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Search results

  1. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    No, we just need to up the power of the other side so that when shit goes down, the entire world will be cracked to pieces. Cuz that's how humanity rolls. screw everyone!
  2. Jennywocky

    Has anyone here developed their anima?

    I don't really ascribe to anima/animus stuff in terms of the theories some folks have detailed... although I think there's a natural quest for some kind of balance in a person and filling in missing pieces of our own personality, which can intersect with our muddled romantic yearnings and...
  3. Jennywocky

    INTP and hitting the gym

    ...That's a pretty big pile of waste to keep in your house. I bet you use a lot of air freshener.
  4. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    I think Cersei will do whatever works for her in the moment. She will ally with who she needs to ally with in the moment, and then turn right around and crush them as soon as it makes sense... which could be simply as soon as the Night King is taken out and her allies are badly hurt from that...
  5. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    I saw the leaked episode today, that was a doozy and a step up ... although this season is hell logistically. I think they said screw it and decides to shoot whatever scenes they thought would be cool regardless of who could actually be where and when. Still, if you accept the premise of the...
  6. Jennywocky

    Which ones are the most superstitious introvert types?

    Within introverts My guess off-cuff would be INFJ, since they seem more prone to premonitions, and predictive dreams, and vibes of people, and trusting the inner instinct, and all that -- they seem to talk about it more fluently, that's for sure, as if it were just a daily part of existence...
  7. Jennywocky

    INTP and hitting the gym

    My issues with gyms are mainly only the need to maintain a steady routine of going, and routine is not something I am generally good at. I have had a few periods of gym-going over the years (one with more weight training, when I was younger). In recent years it was mostly cardio stuff. I...
  8. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    Dragons + Targaryans + Actual Lineage of certain characters Moving a plot along doesn't mean much at all. Hell, Suicide Squad moved the plot along. It's not much of a standard.
  9. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    I thought episode 5 was easily the worst episode of the season and one of the worst of the series. Shit logic, shit characterization, let's just do plot without explaining why the plot even make sense. The show is also becoming more soap opera-like each week. There were a few lines and a...
  10. Jennywocky

    Intp female

    Crisis averted. :D
  11. Jennywocky

    Using emoticons is a female thing

    Women use periods to indicate irritability. ... oh come on, that was funny...
  12. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    Yeah, it's hard to discuss the show without spoilers at this point. Good luck with the books -- while the various plot lines are staggered, basically they carry through maybe parts of Season 5 and a few into a bit of Season 6, depending on the plotline being examined. I'm not sure what the...
  13. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    Well, like I said, the problem is not Martin currently. They have been off-book now for a number of episodes, the show runners are writing the episodes and it is no longer an adaptation. The expectation is that the story will get to the same place as Martin's books (with the most major plot...
  14. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Partway through, I'm like, "This movie reminds me of something I saw last year, with the dialogue style and buddy antics..." Well, of course it did -- The Nice Guys (2016) was also a Shane Black film. The plot for KKBB is all over the place and a little distracting...
  15. Jennywocky

    Game of Thrones

    I have not been as much of a fan through seasons 5&6, I feel like the more they go "off book" the sloppier and more generalized the writing becomes. (I'm not even an ASOIAF reader, you can just tell from the dialogue style and plot jumps how things have changed.) However, I agree that s07e04 is...
  16. Jennywocky

    intp and having children

    so here is a question, after reading many of the responses: A number of people have said they would wait (if have kids at all) until they are a "suitable parent." What does that mean, exactly? What's the criteria where you can one day say, "Okay, I think I am a suitable parent now?" Especially...
  17. Jennywocky

    Sexual Identity?

