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You know you're an Intp when...


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Apr 29, 2010
When you are approaching someone you know (no stop and chat) from a distance and are deciding at what distance you should acknowledge them. If its too far away its awkward when you pass each other, and if too close its awkward on the approach... or is it just me?


Local time
Today 1:36 PM
Apr 24, 2010
i think that applies to everybody.:phear:


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Aug 21, 2009
You frequently feel an urge to mix chlorine and acid based cleaning products together to see what happens.
You consider building a home made fume cupboard to do it with


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
May 6, 2010
- When your friends are sad, you are more interested in analyzing their way of thinking than actually supporting them

- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.

- You find it difficult to grasp that some people actually choose a career in HR or accounting

- You have placed all your friends and family in the MBTI grid

- You like to insult people, but always with a smile

- You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

- You would rather die than be in the center of a big bachelor party

- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

- When you´re asked to do a quick spell check on a paper, you end up re-structuring the whole thing. You also suggest that the content should be re-written because of logical errors

- You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Apr 23, 2010
- When your friends are sad, you are more interested in analyzing their way of thinking than actually supporting them

- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.

- You find it difficult to grasp that some people actually choose a career in HR or accounting

- You have placed all your friends and family in the MBTI grid

- You like to insult people, but always with a smile

- You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

- You would rather die than be in the center of a big bachelor party

- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

- When you´re asked to do a quick spell check on a paper, you end up re-structuring the whole thing. You also suggest that the content should be re-written because of logical errors

- You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer

Almost 100% accurate. Friends used to ask me to edit their papers. Now they just hand it to me and say go ahead. And the sick part is I get a power trip on my ability to take their awful paper and make it good without even taking the class they are in. (I am not being condescending to my friends, their papers really are awful. I hang out with all potheads, they don't care enough to question my objectivity and emotional detachment.


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Apr 29, 2010
Ok, don't have time for all the 116. Q, so I'm just going to post some without numbers, in case they were already posted. If they weren't, feel free to post them with numbers.
-When you finish your homework the last day and STILL get an excelent grade.
-When you don't understand what the hell someone meant, so you just nod and laugh.
-When you can't help yourself with finding patterns on the floor and walking on it.
-When you correct everyone, even though you know it'll piss them off.
-When you go writting this even though you know you'll be late for school/work.
-When you have a great idea, but keep it to yourself cause you know everyone will hate it.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Apr 2, 2010
- When your friends are sad, you are more interested in analyzing their way of thinking than actually supporting them

- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.

- You find it difficult to grasp that some people actually choose a career in HR or accounting

- You have placed all your friends and family in the MBTI grid

- You like to insult people, but always with a smile

- You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

- You would rather die than be in the center of a big bachelor party

- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

- When you´re asked to do a quick spell check on a paper, you end up re-structuring the whole thing. You also suggest that the content should be re-written because of logical errors

- You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer
1. Not really
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. I don't think people are that stupid. They're stupid, but not that stupid. And yes, i do require absolute freedom.
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. Nobody asks me to spell check because everyone uses MS Word's spell checker.
12. Yes, except it's sleep, not eat.


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Sep 26, 2008
You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 8, 2010
you often turn off your cell phone, so nobody could reach you (nobody from the forum will confirm
You despise talking on the damn thing so much that you don’t even call to get it cancelled. They’ll figure it out when you stop paying them.

Azarath said:
You wish you had a charger, instead of having to waste time/effort consuming food.
You’ll eat anything and everything but before attempting a new dish you compulsively consult and consider a dozen different, but very similar, recipes. You follow none of them.

YourNewRuler said:
You know your INTP when you come to the conclusion eating takes too long, and decide to combine all your food items into one (EX: Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich, yogurt, crackers = Peanut Yogert sandwich with crackers stuffed in it)
I once made a spreadsheet, really a glorious thing, of all the nutritional figures for foods that might go into a muesli and could serve as a complete staple. All the required amino acids, vitamins and minerals, essential fats et cetera. All that was required beyond my muesli was a B vitamin supplement and a bit of choline. God, that was a great summer.

