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Search results

  1. Project Euler

    yup, that's pretty much the solution. My implementation in R I did a while back:https://pastebin.com/m4Kyb646 What's your thoughts on 68?
  2. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Definitely not the kind of music I usually listen to, but reminded me a bit of Rage Against The Machine, which is good. 5.5/10
  3. Project Euler

    It ain't that simple, my friend. It's certainly handy to write some general functions (e.g. a prime sieve), but the problems are for the most part highly unique and require quite some ingenuity to solve – every single one of them.
  4. Information as the catalyst to the process of evolution.

    The problem with this argument is that during the time when human intelligence evolved, none of its characteristic abilities – ability to create language, art, music, do mathematics, etc – deferred any survival benefit to human beings. Obviously it evolved by evolutionary pressures, but to use...
  5. Project Euler

    Let us solve, discuss and share solutions to problems from the glorious site https://projecteuler.net/.
  6. Information as the catalyst to the process of evolution.

    As far as I can tell from proposition 1, this theory assumes that all species converge to increasingly higher intelligence. I believe it has been shown that this is not true. In fact, human intelligence is not explained by survival benefits at all, but rather by sexual selection - human...
  7. Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    I imagine every serious INTJ took the test at least five times to try to come up as "analytical" as possible
  8. Help with motivation

    Check out this guy: Got some good tidbits of advice from that guy when I studied
  9. Help with motivation

    As mentioned last time, I would guess that the exam period overwhelms you emotionally. It would be a typical case of over-stimulation – a stimulus like an approaching exam generates a stress response which excites you and makes you even more focused, but if it becomes too much of a stimulus it...
  10. Will a dog change my sedentary lifestyle?

    Sounds like the average long-term monogamous relationship
  11. INFJ late night semi rational semi poetic intuitions and ramblings on love

    I've used this example before somewhere, but even the purest love one can imagine – the love between a mother and her baby – is a trade-off game because the baby has only 50% of the mother's genes, so that the baby has incentive to maximize the transmission of energy from the mother, whereas the...
  12. Will a dog change my sedentary lifestyle?

    It's true, though. Most humans are animals. But in that sense they serve the same purpose as dogs.
  13. Will a dog change my sedentary lifestyle?

    Disappointed with humans, you say. What have you done to impress us?
  14. Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    Besides, it has a grammatical error in the title – it should be "thinking fast and slowly"
  15. Will a dog change my sedentary lifestyle?

    It seems to work for my parents. It's hard to lose interest in the dog because it will start shitting and pissing inside your home if you don't walk it. It's also a good way of making your home generally less hygienic, acquiring a bunch of extra costs in terms of medial treatment for the dog...
  16. Hello Linux Users.

    Try setting up anything besides Visual Studio for C++ on Windows and get back to me. Or try installing Python with, say, numpy and also get back to me.
  17. Hello Linux Users.

  18. Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    With all due respect to Kahneman,"thinking fast and slow" gotta be one of the most useless books ever written. Cool, so you suppose intuition can work sometimes, except when it doesn't? And the same for rationality? OK, got it. It's the sort of book sleep-deprived fools like myself buy at...
  19. How charitable are you - especially to things you think give value to your life.

    I give money to street musicians Recently sent money to my favorite comedian Sam Hyde I would be prone to give money to beggars. It's just that Sweden is teeming with Romanian professional beggar parasites, so you develop an automatic aversion to it. If I start making big $ at some point, I'll...
  20. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    You need a vision for yourself, man. If one is just going through the motions then yes, it will work in the short term but in the end one will either fail or just barely scrape by. No amount of self-discipline can make up for a lack of vision.
  21. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    Sounds like you have the potential to be an excellent student. Much more so than myself. The process was quite standard, I would imagine. Daily lectures (which I very rarely attended), group sessions (which I usually attended) and an exam at the end of semester which accounted for 100% of the...
  22. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    Well, they were divided between math, statistics, computer science, and programming, but they all followed a similar pattern: you learn a bunch of techniques, mostly by doing exercises and assignments, and then you get similar problems on exams where you apply these techniques. Not sure which...
  23. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    Well, I can tell you already now that based on this information, there is nothing that should stop you from getting a math degree. Also, there's not too much in the way of abstractness about applied math – which, as mentioned, is my main subject. It's actually mostly common sense and intuitive...
  24. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    I think the thing with psychology and philosophy is that they are subjects that appeal to anyone who likes to think. In fact, they are subjects that should be practiced by everyone. For me, my main subject is applied math, but I have spent considerable amount of time studying both psychology and...
  25. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    - what subjects do you hold in high regard - what subjects were studied by people whom you hold in high regard - in what subjects have you been sort of successful so far, or have been consistently interested in - what subjects could you do that have a potential to generate an income for you...
  26. Help me sort out my deep seated issues with my father.

