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You know you're an Intp when...


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
You are supposed to do useful work, but prefer elaborating a logical refutation of Rule 34.
lol rule 34...


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Apr 2, 2010
Copying my response to the copycat thread at personalitycafe.com:

You fix spelling errors in quotes without caring if anyone else notices.

You are able to find out information without letting on that you wanted that information. (I love doing this, and I have many techniques for it, the most direct being asking the question, but in a context that makes it seem like it's just a random question. (and that's not my only way, of course, that's just the most direct.))

You abuse parentheses. (might only be me) (count the number in this one post, if you want.)

You spend five minutes deciding if you want to post something, then five minutes deciding how to say it, then another five minutes trying to think of a better way to say it, then finally just delete it entirely. (It happened to this sentence, but I caught myself doing it since I was just writing about it, and forced myself to post it anyway.)

You have way too many tabs open, but don't want to close any because you might totally forget about it.

If you become obsessed with something, nothing will stop you but...

...If you get distracted from it, there's a good chance it's not happening.

You have a set of rules that you live by, but they're your rules (which you've learned help you in certain situations, more like good advice to yourself), and if someone else imposes a rule on you, unless there's a good reason, you don't pay attention to it.

You get annoyed when people try to make you be more social.

Your watch is basically a part of your body.

In ten to twenty years (2020-2030, when it's possible), it will be part of your body.

...it's 2:00 AM!?!?!?


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
I know that is truth. All of it, in fact.

I really love the second one.

I was accused by a friend just today of speculating too much on a video game. Extroverted feelers have no idea.


Local time
Today 10:22 PM
May 17, 2010
You spend more time and effort on cramming things into your waste-paper basket than you would by just emptying it.

You think of confusing people as a sign of affection.

In computer games, you either load and replay the same scene over and over again because after every time you pass it, you feel you could have made it with using up less resources, or you completely forget saving, and only remember you should have done it when you are just about to get defeated.

Your friends consider you the most normal person of them, while everyone else holds the opposite view.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
I think your last one is far off, for me at least. Everyone thinks I'm insane. :p


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Whenever you have a cold, you have viral meningitis
I usually have a cold or some variant much of the year (<10 months).

It pisses me off greatly.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jun 24, 2010
Rhode Island
I usually have a cold or some variant much of the year (<10 months).

It pisses me off greatly.

Actually, I was alluding to the fact that INTPs can have the tendencies of a hypochondriac. A fever could mean I have a simple viral infection, but it also could mean I have avian flu!


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Actually, I was alluding to the fact that INTPs can have the tendencies of a hypochondriac. A fever could mean I have a simple viral infection, but it also could mean I have avian flu!
You never know. I think it is just our tendency to assume the worst. That way, we can be relieved when we find out it's not so, or can not be overwhelmed when we find out it is so. Nothing illogical about that.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Apr 2, 2010
You notice that somebody has every other post on a page, and you remedy that with a double post...


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Apr 2, 2010
...which of course takes away from doing something else useful with your time.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jun 24, 2010
Substantial purchases, such as a car or a computer, are contemplated with much more ease than minor purchases such as clothing.

I feel as if I have a little flow-chart in my mind for substantial purchases, which makes it easy to decide on whether or not to buy.

However, for little things like clothing, there is a lot more thought that goes into it- probably more thought than warranted. I can see an item of clothing that I find attractive, contemplate the price, utility, and such. Then I will try it on, and I might even like it. Yet, I usually decide not to buy it before I get to the register. Way too much thinking for a $40 pair of jeans.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
You notice that somebody has every other post on a page, and you remedy that with a double post...
lawls. Dammit.

Rational Fool

Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jul 2, 2010
- creating the system is more appealing the following it even if your own
- errors from others is expected but never from yourself
- if you are not good at something its because that something is useless and irrlevont
- it bugs the hell out of you when someone uses the wrong terminology
- Knowing the problem is more important then fixing it
- fun and flirty with the opposite sex is okay but once they want more you shut down
- you talked your way out of liking someone when thinking that they wouldnt like you
- youve been accused of over analyzing more then ten times a day
- you have a great sense of humor but suck at telling jokes
- having a "group project" is a punishment
- Going to a friends party seams like a duty then pleasure
- Answering the phone is as appealing as is slamming your finger in the door
- Your bases of what you analyize ranges from Absoulte Truths and High Law to the meaning of what type of food you like and what that means about you
- It bugs the hell outta you when someone calls you sensitive or emotional
- Your at constant tug-a-war with your playful and serious self
- You want to slaughter people when they call you when you are doing a task
- "what animal are you" is a serious philosophical question
- attraction to another 'INTP' doesnt sound appealing