Anthile said:
when you envy cephalopods for having tentacles. No, not what you think.
Not to mention being able to live on the backs of jellyfish and steal food from out their stomachs. And eat jellyfish then carry around their stingers as weapons. And change colours, eat people and grow fifty pounds in a year. Cephalopods are the best.

Zero said:
You may be an INTP or paranoid and somewhat dull, when you're not sure how serious people are about something they said.
When you wonder to what extent people are aware of there own mannerisms and fallacies and whether they're parodying themselves right then and there. When you ask them.

Thilon said:
- When you are the first person people ask when they don't understand a certain aspect of what they're studying.
And you lose a little wind from your sails when they get it, thus stopping your explanation mid-way through.

Monte said:
You enjoy calling people heathens.

And plebeians.
And pedestrian while you’re riding shotgun.

Monte said:
Everything has a loophole. Everything.
Even the loopholes, but we can account for that.

Monte said:
You would love to have kids with multiple people JUST to see what they would look like.
And you’d like at least one of them to be raised by stray dogs in a Ukrainian forest, just to see how they'd turn out.

Mary said:
When you analyze all of your friends.
When you have certain ‘friends’ that you keep around for no reason other than the analysis, wonder if that’s wrong then analyze yourself as well.

EditorOne said:
... when you press the button to open your garage door and the wickedly powerful spring on the garage door opener rips loose from its fastenings with a groan and a whoosh and ricochets around the garage breaking things while you stand there watching, and you find yourself thinking "Isn't that interesting?" instead of ducking ....
You know that cut-proof gloves don’t really make it safe to try juggling knives, but at least you’ll have an argument ready when Mom catches you.

CrazyThinker1 said:
You have ever worn the same outfit more than two days in a row and didn't even notice untill a coworker/friend/family member said somthing.

You then looK at said coworker/friend/family member with a confused look and say "What? Is somthing wrong with it?"

Or is that just me?
I spend the whole summer in my bathing suit. You can wash it in the shower and it’s dry almost as fast as you are.

Pomelo said:
- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.
You can’t but feel that rules just intended as a society-wide substitute for your own critical thought and good judgment and, ergo, don’t really apply to you.

Pomelo said:
- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake
Urgh... and ‘Thank You’ at the end of a nice dinner. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Psychotic But Cute

Avalible in a store near you.
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Nov 12, 2009
You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.

Yes! Really, the only reason you haven't gone crazy is because of internet and all it's glory.

-You have analyzed yourself multiple times, recognizing all your major faults, but you're too damned lazy or just don't care enough to fix them.


Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.
Whenever I am driving with a person talking to me in the passenger seat, and I can't hear them well enough, my first reaction is always to turn up the radio as if that is going to make them louder. but the other person doesn't know that I am having a mental lapse, they just see me rudely turning up the radio while they are trying to talk to me.

Deleted member 1424

When I'm walking around I'll try to look up and to the side for a rear view mirror. :o


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 2, 2010
When you've safely driven home and all you could remember was your last thought....and it's like this every day.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Aug 31, 2009
You despise talking on the damn thing so much that you don’t even call to get it cancelled. They’ll figure it out when you stop paying them.

-Attempting to write ONE thing in response to a comment, you end up with three, and then a fourth explaining why you have three.

-You hate your phone, never listen to your voice mail, and often pretend you didn't hear your ring tone.

-(Which reminded me on the bill front!) I have a device in my car from a no credit loan dealer that prevents ignition if I don't put in a code given to me on payment.
I've since completely disabled the device, yet still fully intend to have every payment in on time.

-I now forget number three.

Urgh... and ‘Thank You’ at the end of a nice dinner. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

It annoyed me SO much, I actually developed a set of standards for myself to combat the problem and awkward feeling!

First, as everyone starts eating, I'll thank the chef specifically for preparing the meal I'm eating.I don't know whether it's good or bad yet, so I say nothing on it.

