once you understand something you are ahead of the curve in every domain. You can learn the details and bullshit later.
  9. ZenRaiden

    Learning French is a pain in the A*s.

    Learn french by learning about your favorite subject in french. If you like cars learn about cars in french. If you like computers learn about computers in french. If you like porn, learn about porn in french. Don't learn about doctors visit, or stupid stuff like trivia about country or stuff...
  10. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    ....never works.
  11. ZenRaiden

    COVID 19 greatest hits

  12. ZenRaiden

    Moon Base

    Well conversely US could take all that NASA money and turn it into tomahawks and kill few middle Easter sand people. Or maybe funnel it to of shore accounts or maybe give it to oil companies so they can bribe some Nigerian prince and take their oil. I ain't king of budgeting, but if US military...
  13. ZenRaiden

    Matrix was documentary

    Interesting take on history of media and social structure through the symbolism of Matrix.
  14. ZenRaiden

    Woke for Dummies, the danger of Grimoires

    Your outspoken, but half the time you dont make sense, to be honest. The fact you take outlandish fringe minority view points and tackle them like its major issue also suggest your losing your mind. Not to be a dick, but Australia was in decline for more than SJW were around. Your government...
  15. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    I had seen this argument, and its virtually a mainstay of arguments, in order to dunk on Soviets. The problem is if we implement communism without calling it communism you would not even recognize it. I bet your the kind of guy who would vote for the first communist reform without knowing...
  16. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    Whats the goal of economy? I acknowledged economy is important for innovation. Its a close loop. Eh, depends how we look at it. It can be argued it does. I saudi people have UBI in extreme case, they own their oil. By your logic Saudi people should just relinquish ownership of their oil...
  17. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    The big dynamic was innovation. Technology does not run on capitalism. Capitalism may help innovation, but without knowledge capitalism would be just slavery with extra steps. How is some coalminer or guy in fords factory barely surviving on low wage helping the economy really. There are people...
  18. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    There are literally economist who disagree. This is basically coming down to ideology or school of thought territory. Thinking certain way is just indoctrination of sorts. You have certain theoretical ideas, then they translate to the wide world. I do recommend watching this guy, because...
  19. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    I mean sure. But again dodging the challenge. You guys got nothing on Marx. NOFFING
  20. ZenRaiden

    We are heading towards more loneliness

    Yeah of only we could get out doors and not be glued to the screen. Gonna be honest I agree with the sentiment, but people absolutely need to take accountability, its the same shit as COVID. COVID is terrible, but no one went outside and enjoyed a walk in the park even if their life...
  21. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    That still can happen, but I don't mean that. For whats it worth, his claims vs his observations of capitalism. His observation of capitalism is on point. I don't think he measures up to modern day economist, but at the time that was comprehensive work. Its still studied today.
  22. ZenRaiden

    The EVILution of Communism by James Lindsay

    Marx was ultimately absolutely right. I challenge anyone finding something he wrote that is incorrect. I have yet to see anyone study his work and find whats wrong with it. Whether people understand his work is another story.
  23. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    I get that. There is only 24 hours in a day. All I mean is that there is credible evidence, but its not something simple. Why would lets say Larry Page go on Fox news and admit he tried to sway elections using YouTube algorithms. There is literally a scientist who proved that YouTube and google...
  24. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    Banking, Oil, Pharma, Weapons manufacturing, fertilizer technology, computer tech etc. ..... All these people are way richer than the regular. They literally own the keys to civilization. We are entirely at their mercy.
  25. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    If you think peoples wealth is measured by how much zeros they have on bank accounts think again. I can have 5 dollars on back account and still be the richest guy in country. Wealth can be spread around and its very hard to account for it. Elon Musk is poor guy comparably to rich people...
  26. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    I doubt they are visible. That is cool. There is plenty evidence. One needs to look for it. That said I am not spoon feeding people evidence they aren't willing to accept. There are obvious reasons for why this sort of stuff is not advertised and mainstream.
  27. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    NO I understand your skepticism. Hence my post. What I mean is that politicians themselves are too dumb. I mean politicians are cogs in the wheel house as well. They are not on top of food chain by any means. Trump is not on top of food chain either. There are people above that that...
  28. ZenRaiden