and Heimdal's horn sounds
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Aug 16, 2009
- creating the system is more appealing the following it even if your own
- errors from others is expected but never from yourself
- if you are not good at something its because that something is useless and irrlevont
- it bugs the hell out of you when someone uses the wrong terminology
- Knowing the problem is more important then fixing it
- fun and flirty with the opposite sex is okay but once they want more you shut down
- you talked your way out of liking someone when thinking that they wouldnt like you
- youve been accused of over analyzing more then ten times a day
- you have a great sense of humor but suck at telling jokes
- having a "group project" is a punishment
- Going to a friends party seams like a duty then pleasure
- Answering the phone is as appealing as is slamming your finger in the door
- Your bases of what you analyize ranges from Absoulte Truths and High Law to the meaning of what type of food you like and what that means about you
- It bugs the hell outta you when someone calls you sensitive or emotional
- Your at constant tug-a-war with your playful and serious self
- You want to slaughter people when they call you when you are doing a task
- "what animal are you" is a serious philosophical question
- attraction to another 'INTP' doesnt sound appealing

Good list! I lold. Bolded ones are especially true for me.


Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jun 11, 2010
-When your significant other asks, "Why can't you talk to me the way you talk to yourself?".

-When you rotate between 3+ books, moving from one to the other on the slightest onset of boredom untill you finish them all.

-When you promise to fix your broken e-signature some other time.
Last edited:


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
- creating the system is more appealing the following it even if your own
- errors from others is expected but never from yourself
- if you are not good at something its because that something is useless and irrlevont
- it bugs the hell out of you when someone uses the wrong terminology
- Knowing the problem is more important then fixing it
- fun and flirty with the opposite sex is okay but once they want more you shut down
- you talked your way out of liking someone when thinking that they wouldnt like you
- youve been accused of over analyzing more then ten times a day
- you have a great sense of humor but suck at telling jokes
- having a "group project" is a punishment
- Going to a friends party seams like a duty then pleasure
- Answering the phone is as appealing as is slamming your finger in the door
- Your bases of what you analyize ranges from Absoulte Truths and High Law to the meaning of what type of food you like and what that means about you
- It bugs the hell outta you when someone calls you sensitive or emotional
- Your at constant tug-a-war with your playful and serious self
- You want to slaughter people when they call you when you are doing a task
- "what animal are you" is a serious philosophical question
- attraction to another 'INTP' doesnt sound appealing
Yes. This is a very good list. I find of them true in the immediate instance of time.

And ugh. I hate that war between my serious and "fun" self. But they are both part of the same person. Maybe we shouldn't dichotomize the two. They are not two separate entities, but instead two parts of one greater whole. What a great thought. In theory, at least. I still hate the war between the two.
-When you rotate between 3+ books, moving from one to the other on the slightest onset of boredom untill you finish them all.
Surprisingly enough, I rarely ever read. In fact, I am putting off reading two probably amazing books that I have to have read within a month to the last possible minute that I can get them read in a reasonable time frame. But I can tell you, that I have about 6 different profiles on Oblivion, and change quite frequently depending on my mood. Some people say I should stick with one and actually play through it, but there are just so many excellent concepts that can be pulled from such an in-depth system...


Solfege Maniac
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 2, 2010
Right behind you, sipping tea.
You know you're an INTP when...
-your mother makes fun of you for how much you think.
-you bring books with you to parties, weddings, and movies.
-you would rather research DNA than attend a party.
-you would rather research DNA than just about anything else you could be doing.
-you convince yourself to like someone based on how the relationship would work logically.
-you convince yourself not to like someone based on how the relationship would be illogical.
-everything's better when you're alone.
-you correct your grammar mid-sentence.
-you have sudden realizations that you are a person with a name, body, and place in the world.
-you can never leave the house without forgetting something.
-you love making lists but almost never finish them.
-you love creating rules but don't enjoy following them.
-someone says the word "system" and you immediately perk up.
-people know you're smart but never treat you like it because they think you're really immature.
-you're a chameleon and blend into whatever situation or group you're in.
-you love learning until you're required to do it.
-you could live without seeing people for weeks on end and be completely content.
-you dream of having your own library.
-you would rather go to the San Francisco library than Fisherman's Wharf.
-you get away with a lot because people assume you're off in your own little world when you're actually listening to their conversations.
-when you're supposed to be listening you're actually off in your own little world.
-you have strict touching guidelines.
-your sense of humor seems to perplex everyone else.
-the word "poop" has always been and will always be funny.
-you know at least 5 synonyms for "poop."


Space Jokes.
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jan 12, 2010
- you are able to recognize most typos while they're happening, and, as a result, the labels on your Backspace and Delete keys are worn very thin.

- , due to the aforementioned, you can, with some ease, backspace through an encrypted password (************) to correct it before hitting Enter.