Through the meal, as I'm, inevitably, analyzing what I'm eating, I keep all negative conclusions in my head while verbalizing the positive ones. If I'm not so much enjoying it, I'll explain the remaining food with a white lie,

"I'm a little full at the moment, but thank you."

If it's good, I'll generally compliment specific things that came across while I was thinking.

When everything's finished, I'll wait for a good time to have the chef's attention and give them a quick, but genuine, last thank you. If it was a really great meal, I'll say something like,

"Hey blank, thank you very much for dinner tonight, I greatly enjoyed it!"

Usually leaves the chef happy and me satisfied I spread the right amount of genuine appreciation for the evening. ;P


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Oct 26, 2009
Whenever I am driving with a person talking to me in the passenger seat, and I can't hear them well enough, my first reaction is always to turn up the radio as if that is going to make them louder. but the other person doesn't know that I am having a mental lapse, they just see me rudely turning up the radio while they are trying to talk to me.

I know what you mean.

I was in a school assembly one time. I couldn't hear the headmaster and I involuntarily reached for an imaginary remote control to turn him up.

Or maybe that's just the flipside of other comments on this thread about wanting to be able to mute people...

132. You make intuitive leaps of understanding, drawing interesting parallels between unrelated topics.

133. Then you completely second-guess what you've just said, and suspect you might be wrong.

134. But you've already spent far too long reading, editing, re-writing a simple post on an internet forum, so you just 'submit reply' anyway, because who knows - there's probably some truth in there somewhere.


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Apr 30, 2010
- Get irritated easily or nervous when it comes to large conversation even though you're interested into it.

- Feel emotionally detached while just not giving a care for other people.

- Over-analysis of anything you are attempting to do for fun.

-You'd rather stay out of eating with people than eating with people.

-You have spatial-based thinking style of analyzing people's location and avoiding them to keep your sanity. Something as an instinct.

-You prefer to talk and go away instead of talking all day long with the so-called pricks that bothers you.

- Love trying to understanding the concepts on unanimous objects.


Quiet, I'am thinking
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Mar 12, 2010
in my head
.....someone has referred to you has " that walking encyclopedia."


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 12, 2010
New Hampshire
your grandmother laughs at you and calls you funny when you 'tell it like it is'

You talk faster than normal because your train of thought is going too fast for you to catch up.

you get the "oh, your so quiet" or "oh, she's just shy" comments a lot
Last edited:


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
.....someone has referred to you has " that walking encyclopedia."
I have a friend who asks me questions all the time for school and explains her reasoning as "Well you are my walking encyclopedia, and if you don't know you tell me."

OtakuJolyn said:
your grandmother laughs at you and calls you funny when you 'tell it like it is'

You talk faster than normal because your train of thought is going too fast for you to catch up.

you get the "oh, your so quiet" or "oh, she's just shy" comments a lot
A conversation that took place when I was dragged to a park with some friends to meet new people. Stranger, "Hey what about the little guy [me]" "She'll be okay, she's allergic to milk" "Oh wow" "Yeah she's fine" "So what's your name" (friend answers) "She's Shadow, K's older sister. She drums" "Is there a reason you guys are answering and not her?" "She doesn't like strangers much. No she doesn't talk much in general unless you get her on about band" (a different friend) "Or she goes on a sarcastic rampage and destroys everything [the friend before] says" "Would you guys stop and let her answer?" and finally I said "They were doing a good job on their own."

You know your an INTP
-when you question whether that story should be posted or if it's too confusing/irrelevant.

-When you have to correct someone about something said incorrectly about you
-When you are calm until someone says something stupid or wrong, then you attack them furiously.
-When your friends know that just because they are spending the night with you doesn't mean they will see you all night.
-When the only real religious policy you have is tolerance. (May be just a me thing)


Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Dec 10, 2009
I'm not telling you, stalker! :P
- When your friends are sad, you are more interested in analyzing their way of thinking than actually supporting them

- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.

- You find it difficult to grasp that some people actually choose a career in HR or accounting

- You have placed all your friends and family in the MBTI grid

- You like to insult people, but always with a smile

- You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

- You would rather die than be in the center of a big bachelor party

- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

- When you´re asked to do a quick spell check on a paper, you end up re-structuring the whole thing. You also suggest that the content should be re-written because of logical errors

- You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer

Everything except the last one. I like my food.