    ... but... don't masochists enjoy being treated insensitively, and sadists enjoy seeing a masochist treated insensitively? :confused:
  18. Jennywocky

    intp and having children

    Hey maybe a global reboot is What the World Needs Now. :D
  19. Jennywocky

    intp and having children

    Of course I thought about a lot about having kids before i did, but I thought I would be a good parent and it would be a net positive, not a net negative. (It's just I tend to be really edgy about commitments because I take them very seriously, and if I'm in, then I am all in. And like others...
  20. Jennywocky

    INTP - "Nice Guy"

    I had that in my upbringing as well, and conflict was a no-winner for me considering the people I was dealing with, so I played the "nice" game too. It can be an effective strategy to avoid conflict, but if it is practiced too much you can also feel smothered/powerless because being yourself...
  21. Jennywocky

    The femininity and masculinity of personality

    I think for me it was learning to make decisions regardless of how others felt about them or who might reject me. So even if I experienced disapproval from my parents or others in authority, it was okay because if I really believed in my decision(s), then I needed to pursue them. It was my life...
  22. Jennywocky

    The femininity and masculinity of personality

    Around how old were you in 2009? General age, not specific, if you want. I don't find there to be enough information in your statements to really grasp the dynamics, in terms of parsing things out. (I'm no Nanook, able to assume an entire assessment with no real specific data.) I mean...
  23. Jennywocky

    On top of a horse we go to the fields

    Don't ever give up on your music, keep pushing forward. Watched the latest link. Sure, there's a lot of machine (versus live) stuff there, but it's an ongoing process. It doesn't mean it is bad, although I think it would sound fresher if you had live musicians. But yeah, mic'ing a drumset and...
  24. Jennywocky

    The femininity and masculinity of personality

    Probably because your manner scans more female-typical than male... rather ethereal, like a scintillating butterfly fluttering through wisps of colorful mist strands. Yeah, see, I don't really know any guys (who identify as guys) who identify with Ariel per se. She's about as extreme female...
  25. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Atomic Blonde. Theron and McAvoy rule the movie. Theron's a panther in chic clothes and just kicks ass while classing up the screen; McAvoy is kind of edgy and unpredictable and ruthlessly amoral. The "debriefing" framework pushes the main story into flashbacks, which unfortunately kills...
  26. Jennywocky

    intp born or constructed

    While the external environment limits our choices and puts certain pressures on us, we react to those things based on internal preferences. So it's circular. You might say the basic preferences are there, but the degree and direction of manifestation and development relies on what...
  27. Jennywocky

    Have you ever: The Introvert excuse.

    Yeah, I've used the excuse that I'm burned out / drained and need some time by myself to recharge.
  28. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Yeah it's an old favorite of mine that I have been recommending to folks outside Gen X when I realize they haven't seen it yet. I ran across the musical last year and thought it was great mainly because of how much of the movie the musical actually captures ... kind of impressed with it...
  29. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Dunkirk (in IMAX). Probably Nolan's most confident film, he relies on a clean narrative unladen by expository text or much dialogue, it's all visual, dependent on the actors and the context and camera lens. And it works, although the plight of one of the protagonists feels almost Sisyphean...
  30. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    meh, I thought it was kind of a muddly mess but here's the thing: When it aired, it confused a lot of people because we had to wait a week for each episode, then a year until the next season. I actually blitz-watched the entire series maybe last fall (?), so I watched Seasons 4-6 in a pretty...
  31. Jennywocky

    You are now the main character in an action movie

    Personal Skills - Google-stalk folks. - Find relevant information online fast. - Know a lot of crazy useless stuff from most genres... trivia queen. - Can inflitrate MMOs and religious organizations. - Social invisiblity, when I don't want to be noticed (I blend in and people don't seem to see...
  32. Jennywocky

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I thought the "Introducing..." series was pretty good to give you an overview on all the major philosophers out there. Looks like they have published the series under a new cover since I picked them up, but here's the current (?)...
  33. Jennywocky

    You are now the main character in an action movie

    So I guess you are suggesting we have to apply our current real-life skillset to the mission at hand... not the things we wish we could do?
  34. Jennywocky

    Remake of Ghost in the Shell

    Finally saw this last night. I have a dubious distinction of, aside from hearing the name for years, not knowing anything really about the manga series or anime movie. So I went in "cold" so to speak. My thoughts: - Some really great visuals, and I like especially stuff that is unsettling...
  35. Jennywocky

    Cognition Conundrum aka Why am I a walking paradox.?