Yes I can.:)

Agent of Chaos

The one you were warned about
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jul 28, 2010
On the other side of the rainbow
You know you're an INTP because you snap because people keep interupting you (even once is to much) for trivial garbage....And they have the audacity to be offended by your reaction.

btw, this list is so accurate it's almost scary.
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Above you, watching every move.
You know you're an INTP when... Wait, did you just took my f***ing headphones!? GIVE THEM BACK, BASTARD! :borg:

Or when someone tells you to stop listening to music with your headphones while you're in a public place, but you really don't want to because music is way better than their voices talking about the least interesting things.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jul 24, 2010
- when you refuse to own a cellphone because it allows others to contact you more easily
- when you regularly hang up the phone on your friends
- when you make excuses to avoid social gatherings with friends
- when you use irregular amounts of slashes, hyphens, and parentheses
- when you wanted to add "except in this post, because you feel self-conscious about it" to the end of the last point, but you would have had to put it in parentheses, which would have negated the entire idea
- when you are constantly looking over and editing everything
- when you correct your friends' spelling and grammar mistakes
- when you correct the grammar or spelling mistakes of the grammar worksheets handed out in your English class
- when your teachers seem both to like you and hate you, because you're constantly late for the class, lose worksheets all the time, question everything they say and begin heated discussions about completely unrelated topics (often physics or politics for me) with your friends in the middle of a lesson; on the other hand, you understand the material, are enthusiastic about it in most cases and show genuine interest
- when you feel compelled to own books, rather than borrow them, because you think you might need or want them at some future point
- when you make flow charts or lists about topics that do not at all require it, then promptly lose them or throw them out (as they have no real purpose)
- when you argue with yourself just to ensure that your actual view is correct
- when you are always reading at least three books
- when you love being alone
- when you like long car rides because it gives you time to think, and because people never uphold conversation during long car rides


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
I don't know if this relates to any of you guys, but if I ever find myself needing to use descriptive adjectives in a paper, I almost always use two to three, because using one is weak.

I edited this post for syntax, semantics, and spelling. :)

Agent of Chaos

The one you were warned about
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jul 28, 2010
On the other side of the rainbow
If you develop your "J" you can perform style INTJ leadership.

Sit down, shut up, stay the fuck out of my may.
Remember there's no "I" in team, but if you swap the letters around there is a "Me".
There's also "Meat", that's what you'll be if you don't co-operate with me.

INTJ's are worse than evil because evil is personal, INTJs are not.
I have a one and every time I use it I get either stupid or blank looks.
There is no "I" in team but there is a "U" in "Get the fuck out of my way!" (or Fuck off, either one works).


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
I have a one that every time I use it I get either stupid or blank looks.
There is no "I" in team but there is a "U" in "Get the fuck out of my way!" (or Fuck off, either one works).
Very interesting views of chaos. I have thought much of it recently.


Local time
Today 9:22 PM
Aug 3, 2010
You become lost in thought while solving a problem and have to follow your train of thought backwards to remember what you were doing to begin with.

You've developed ninja stealth skills as a result of hiding from cars while taking long walks at night.

You have a folder on your computer somewhere with 'first chapters' of at least ten novels you're never going to write, but keep anyway because you never know.

You fly into a homicidal rage at the sound of doorbells, telephone ringers, and people knocking on your door.

You learn calculus/symbolic logic because it makes you feel like a sorcerer.

After studying logic symbols, you write first-order proofs of completely mundane statements because it's like a new toy.

The words 'Oh, that's, uh, interesting' fill you with a sick deflated feeling.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
You are not sure you are an INTP but the only other considerations are an ISTP which would be humiliating or an INTJ which is too horrible to contemplate.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
You are not sure you are an INTP but the only other considerations are an ISTP which would be humiliating or an INTJ which is too horrible to contemplate.
I frequently have J moments for some reason... it's very odd. I have urges to... not procrastinate. And make a schedule.

EDIT: I have also considered ISTJ, but after reading, I decided that would be a train wreck.


Local time
Today 9:22 PM
Aug 4, 2010
Hi there
I like drawing, and this forum

Nice to meet everyone...


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Aug 3, 2010
When I read I will drift off into thought but I'll continue reading and I'll find myself pages and pages from where I last remember being.

I think it's a rather strange phenomenon! Considering some part of me is still reading the book, but my thought is way off on the other side of the world.

What I meant to ask was if this happened to anyone else?


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Sep 20, 2009
Definitely, it's annoying as hell, too. Sometimes I'll keep re-reading the same two pages for half an hour.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Aug 3, 2010
Also, for the hundredth time, this thread scares the hell out of me.