-When your head hurts from staring at the computer too much.
-When your friends tell you that your shirt is on backwards and you tell them you don't care.
-When you borrow a book and end up not reading it.
-When you look at yourself in the mirror and think, "Is that really how I look like? Is that really me?"


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Apr 2, 2010
You know you're an INTP when you spend weeks or months planning to go to an elaborate event in which you're supposed to wear a suit and tie (Wedding, communion, fancy party, etc...) in a tee shirt, then it's 50-50 whether you actually end up doing it, entirely dependent on your mood on the day of the event.


Local time
Tomorrow 4:36 AM
May 2, 2010
in a space that approximates my own sense of reali
-or you demand a scientific explanation on how they violated x number of laws of physics and forget what the movie was about

and you cant enjoy watching a movie because while everyone else is being sublimated by the virtual other world you are wondering how they took that shot or how they did the makeup


Local time
Tomorrow 4:36 AM
May 2, 2010
in a space that approximates my own sense of reali
when you often lose arguments with yourself

when you have to say (because it's driving you nuts):

'your' is posessive - this is a response to all your wrong usage of 'your' and 'you're'
'you're' is a contraction of 'you are' [the 'a' of 'are' has been replaced by an apostrophe]

so: you're driving me crazy with your inappropriate use of 'your' and 'you're'


two = 2
too is too many (o's)
to is going to go to

back when i went to school, in the bad old days of rote learning and mnemonics we learned things like:

i before e except after c ... so hieght, but receive and ceiling
lose loses an 'o' - so its not spelled loose

bla bla


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Oct 26, 2009
-When you're society's definition of an eccentric loser but you're too lazy and absorbed in your hobbies to care.
-When you really can be happy alone, and resent being pressured to socialize.
-When you're smarter than 99% of the people you meet but will fall behind them because you lack focus.
-When you think everything can be analyzed, including love.
-When you instantly notice when people use a word incorrectly in speech, and are tempted to point it out.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 9:36 PM
Jan 2, 2010
You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.

Whenever I am driving with a person talking to me in the passenger seat, and I can't hear them well enough, my first reaction is always to turn up the radio as if that is going to make them louder. but the other person doesn't know that I am having a mental lapse, they just see me rudely turning up the radio while they are trying to talk to me.

When I'm walking around I'll try to look up and to the side for a rear view mirror. :o

I know what you mean.

I was in a school assembly one time. I couldn't hear the headmaster and I involuntarily reached for an imaginary remote control to turn him up.

Ti fail.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
your thoughts fly all over the place and you wonder about each but are disinclined to control them while other people wonder why you don't settle down with something and get it done.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Aug 31, 2009
"I love you!"


...I mean... I love you too!" :o


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:36 PM
Apr 7, 2010
"The Truman Show" made you question the motivations of everyone you knew and whether you were the star of your own Truman Show and the movie was a sneaky way of some protestor trying to alert you to the fact.

You have officially freaked me out! LOL


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
"I love you!"


...I mean... I love you too!" :o
haha I've done that. Actually I'm in the habit of only saying that when I mean it and it's funny because one girl who I don't like always says "I love you Shadow" and I'll say "Okay" or "cool" "Don't you love me?" "Ummm sure" then C will come up "I love you Shadow" "I love you too C!"

You know you're an INTP when you've answered "Hmm let me think about it...." to a question like "Do you love me?" "Are you having fun?" ect...

when the coolest part of going to the aquarium is realizes your seven year old cousin researched all the different kinds of sharks and can point them out. He also tripped up the lady talking to us about whales because he answered all her questions :cool: I was so proud. Here's the kicker too, he researched it on the internet for fun like I do. He also used the word "incorrect" when someone said something wrong. It was quite awesome.


