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Search results

  1. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    Sure so there seems to be more females to males ratio. From that you argued that men have higher success rate having more sex. ------ which is what you claim?
  2. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    That is said to be so based on conjecture. As of now the only real life examples we have about tribal life is stone age tribes. Do these researchers even know how people lived 40 or 100 thousand years ago? NO they do not. Secondly tribal dynamics or the dynamics of groups depend on adaptations...
  3. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    Obviously having lots of kids can be biologically successful, but youd also have to forgo all the advantages of functional social being that a child needs to be. I hope I don't need to spell out why having a kid and not taking care of it does not always translate to successful. Obviously there...
  4. ZenRaiden

    Men's Pride

    I have not seen one in the wild yet. I see them on internet, and seen some flag pride parade not so long ago, but I have yet to come across a female that is actually feminist of any kind.
  5. ZenRaiden

    Basic principles of governance

    Ill be a bit of contrarian, but I think Plato is exactly the type of philosopher that would ruin a civilization, because he treats people like object entities that have no emotions and operate purely on rational reasons. On top of that a lot of NT people think they are rational and I get they...
  6. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    I want sex just as much as the next guy, but calling it biologically successful is a stretch on any level whether we consider the paleolithic or 21 century lol. And no I don't look for family I am looking for sex and relationship. I am not sure if broken tateology is really way to explain...
  7. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    I think she actually uses the term nice guy in its original meaning here, where nice means you really are a nice person, not just signaling virtue to get into panties.
  8. ZenRaiden

    Real life advice from female....

    Shes pretty good, a little too preachy in some videos, but this vid is spot on imho. Its very simple. She gives advice for nice guys.
  9. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    There is value in that.
  10. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    True, I guess. Ultimately masculinity is kind of concept that gets weaved in through experiences. I assume those experiences are including other men, but masculinity is also in relation to having women or homo relations. The thing is I believe that people focus too much on the concept as...
  11. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    Did have big impact, in what way?
  12. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    I am not sure what this means for anyone man. I don't know what people need at any point of life. But joining a freaking sports club, or doing something conventionally manly is not impossible. Its not like Zuckerberg is holding man down glued to keyboards everyday and telling them to spend...
  13. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    She gets more done in the latter phase of video, and she addresses the things that currently run the manosphere. I am sure men need role models. We all do better when we have them. But those role models need to be worth it. I think she did a good job addressing a larger portion of myths that...
  14. ZenRaiden

    Mano-sphere criticism

    I find here style of presenting her research very funny. Also interesting factoids included. On topic of this I think there is not much to say.
  15. ZenRaiden

    High internet

    Yes, because internet, and boobs. I think back problems are number one problem of civilization. Anyone who solves back problems is going to be rich. Eventually everything is normified. I am not a normie, but also dont consider my self a complete outlier in PC race. Though I might as well...
  16. ZenRaiden

    High internet

    Before internet dies, we must appreciate the internet for what it is. Inevitably it will become overtaken, by ads, AI, and corporate greed, and governmental censorship. We will be left with trillions of memory completely gobbled up by bullshit, thus leaving internet unusable. SO lets...
  17. ZenRaiden

    High internet

    I'm sure you can all find boobs on the internet. Do it somewhere else. ~ Hado
  18. ZenRaiden

    Robots and Life Extension

    we should start with the low hanging fruit and work our way up to humanoid robots....
  19. ZenRaiden


    I, Me, Mine Hello, Goodbye
  20. ZenRaiden


    I don't know much about lotto, but the way they do it with eurojackpot which is 90 mil euro, is that they pool thousand people then they get 1000 tickets and then they have high chance of winning. Instead of playing winner takes all, they divide the win among 1000. Obviously numbers vary from...
  21. ZenRaiden


  22. ZenRaiden

    Basic principles of governance

    Given what is happening in the west including the US, I wonder if politics actually to work in favor of nation. Nationalism is almost ultimately seen as evil. Its often equivocated with evil and the only way you are meant to feel patriotic is during elections and when you are being drafted to...
  23. ZenRaiden

    Fundamentals of Woke: Heroism

    To be perfectly clear I don't exactly know why people take identity politics seriously on any level. The idea of identity politics has sever limitations on issues of economy and statehood as such. I think when people take things like comics and heroism and then go straight to politics or try...
  24. ZenRaiden

    Blade Runner the new version

    Nice summary.
  25. ZenRaiden

    Blade Runner the new version

    I watched the new Blade Runner sometime ago so I am bit rusty, about what the movie was like, but my original impression was it was shit, weird movie, with no real story. I cannot help it, because I legit did not understand the second version of blade runner. I perfectly understood first blade...
  26. ZenRaiden


    People gravitate towards things that are rewarded in their life somehow. Often times dominance is rewarded in many ways. I think its OK if people don't like you or you don't like them. That is part of being a person. If people try to dominate me I try to escape that. I prefer to be my own...
  27. ZenRaiden

    The Fundamentals of Woke

  28. ZenRaiden

    The Fundamentals of Woke

    Not all LGBTQ people are on board with all woke agenda. Not all women are woke. Not all women want to be progressive hippies pushing ideology. No man is forced to be woke. No woman is forced to be woke. No one is telling anyone to marry a woke woman. Woke is ideology that has no clear cut...
  29. ZenRaiden