It makes me feel rather predictable! D=


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
I frequently have J moments for some reason... it's very odd. I have urges to... not procrastinate. And make a schedule.
Dude me too! I'm glad I don't act on them. :D Actually sometimes I do but chances are I won't actually follow the schedule.... or get it down on paper.
We still have directive (J) functions but they drain us right? So maybe that's why. We want to do it, but it becomes draining so we don't act on it? Of course there are exceptions to that where we do act on it. I'll shut up and stop making a fool of myself now and try to think of something to contribute to the list.

-When you write a note on facebook asking a million questions about what leads people to a POV of drugs without actually putting your POV on drugs because you aren't sure what it is. This note gets about half written on the note but fully written in your head so it never gets finished or posted and you think to yourself "I'll do it later." but you know you won't.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
3/3=1 6/3=2

I'll just leave that there. Not something really interesting, just something peculiar I noticed while pondering the inextricable relationship between all numbers.


1^2 = 1
2^2 = 4 3
3^2 = 9 5
4^2 = 16 7

Yeah, I don't know...


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Dude me too! I'm glad I don't act on them. :D Actually sometimes I do but chances are I won't actually follow the schedule.... or get it down on paper.
We still have directive (J) functions but they drain us right? So maybe that's why. We want to do it, but it becomes draining so we don't act on it? Of course there are exceptions to that where we do act on it. I'll shut up and stop making a fool of myself now and try to think of something to contribute to the list.
As I recently posted up here... I am sick of doing nothing all day and procrastinating on stuff I say I'm going to do. So I am going to develop my J traits by acting on it and actually throwing myself into doing what I say I'm going to do... weird for an INTP, but I know I've got nothing done all this summer, and it pisses me off greatly, while also giving me the perception that I wasted the entire summer. An INTP with a healthily developed J axis (though of course, not one that would necessitate the J trait of being impatient or inflexible, as I could not give that up) could truly do great things, I think. Imagine, one who is simply amazing at thinking up great new ideas and acts on those ideas!
-When you write a note on facebook asking a million questions about what leads people to a POV of drugs without actually putting your POV on drugs because you aren't sure what it is. This note gets about half written on the note but fully written in your head so it never gets finished or posted and you think to yourself "I'll do it later." but you know you won't.
I get it- sort of. I usually make my facebook statuses incredibly provocative- if only to raise chaos and objection. Recently, though, they have been giving off auras of a more dark and depressive side of the human, and I have been approached in real life regarding these statuses (which is always awkward or uncomfortable. I simply avoid the question). I sometimes don't write it at all, feeling it would raise too much controversy (slim chance) or finding it too personal or attacking for me to want others to know. Much more often though, I simply can't articulate my thoughts into words. What makes this infinitely more difficult, of course, is the fact that if I don't write something down almost exactly when I think about it, I will almost inevitably have torrents more thoughts and entirely forget about what I was originally going to say. Quite frustrating at times.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
When I read I will drift off into thought but I'll continue reading and I'll find myself pages and pages from where I last remember being.

I think it's a rather strange phenomenon! Considering some part of me is still reading the book, but my thought is way off on the other side of the world.

What I meant to ask was if this happened to anyone else?
I certainly recognize this phenomenon. I had to ask myself why this occurs as others have this never happen. They only experience what's on the page. Thoughts:

My guess is that a there is a certain independence of mind that insists on being. So I have to ask myself, is this acceptable when one reads or not? I think since I would (or some would) characterize this as an issue of concentration and motivation, one should make a decision about the latter. How motivated am I to read this? Also is my mind being raped? No it is not. The author can say what they wish and I can differ independently.

Agent of Chaos

The one you were warned about
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Jul 28, 2010
On the other side of the rainbow
Someone has probably posted this already but just in case:
You know you're an INTP when contractions (word type, not birth) drive you nuts.

When I write I find it extremely hard to use contractions.:evil:


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Someone has probably posted this already but just in case:
You know you're an INTP when contractions (word type, not birth) drive you nuts.

When I write I find it extremely hard to use contractions.:evil:
I have to say I am working on that. I oftentimes use contractions in both school work and casual conversation, but I would rather not. I have been using them for all of my life, so I have trouble even realizing I even included them.


Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I'd die of embarrassment if I'd ever use a contraction. You'll find you'd be better off by not using 'em. What's the point?


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
I'd die of embarrassment if I'd ever use a contraction. You'll find you'd be better off by not using 'em. What's the point?
Wonders if he realizes...

EDIT: Yes. Yes he does.


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
Sep 20, 2009
Please explain yourself, Agent of Chaos. Why do contractions drive you nuts?


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:22 PM
May 31, 2010
Please explain yourself, Agent of Chaos. Why do contractions drive you nuts?
They make formal writing sound crappy.
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