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How do I get into grad school at 34 with a shit gpa


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
Want to get masters in Caribbean folklore. All my professor like me but due to mental illness my GPA is terrible.


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Aug 2, 2013
If it's workable, you could look into grad schools in different countries. Not all require you to report grade point averages. Some just require a Bachelor's degree. And if you're American or British or Canadian, you'll certainly be able to find cheaper options outside your national borders.

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jun 7, 2017
Find a black caribbean female professor and seduce her into accepting you into a graduate programme


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Yesterday 10:14 PM
Jan 24, 2013
Worthless education, no offense.


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
I'm in trouble and looking for advice. I am 34 and have had severe difficulties finishing undergrad... Yessir been in school for 14 years. I developed a mental illness schizophrenic condition and accumulated at least ten incompletes that turned into fs because I couldn't finish them. I'm studying anthropology and want to do gradschool in Trinidad or Jamaica before returning to the states to work on a PhD. At this point it is all wishful thinking because my GPA is two point three. It may be a little easier to get into the University of the west Indies. My other idea is to study Caribbean folklore in the states at Kentucky... A college with a great folklore dept. This summer I will try and read two academic books and one Caribbean or African novel or poetry collection every three weeks or so. I live on disability and my parents won't be alive forever. I know the only solution is to work hard every day but I am wondering what my options are... What the wisest steps to take are... And what my chances of success are. So far there are two things to consider. I can take more classes and get good grades in them after I graduate. Would this help me get into grad school? I can try and get as many as possible fs removed from my transcript because the center for disabilities said this MAY be possible due to the severity of my illness. What do you guys think?


Local time
Today 5:14 AM
Apr 29, 2018
Caribbean folklore sounds like crazy
Like super fucking beyond crazy
20% interesting tho
Living in Jamaica or Trinidad deserves a blog full of voodoo and ganja sunsets tho


Local time
Today 5:14 AM
Apr 29, 2018
But, I mean, what kind of jobs can you take after graduating anyway? Caribbean folklore professor? Makes no sense to me folklore is made up by local art, music, painting, myths, dances and so on, it would make more sense to get a degree on fine arts or smth and then get influenced by local culture and then work for strengthening that folklore... But just learning about it? I guess working for preserving it in museums or similars? Explain please, I'm curious.

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jun 7, 2017
My philosophy is that I won't do a PhD unless I have some crazy new shit to contribute with. Like a new theory or something. There's enough trash research and mediocre academics as it is. I guess my question to you is - why do you have such a hard-on for academia when you cannot even finish a bachelor's? There is no shame in researching this stuff on your own, with your own premises and standards. No exams, no shitty textbooks to memorize - just pure learning and exploration.


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
Because I don't know how else to make money or live in Trinidad or haiti and study obeah or vodou. I don't know how I would learn Haitian creole without schooling. I want access to the Trini and Haitian babes too.


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
But, I mean, what kind of jobs can you take after graduating anyway? Caribbean folklore professor? Makes no sense to me folklore is made up by local art, music, painting, myths, dances and so on, it would make more sense to get a degree on fine arts or smth and then get influenced by local culture and then work for strengthening that folklore... But just learning about it? I guess working for preserving it in museums or similars? Explain please, I'm curious.
Yes to alladat


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
If it's workable, you could look into grad schools in different countries. Not all require you to report grade point averages. Some just require a Bachelor's degree. And if you're American or British or Canadian, you'll certainly be able to find cheaper options outside your national borders.
Thinking of doing a masters with the University of the West Indies


Local time
Today 4:14 AM
Jan 18, 2018
I have many things troubling me. I am 34 and not in grad school. I havnt been with a woman in 11 years because somewhere along the way I got heavily into Nietzsche and Paul bishop and jung and Goethe Schiller Marx marie louise von franz fritjoff schuon, herder mircia eliade and schelling. I remembered that I am an austrian citizen. Its easy to forget you are an austrian citizen especially when you are keenly fascinated by ifa obeah vodun and palo mayombe. I was african drumming and dancing. I was afro cuban drumming a bit. I know the most about ifa which is why i can say that i love ifa. Unsure if i will ever speak yoruba or travel in nigeria or live in nigeria. Sort of want to but i suck at life.
My professors and i alone have researched who is who. So for the summer i am reading stuart hall, paul gilroy, andrew apter, richard price, toyin falola, maurice bishop, maulana karenga, eric wolf, sidney hook, Todd Ramon ochoa, Jacob olupona, sylvia wynter, sidney mintz, and other academic books on black Atlantic sorcery, possession, earth mother cult in trinidad, palo, obeah.

Also have lots of books on European ideas. Egyptian religion. Gnosticism Sufism and Hindu studies.

Want to be a Caribbean folklorist. And learn from vodun people in haiti and obeah or ifa people in Trinidad

Huge African and Caribbean literature buff.

Crap gpa. My mantra is just do it and see where it leads. Looking for an outside perspective. Reading paul bishop right now.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 9:14 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I think you should do more of degrees as Philosophy and Literature. You have so many things you have read. Goeth Jung Nietche. You said anthropology. You have a thing for the humanities. Even if your GPA is low if you are better now from your mental illness you should be able to do your work and all your classes now. Just keep going and be on time and take your priorities in order and you will make it.

I am 30 and today I am going to talk to an adviser about getting a degree in cognitive science. I don't even know my GPA. I am just going to take the classes. I have a mental illness too. I've been back and forth to school 5-6 times in ten years. I had to drop out so many times. But now I know what I am doing. I think it will work out.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 9:14 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
My completion rate is 42 percent from my 2010 records. GPA is 3.2 but I will need to go to Division of Vocation Rehab to get financial aid. I will need to not drop any classes or I will need to pay everything myself. I need to take two classes at a time. And it turns out cognitive science is not really a degree they have. The community college adviser said I will need to study psychology to get into the stuff I want to study and get my degree. I will do prerequisite at the community college then move to the main campus latter.
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