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Nov 29, 2009
One time I had a summer job at a restaurant, and when we were presented new menus, it took me two seconds to locate all the incorrect grammar, and when I pointed it out, they just said "Oh.. It doesn't matter, nobody cares" ...

"Homade icecream"
Whore-made ice cream :confused:


Local time
Today 10:36 PM
May 21, 2010
I'm not there anymore...
- When you contemplate for eons something witty and relatable to that of an INTP to say, to make an acceptable first impression on your first post.:D


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Aug 13, 2009
If you ever have, during a midday nap, set the alarm clock to something like 16.47 because you believed it to be the optimal time to get up, having a productive day as possible, only to completely disregard it when the alarm finally rings.


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 6, 2009
When somebody asks you in the middle of a group conversation: "What's your opinion on this?" and it takes ages for you to actually come up with an answer because you don't have a side you take. (or is it just me?)


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 9:36 PM
Jan 2, 2010
(or is it just me?)

That an inviting question? No, Of course it's not just you. Perhaps it is if you specify the conditions up to its atomic level. But just that + INTP, of course not...


pat pat
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 1, 2009
When somebody asks you in the middle of a group conversation: "What's your opinion on this?" and it takes ages for you to actually come up with an answer because you don't have a side you take. (or is it just me?)

I have that problem with most things. If I'm asked what I'd like more for dinner, A or B, I would start thinking about all the pros and cons of each. I'd think about what's more expensive, requires less effort, what tastes better, what the other person may want, how long it will take to make etc etc. I will just stand there staring into space before finally replaying; I dunno, you decide.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 31, 2010
- When your friends are sad, you are more interested in analyzing their way of thinking than actually supporting them

- You like to make plans and rules, but have no intention on following them

- You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

- In fact, you think people are - in general - so stupid that they shouldn´t be allowed to make their own choices. You, however, require absolute freedom.

- You find it difficult to grasp that some people actually choose a career in HR or accounting

- You have placed all your friends and family in the MBTI grid

- You like to insult people, but always with a smile

- You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

- You would rather die than be in the center of a big bachelor party

- Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

- When you´re asked to do a quick spell check on a paper, you end up re-structuring the whole thing. You also suggest that the content should be re-written because of logical errors

- You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer
I think all of these are very accurate.

It will take hours reading all of these and many more compiling an end-all, be-all list, but I will do it. And when I do, it's going in the first post, and it will updated every day by the original poster and everyone will post with correct numbers to make everything easier.

Oh, and here's one:
Whatevernumbercomesnext: Making a drawn-out plan which involves you doing something extensive and you forcing your will on others even when you know you won't do it and others probably won't listen to anything you're saying.

But seriously. The quality (or lack thereof) of this list pisses me off. I'm gonna do it.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 31, 2010
Next number: You write controversial statuses on Facebook just so you can spark a debate, but you hate debating face to face because you have no time to think about anything you are going to say.

Next number: You view a work translated from another language into English to be a corrupt version, even though you can't read the original language.

The other day, I questioned someone as to how not acknowledging someone walking past you is rude.


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
May 27, 2009
You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.
That happens to me all the time. And to see this being metioned made me laugh. Even though it's a "Ti fail".

You know you're an INTP when you spend weeks or months planning to go to an elaborate event in which you're supposed to wear a suit and tie (Wedding, communion, fancy party, etc...) in a tee shirt, then it's 50-50 whether you actually end up doing it, entirely dependent on your mood on the day of the event.
Agreed. :>


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 11, 2010
in between related clauses
This happened to me this morning :D

- You sit down for breakfast, stare at the "Use by" date for the bread, and speculate to yourself what life could be like by then.
- Only when you finish your breakfast do you realize that the 30th of May was over a week ago.

The Frood

knows where his towel is
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Nov 29, 2009
Somewhere in the vicinity of betelgeuse
the fact that all of your thoughts are not profound disturbs you.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jun 19, 2010
North Carolina
56. You're still following the numerical system though people have either purposely or inadvertently discarded it.
57. You cringed at nearly all of Mac's listings (but adamantly read them ALL) before realizing that he was listing off INFP characteristics.