    Eliminating poor habits, improving one's behavior, etc. These are very vague terms. Exactly what is it that you don't like about your situation? What do you want do do? If someone put a gun to your head and said "achieve your goals within a year", how would you proceed? I can guarantee you one...
  27. It’s my birthday

    We were gazing into the shining screens Like homeless children peering through the windows of warm family homes And the screen spoke and dreamed for us Your mom is fat.
  28. It’s my birthday

    Dry martini recipe: you pour some gin and let the shadow of a vermouth bottle fall on the glass.
  29. It’s my birthday

    Hands down the best redbaron post I ever read
  30. It’s my birthday

    Get angry instead
  31. TMB is Banned and No Drama?

    BO I think you are desperately trying to find an identity. More precisely, assimilate certain synthetic ones.
  32. A Merry Anime Christmas

    You're a hot piece of anime ass, AK. Merry xmas
  33. Seasons greetings

    You remind me of Roquentin from La Nausee lol. That's a compliment by the way. Speaking of Nausea – I have to spend the Holiday with my family. Being assaulted with various insipid banalities for a whole week, etc. It's all great fun.
  34. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    I'm sure it's a possibility. Whether it is a fact is another question. The problem now is that I am asked to treat it as a fact without any evidence. And before you tell me to google it, I have already browsed through research on this, including the stuff you have posted. E.g. evidence of...
  35. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Just providing the context would suffice. No need for the bitchy, defensive comments. But yeah, I see I didn't read the whole thing properly.
  36. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    It is quite nonsensical to compare variation in gender identity and blood types. All of the different blood types are all biological adaptations, none of which are at odds with human survival or reproduction. Whereas, human reproduction happens sexually between two - and two only - genders. Of...
  37. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Have never been too much of a fan of Shapiro, but after watching the altercation it's quite clear that he is making the point that he uses the term "he" because Caitlyn Jenner is biologically male. There is no provoking, it's just a matter what properties of a person are being used to derive the...
  38. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Well, I imagine you don't need the actual count, but just the relative count? In that case just multiply each weight with a scaling factor, say, 10000, and you get something akin to a relative count Also note that these are not the actual frequencies but weights generated by TF-IDF algorithm.
  39. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Something like this? These are the weights of each word
  40. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    It's the TF-IDF algorithm. It deflates the weights of the words by how often they are used in the total collection of words, i.e. across all posts on the forum. For example since everyone uses "the" very frequently, its importance gets diminished. It is surprising that "her" shows up in your...
  41. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    What sort of format does it take as input? The word clouds are based on giving each word a numerical weight
  42. Mental Acuity Maintainence.

    Avoiding garbage stimulus like social media
  43. Hello Linux Users.

    I use linux because windows is a huge pain in the ass to program on. Windows also costs money, is unsafe and subject to viruses, and is useless if you want any sort of control over your own computer. Ultimately it is a piece of garbage thatyou have to pay for. Why people still use that shit is...
  44. Problems solving skills??

    How to solve it - Polya. Kinda basic but is the mandatory mention. How to prove it - Velleman. Very good to read as no one really teaches you how to write proofs in university. Cauchy-Shwartz master class - Steele. Very nice and elegant survey of inequalities. How Euler did it -...
  45. When is thinking excessive?

    It's really quite simple. If you are really interested in these problems as a means to achieving something in the real world, as opposed to just engaging in masturbatory philosophising, you should sit down and rigorously interrogate these problems - hopefully with the aid of some good...
  46. What is the world made up of ?

    The world contains certain regularities. We can make perfect mathematical models which capture these regularities yet this is quite far from knowing what generated the regularities, or what the true innate reality of those regularities are. Newton himself made this point in his Principia. "I...
  47. What is the world made up of ?

    One can make up any model one wishes about the world – cellular automata, graph theory, or whatever – just like there are several different models for the atom, which are not mutually exclusive and have each their use in different circumstances. But ultimately, what the world is made of is not a...
  48. Dealing with Laziness and intellectual inferiority.

    Perhaps, but the only way to acquire a self in the first place is by means of action and experience. Thus this essence of self, or conviction, follows that. Otherwise, all this introspection is just masturbation.
  49. Dealing with Laziness and intellectual inferiority.

    OP, you're using too much time and energy on inventing narratives about yourself instead of actually doing things. Focus more on the latter. Form follows function.
  50. Not motivated

    Take a few days off during which you don't think about studies and minimize your intake of trash stimulus, and then go back to studies.
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