    The ultra soft topic of dark side

    So id is what we ignore and feel indifferent to. I am not well versed in socionics though I did try to test myself few times, cannot recall what I got.
  30. ZenRaiden

    Fundamentals of Woke: Heroism

    I am going to be honest I watched man of steel and it was super boring and did not watch it past few scenes. What imho, is intriguing about protagonists is mindset, values, attitudes. That is what makes superheros awesome. They must be relatable on some level, and they must be interesting...
  31. ZenRaiden


    No, not at all. I thought of being female too. I am not feminine, but I am empathic if my emotions work right in the moment. I also think feminine makes sense more in respect to men. Ergo I care about feminine in relation to a woman I am in relationship. I would say feminine is matter of...
  32. ZenRaiden

    Fundamentals of Woke: Heroism

    I don't feel like watching the one hour video, but might do it later when I am in mood. What exactly do you mean men feel weak to be men? Like can you give examples?
  33. ZenRaiden

    The ultra soft topic of dark side

    There is concept of shadow a type of unconscious part of mind where all repressed evils of mankind dwell, getting ready to be unleashed on to unsuspecting victims. Mans evil knows no bounds and a angry man can kill a million. The thing I like about the shadow though is that we often think of...
  34. ZenRaiden

    How to fix everything

    The problem is always distribution and merit. How does one acquire what one needs, and create abundance. The bottom bitches always die off. We see this today enslavement and disparity. Key is that humanity is producing beyond its necessities. But the distribution methods are based on...
  35. ZenRaiden

    Jobs at risk to be replaced by Ai and what to do about it

    Well our view of labor is still medieval in many ways, work of hands and mind, are not the same due to evolving, but its sure as hell not going to be seen the same way as decade from now. AI as such is going to evolve gradually in some ways. So gradual the profile of what is expected of people...
  36. ZenRaiden

    Your leadership looks like?

    There is certainly more than one way to do leadership. A big part of it is how much training people have and what goals individuals have. I think a lot of dumb leadership methods come down to low training and fordism. Other things are related to how leaders give space to individuals, and how...
  37. ZenRaiden

    Your leadership looks like?

    That is the ideal. Leaders often don't get ideal conditions, hence they have to play the cards they are dealt. Often times the goal is to get the numbers up, pump up the commodities, and reason in limited boxes of ceos that hover over them. Meaning, you are correct, but often times companies are...
  38. ZenRaiden

    Star Trek Picard

    I feel like this is true, but I cannot think of an episode where this would be outwardly or glaringly obvious. He seems to commit to a goal and get it done, but I never felt he flexes status or feels like its alpha and omega of his character. He seems well grounded, and honestly far from alpha...
  39. ZenRaiden

    Your leadership looks like?

    I don't know much about leadership and I think a lot of it comes down to having the right people at hand, more so than ones own competence. That might sound more like lack of agency, but molding a team to cohesively do the right thing is pretty much more about telling people what to do, but...
  40. ZenRaiden


    Wow thats good to know. I can see that stress is addictive.
  41. ZenRaiden


    Cool. Do you actually enjoy this activity?
  42. ZenRaiden


    Intellect runs on two things, direct experience and theory models that extrapolate idea about how the world works. If you lack direct experience no amount of theory modeling will be grounded in reality. This is basic INTP problem we all INTPs struggle with. We sometimes confuse our theory...
  43. ZenRaiden

    What if God exists?

    Its not possible its self evident. Of course, we clearly don't have ability to see and measure all energies. Science is limited to only what we know, not to mention lots of things we don't know, cannot be known by science. If we have souls that are immortal, then we are simply visitors that...
  44. ZenRaiden

    What if God exists?

    Its hard to define something we know nothing about. Material in what way? As in made of atoms? It does not. They are, hence why we use tools to enhance this. Like radars, telescopes, microscopes, radios, etc. What if we are the Gods?
  45. ZenRaiden


    Speed reading is method, not reaction time tho, if anything what I learned when trying to speed read it correlates with focus and generally focus also correlates with higher intelligence for obvious reasons, but the funny thing is lack of focus does not always mean lack of intelligence. There is...
  46. ZenRaiden

    Topic of Kids

    Not having kids has vastly more advantages imho. Having more time and options, and not having 1000 random constraints on life, just seems super advantageous. In my case I think if I had kids, Id having no ability to take care of my needs at all.
  47. ZenRaiden

    Topic of Kids

    The videos made clear points. Its a good choice to not have kids. If I did not exist, nothing would happen. Same way gazillion sperm never existed. Life is overrated.
  48. ZenRaiden

    Topic of Kids

    I don't give dick cheese about economy to be honest. Who cares about this nonsense???
  49. ZenRaiden

    Topic of Kids

  50. ZenRaiden

    PTSD depression in the OFC and vmPFC

    You need better help. A psychiatrist that gave you 4 dif meds does not sound good. When it comes to your issue of brain it sounds interesting, but could be many things. Expressing emotions is important. The double standard you have for yourself and others is bad for you. Try incrementally...
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