    Perhaps I am not INTP

    INTPs like neat categories and like understanding things completely, not having lose ends. INTPs can easily see lose ends and will forever dwell on them, because inconsistencies bug them. Trouble with MBTI is that although MBTI is presented as neat processing thing, where we neatly fall into...
  29. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    Do you think a policeman or security guard or for that matter law enforcement as such really is full aware of the effect they have on population. I think this is the case of being cog in the machine type of thing. Hence most things seem OK, because everything is divided, but when you put them...
  30. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    I think this is absolutely wrong take. Stalinist Russia was brutal but 1989 was not Stalinist and people still had to fight for freedom. I would argue the censorship is on par or similar to Communist countries. For comparison sake I had to follow million un official channels just to learn...
  31. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    This woman got fired simply because she wrote a book. That is Germany. Glenn Diesen was kicked out of youtube platform for a good while. Now his back, not sure why. There are several journalist that were de-platformed on youtube, simply because they spoke out about certain issues. Some spoke...
  32. ZenRaiden

    How to become more intelligent.

    There is a lot that can be done with this. But ultimately its like MBTI sometimes. You learn whole lot of categories, but you never know how to apply them usefully to everyday life. Not that its not possible, but as you say psychology, does pay attention to cognitive biases. I would argue tho...
  33. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    I made a thread about this. The totalitarian EU. Something clearly needs to be done about this. UK and Germany have censorship that is starting to be on par with totalitarian socialism. There is also narrative control - a sort of ideology where speech is being surgically operated on, by...
  34. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    Yeah I too doubt it.
  35. ZenRaiden

    The Cult of Progress

    In context of common wealth and US it might make sense. In context of larger world it makes zero sense. Guess who never had communism.
  36. ZenRaiden

    On Cognisant

    Did not mean to devalue INTPs "garbage" is not garbage, but steering shit towards reality I mean. We are way to meta. Thinking about possibilities, eventually means missing eventualities.
  37. ZenRaiden

    On Cognisant

    Maybe we just need more J types here to clear up the garbage.
  38. ZenRaiden

    On Cognisant

    I don't hold anyone to any standard. People should hold themselves up to standard they feel like. That said the one post, I forget which and where, about nazis and nationalism was on point. Cog explained the motivations about national socialism in it perfectly. So I don't really care if...
  39. ZenRaiden

    How to become more intelligent.

    Same. :crazy:
  40. ZenRaiden

    How to become more intelligent.

    Besides nootropics, is there any other way?
  41. ZenRaiden

    Project 2025

    You said it, and I agree. Lucky this is not terminal diagnosis. I also struggle with this sometimes in some aspects of life. I think its very common nowdays due to lack of social life.
  42. ZenRaiden

    Victim of professor's laziness (once again)

    Thats a long winded way of saying, Women got more jobs.
  43. ZenRaiden

    Project 2025

    What cog needs
  44. ZenRaiden

    MBTI functions are logically incorrect and hence the typology is empirically invalid

    Science accounts of only tiny fraction of your knowledge, that keeps you afloat. Humanity lived without science for 1000 thousands of years. Animals survive without science. Scientism is the term you are looking for. Its the belief that science can explain everything and anything, that false...
  45. ZenRaiden

    MBTI functions are logically incorrect and hence the typology is empirically invalid

    I feel like main problem with people working MBTI, is that people are ascribing too much or too little to MBTI. Either devaluing to a fault or overvaluing to a fault, and the reason for this is simply not understanding MBTI.
  46. ZenRaiden

    MBTI functions are logically incorrect and hence the typology is empirically invalid

    Jung never claimed it be science. Something can be non scientific and still correct. Kind of like we know how to have sex and not be taught in science class. This is what Jung says on his psychological types. Since MBTI is derived from his work it seems he agrees that its not that simple...
  47. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    What exactly is stopping any male right now here from having lots of kids with lots of females.
  48. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    I know, I get it, I don't think you are that type of person. Biological is flimsy concept to begin with, I suggest watching the other half of video that woman did in manosphere where she went over some very obvious concepts that were wrong. More importantly the science of biology is probably...
  49. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    I mean if you believe that then that is fine. I am just here trying to separate male masculine LARPing and actual fact.
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