I find this highly rational approach to dating using statistics and data and success rates coupled with marketing of the self on a social media platform highly dehumanizing and a massive turn off. Would certainly not date someone talking like this in their OKcupid profile XDDD. Don’t mind me though. I’m just an irrational hippy or something I guess !
Jenny gave a personal response, what caught her attention when she used it personally, with a good deal of common sense, her response stands as useful as such. It’s the input of one person using it, she can’t speak for her entire sex in any case, different women will want different things and so your comment saying “don’t listen to women telling you how to find women.” Seems real obtuse @Serac unless you mean that most individual women are incapable of knowing what they actually like or look for ???? Not sure how to interpret this OFFENSIVE comment (yes yes SJW whatever whatever.)
I have to admit I do not like the whole dating site thing and this kind of attitude illustrates why to me, but if it makes people happier then whatever, just my subjective preferences.