I'm not sure it follows directly, either, aside from wanting to be agreeable with others due to wanting relationships with others to some level... although that is not necessarily intimacy.
I tend to have a higher agreeableness level than most INTPs taking the Big Five, at least outwardly... and wanting to accommodate to make someone else happier, if it helps them. (Then again, that my agreeableness has gone down a bit as I have aged.)
I feel I have spent most of my life in an isolation chamber as far as connection with others go. I war about it internally because I don't like having my personal freedom hampered much, which tends to occur if you are in a relationship because (depending on the needs of the other person) you will often have to compromise/cuff yourself to them, necessarily, a bit. Your life is no longer totally your own, you have to invest in the relationship to make it work, and you won't get long-term out of it anymore than what you put in, and of course there is the need for fairness, etc.
At the same time, living in an echo chamber of my own head -- which is cool in some ways -- also can feel like solipsistic hell when you are isolated from others totally. There is nothing new coming into your mind view, you can lose track of reality to some degree, plus for whatever reason I like to feel like someone else is there. I don't need many people in my life because too many drains my batteries; but I do have this push/pull of wanting to both be separate from others as well as sinking into them and being sunken into, to intimately know who they are.
How has that worked for me? It hasn't. I'm pretty alone and have kind of resigned myself to that and simply focus on other things. I have trouble (1) finding someone who is okay with being that vulnerable who is also not clingy, and (2) investing enough energy to keep searching. So I just do other things at this point. I'm open to it, but I'm tired of searching and feeling it goes nowhere.