Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
I was trying to think of the reason why it seems that people much younger than me are better at social dynamics than I am. One point of consideration is intelligence and another point is cognitive development. With me, I should be above average in mental capacity but I may be delayed in cognitive development.
On a website about intellectual development, I found a list of "The four languages of conscious thought"
1. I am fine with kinesthetic learning and motor planning control.
2. I barely remember clips from music (I cannot remember entire songs) I remember some auditory sounds by it is not always complete.
3. I lack completely visual thought.
4. I use inner speech about 15% of the time I think.
Visual thought usually develops from age 7-8
Inner speech from age 10-12
In the title of this thread, it says no thought. Often at times, nothing is happening in my head. When stuff is happening it is unconscious thought. which means no mental effort needs to happen. I try and feel what needs to be connected and it pops out of my unconscious.
The social atrophy comes from me, with nothing in my head, not knowing what to do to make friends. In high school. I have nothing to say and I have no inner voice to talk to myself how to be social.
It is a big drawback not to have visual thoughts. But I know it must exist because in my unconscious I remember visual things I cannot see in my head. It is how I can find pictures in my collections by knowing it exists rather than by seeing it projected in front of me.
I never really thought what to do after high school. So I got stuck in the mental health system. I was never that independent or ego driven. So it's hard to tell what it could be other than a lack of self-awareness and I just was delayed or something. In 4 years I never talked to anyone personally. 4 more years I talked to no one personally.
So from my perspective, both my intelligence and social skills atrophied 8-12 years. A normal kid with normal parents will develop normally and that is why they seem more intelligent and more socially competent than I am (especially on YouTube)(INTP forum counts too). My mom has a mental delay where she stares at you and does not respond to questions nor comments. I stair away from people when the question is hard to think about. I do this allot with my therapist not looking at her well talking. But at least I can talk, my mom stands their or in the car and it is nothing.
Currently, I am discovering the inner mental manipulation mechanism of thought along with the external. (inner feedback mechanism)(external feedback mechanism). It seems like I do not have internal mechanisms but that would mean one-fourth of my brain should be doing other things. I believe these to be unconscious inner feedback mechanisms. They are not conscious inner feedback mechanisms. They are doing something even if I am only conscious of external feedback. I feel what needs to be connected and ideas pop out.
I find it difficult that because I could not develop proper social relations with my blank mind, that I was isolated such a long time. I wish I had the social competence of others. I wish I wasn't so atrophied. I am about as normal as I can be I suppose. I should be trying to develop my unconscious inner feedback mechanism.
On a website about intellectual development, I found a list of "The four languages of conscious thought"
1. Kinesthetic thought: experiencing bodily sensations, feelings and emotions, as reactions to a memory, immediate experience or imagined situation.
2. Auditory thought: hearing others' speech, natural sounds and music, which are recalled from memory or imagined.
3. Visual thought: seeing mental pictures, which are often fuzzy and fragmentary and which are recalled from memory or imagined.
4. Verbal thought: speaking in your mental voice, just as if you were expressing your mental processes aloud in words, phrases and sentences - this is 'inner speech'.
1. I am fine with kinesthetic learning and motor planning control.
2. I barely remember clips from music (I cannot remember entire songs) I remember some auditory sounds by it is not always complete.
3. I lack completely visual thought.
4. I use inner speech about 15% of the time I think.
Visual thought usually develops from age 7-8
Inner speech from age 10-12
In the title of this thread, it says no thought. Often at times, nothing is happening in my head. When stuff is happening it is unconscious thought. which means no mental effort needs to happen. I try and feel what needs to be connected and it pops out of my unconscious.
The social atrophy comes from me, with nothing in my head, not knowing what to do to make friends. In high school. I have nothing to say and I have no inner voice to talk to myself how to be social.
It is a big drawback not to have visual thoughts. But I know it must exist because in my unconscious I remember visual things I cannot see in my head. It is how I can find pictures in my collections by knowing it exists rather than by seeing it projected in front of me.
I never really thought what to do after high school. So I got stuck in the mental health system. I was never that independent or ego driven. So it's hard to tell what it could be other than a lack of self-awareness and I just was delayed or something. In 4 years I never talked to anyone personally. 4 more years I talked to no one personally.
So from my perspective, both my intelligence and social skills atrophied 8-12 years. A normal kid with normal parents will develop normally and that is why they seem more intelligent and more socially competent than I am (especially on YouTube)(INTP forum counts too). My mom has a mental delay where she stares at you and does not respond to questions nor comments. I stair away from people when the question is hard to think about. I do this allot with my therapist not looking at her well talking. But at least I can talk, my mom stands their or in the car and it is nothing.
Currently, I am discovering the inner mental manipulation mechanism of thought along with the external. (inner feedback mechanism)(external feedback mechanism). It seems like I do not have internal mechanisms but that would mean one-fourth of my brain should be doing other things. I believe these to be unconscious inner feedback mechanisms. They are not conscious inner feedback mechanisms. They are doing something even if I am only conscious of external feedback. I feel what needs to be connected and ideas pop out.
I find it difficult that because I could not develop proper social relations with my blank mind, that I was isolated such a long time. I wish I had the social competence of others. I wish I wasn't so atrophied. I am about as normal as I can be I suppose. I should be trying to develop my unconscious inner feedback mechanism.