I SOOOO DID!!!!!!!! lol:D

when you are always in some hidden corner of your school during lunch

this brings up semi bad memories: i would pretend to have silent lunch so that i wouldn't have to sit with anyone. one day the teacher came up to me, said "katie.. you don't have silent lunch.."so i was like" oh-i don't? okay. "and went somewhere else. ugh. she gave me the most awful non-understanding look...

When you are approaching someone you know (no stop and chat) from a distance and are deciding at what distance you should acknowledge them. If its too far away its awkward when you pass each other, and if too close its awkward on the approach... or is it just me?

i do! and i'll look up every 2 seconds of approaching them awkwardly to check and see if it is the right time, i often begin talking too early though, and i kick myself , trail off, and start again when i've gotten as close as possible, because they can't hear me anyway,because i can't talk loud, or even at normal conversational level, which i also consider as i approach them.

-when someone asks you opinion on something, and you are still comming up with answers a day, week, month, even year later..
(i often do this and wish i could tell them my opinion sooooo badly, but i don't want them to know that i'm still thinking about it.)
Last edited by a moderator:


Local time
Tomorrow 5:36 AM
Jun 21, 2010
Where The Slime Lives
I love this thread


echoes through time
Local time
Today 7:36 AM
Sep 8, 2007
...you leave your car with someone and - as you hand over the keys - specifically instruct them to not use the steering wheel lock because you lost the key to it ages ago....

Three weeks later you actually look at your car keys... wonder ...what's this funny one for? ...and realise not only is it for the steering lock, but has been on your keyring - where you put it - for the entire 6 months since you bought the car....



Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jun 19, 2010
North Carolina
- You frantically look for your lost pencil after daydreaming only to realize it's still in your mouth
- You rather use a pencil than a pen.
- You know you're a Mentat.
- If you like someone of the opposite sex, you will analyze everything that happened in any interaction with them afterward down to every possible detail to figure out how it went. Deep down inside you know it's absolutely useless because it has never worked before.
- Once you figure out the person you like, you grow bored of them.

ii completely relate to this! :D


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
May 17, 2010
When asked why you are smiling, your most usual reaction is to think "WTF [sic], I'm smiling?"


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Figleaf of your imagination
Later in life, after you've given yourself permission to have non-profound thoughts, just for fun! ... you then get embarrassed and even pissed off when someone suggests that such a thought you've expressed, is shallow.

Fortunately, still later on in life, you finally realize that's okay too, because it was probably all just a big game anyway.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 31, 2010
-When you have a great idea, but keep it to yourself cause you know everyone will hate it.
I think it's more like this:

-You know it's futile to tell anyone some great idea or profound thought you have because no one will understand it.
You talk faster than normal because your train of thought is going too fast for you to catch up.
This is truth.

when you often lose arguments with yourself

when you have to say (because it's driving you nuts):

'your' is posessive - this is a response to all your wrong usage of 'your' and 'you're'
'you're' is a contraction of 'you are' [the 'a' of 'are' has been replaced by an apostrophe]

so: you're driving me crazy with your inappropriate use of 'your' and 'you're'


two = 2
too is too many (o's)
to is going to go to

back when i went to school, in the bad old days of rote learning and mnemonics we learned things like:

i before e except after c ... so hieght, but receive and ceiling
lose loses an 'o' - so its not spelled loose

bla bla
You spelled height wrong. There are loopholes to everything, remember?
-When you're society's definition of an eccentric loser but you're too lazy and absorbed in your hobbies to care.
-When you really can be happy alone, and resent being pressured to socialize.
-When you're smarter than 99% of the people you meet but will fall behind them because you lack focus.
-When you think everything can be analyzed, including love.
-When you instantly notice when people use a word incorrectly in speech, and are tempted to point it out.
When asked why you are smiling, your most usual reaction is to think "WTF [sic], I'm smiling?"


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
May 17, 2010
You are supposed to do useful work, but prefer elaborating a logical refutation of Rule 34.

You write the 1,000th post in the "You know you're an INTP when..." thread and don't brag about it.
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