    Thanks for missing the point. Maybe this is why you're lonely? Because you can't even engage outside of your own head? What's real? You living inside there, or you stretching yourself a bit to actually get outside your head? lolz at the tl;dr, obviously you don't know me.
  36. Jennywocky

    Problem remembering names?

    Yeah, I can relate to that although faces usually stick with me in terms of recognition -- like, I can tell immediately if I have NOT met someone before, but if you ask me to describe the specific face of someone I just met, I probably cannot do it because I don't think in terms of detail. I...
  37. Jennywocky

    Cognition Conundrum aka Why am I a walking paradox.?

    To be blunt, who cares about much of this stuff you are mentioning? I know that sounds harsh, but I mean it in just the very real sense. Does it matter? You are asking if anyone relates to you, because you hate being alone. No wonder -- your initial post is this lengthy exposition about all...
  38. Jennywocky

    Halp. I am totally a coward when it comes to ending relationships.

    My INTP kid took an extra 9 months to be able to break it off with his first serious girlfriend mostly because she was emotionally fragile and he didn't want to hurt her or cause a scene. (The worst was when they were sitting in her yard under this tree, he opened his mouth to start The...
  39. Jennywocky

    Big 5 INTP: high agreeableness

    I'm not sure it follows directly, either, aside from wanting to be agreeable with others due to wanting relationships with others to some level... although that is not necessarily intimacy. I tend to have a higher agreeableness level than most INTPs taking the Big Five, at least outwardly...
  40. Jennywocky

    INTP as Sales Person

    In general, I think INTPs as informative types are great at assessing a customer's needs and providing them with a range of solutions that would fit the need. If you can snag a sales job like that, where you don't have to pressure to buy and can just provide info, while doing a soft-sell, that...
  41. Jennywocky

    Just Another INTP Intro

    Maybe if he uses the front grill of a Humvee? :D
  42. Jennywocky

    Weird Genres

  43. Jennywocky

    Weird Genres

    I had a great time for the few days I was really into Symphonic Metal, two years ago.
  44. Jennywocky

    D&D 5e

    Baron made some great posts above. ^^ Yeah, I've been in campaigns (including the 5e campaign we just started) where basically the GM has a gauge on the difficulty of the adventures, and that's how it's been handled. You never really have characters leveling at different times (which would be...
  45. Jennywocky

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    GLOW was pretty great once I got done with the pilot, it seemed to get better by the episode. Marc Maron was really good, playing a character (Sam, the manager) with some good qualities and some bad qualities -- he just IS the character and can both be sympathetic and infuriating at once...
  46. Jennywocky

    Ask an ESFJ

    Sorry, I just have been extremely busy with a lot of different things, so I don't read all the posts in all the different threads and there is info I miss. When you say he works 70/hours a week, that certainly opens up the range of possibility. Not only is that an insane amount of time spent...
  47. Jennywocky

    Ask an ESFJ

    I gotta say, you have been together how long now? I just have trouble grasping too why he can't spare another ten words, as just part of interacting within his marriage partner. And I come it at more from his angle in terms of personality. I just can't see the point in being married to someone...
  48. Jennywocky

    All My Dreams Are Really Dark. Are Yours?

    weird thing is, when I woke up this morning I was having a nightmare. I had gotten up to use the bathroom, went back to bed for ten minutes until my alarm could go off, and then I immediately dropped into a nightmare apparently. I don't really know what about, but I was standing with friends...
  49. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    American Psycho. Christian Bale was decent, but after you've seen the first 10-15 minutes, you can just forward to the last ten minutes to pretty much grasp the whole movie. Elements of it were darkly funny, but... not as entertaining as a fully engrossing movie. Note: If you hate Jared...
  50. Jennywocky

    Ask an ESFJ

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