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You know you're an Intp when...


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
I never had trouble with contractions either. I use them in most situations but in papers for school I make sure I don't. On forums or facebook, I use them.

You know you're an INTP when your father says "Who could last without a phone for 2 weeks?" and your first thought is "I could" then you decide whether or not you should say it. At first, you think maybe you should, just so it's clear to him that you are different than he is. Then you realize he may take this as ungratefulness because he worked hard to get you that phone. Then you start to wonder if it's a true statement at all since you like all the nifty games and stuff on the phone. Then you realize it's been 30 minutes so even if you said it now, he'd have no idea what you were talking about anyway and start thinking about someone else.

and when figuring out the quickest way to fold boxes and bus tables is a much more fun part of the job to you then greeting people, telling them to have a nice day, hostessing, serving a table, or *gulps answering the phone. You'd also rather put orders into the computer than actually talk to the people to find out what they want.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
I never had trouble with contractions either. I use them in most situations but in papers for school I make sure I don't. On forums or facebook, I use them.

You know you're an INTP when your father says "Who could last without a phone for 2 weeks?" and your first thought is "I could" then you decide whether or not you should say it. At first, you think maybe you should, just so it's clear to him that you are different than he is. Then you realize he may take this as ungratefulness because he worked hard to get you that phone. Then you start to wonder if it's a true statement at all since you like all the nifty games and stuff on the phone. Then you realize it's been 30 minutes so even if you said it now, he'd have no idea what you were talking about anyway and start thinking about someone else.

and when figuring out the quickest way to fold boxes and bus tables is a much more fun part of the job to you then greeting people, telling them to have a nice day, hostessing, serving a table, or *gulps answering the phone. You'd also rather put orders into the computer than actually talk to the people to find out what they want.
I would end my thought process right here, say to myself, "I don't really care anyway," and just say I could. No big deal. I seriously doubt anyone is going to think into it enough to actually consider you ungrateful, unless you have a nice as hell phone. I have a prepaid Samsung flip phone, carry it everywhere, barely use, and have over $200 of rolled-over minutes on it.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
I sometimes use non-formal voice in writing, and often in casual conversation (though I don't engage in casual conversation often), but I absolutely refuse to use slang, anywhere and everywhere.

Above: I would have used "do not" instead of "don't," but I feel like that would have ruined the flow, so I would have had to word the sentence in an entirely different way to make it sound right.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 23, 2009
You know you're an INTP when your father says "Who could last without a phone for 2 weeks?" and your first thought is "I could" then you decide whether or not you should say it. At first, you think maybe you should, just so it's clear to him that you are different than he is. Then you realize he may take this as ungratefulness because he worked hard to get you that phone. Then you start to wonder if it's a true statement at all since you like all the nifty games and stuff on the phone. Then you realize it's been 30 minutes so even if you said it now, he'd have no idea what you were talking about anyway and start thinking about someone else.

and when figuring out the quickest way to fold boxes and bus tables is a much more fun part of the job to you then greeting people, telling them to have a nice day, hostessing, serving a table, or *gulps answering the phone. You'd also rather put orders into the computer than actually talk to the people to find out what they want.

^Very much this.

For example:

Them: "What do you mean you'd rather shelve books than help customers? Don't you get bored?"

Me: "What do you mean you'd rather help customers than shelve books? Don't you get bored?"


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:31 PM
Aug 14, 2010
I sometimes use non-formal voice in writing, and often in casual conversation (though I don't engage in casual conversation often), but I absolutely refuse to use slang, anywhere and everywhere.

Above: I would have used "do not" instead of "don't," but I feel like that would have ruined the flow, so I would have had to word the sentence in an entirely different way to make it sound right.
I use slang to the point it may be considered making fun of slang. Slang is a funner way of talking. For example, I definitely look "fly", and things that are cool are the "shizzly grizzle bear". My friends are "Home-brays". I mean, come on, we're known as word smiths. Have some fun with words, even if they're not found in a dictionary! Language is fluid, changing over time. So long as people know what you mean, then you've done no wrong.

Of course, I also get irritated when people use the wrong "their", or say "could of".


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
I use slang to the point it may be considered making fun of slang. Slang is a funner way of talking. For example, I definitely look "fly", and things that are cool are the "shizzly grizzle bear". My friends are "Home-brays". I mean, come on, we're known as word smiths. Have some fun with words, even if they're not found in a dictionary! Language is fluid, changing over time. So long as people know what you mean, then you've done no wrong.

Of course, I also get irritated when people use the wrong "their", or say "could of".
Eh. I've been known as one who doesn't have as much fun in life "as I should." I really don't care that much. Guess I'm just a dick when it comes to some things.

But yes. When people actually try to use good grammar and fail... the worst is when people put "alot" (aside from the fact that anyone would say "a lot" anyway, the phrase is way too vague to say anything).

I consider myself to be a wordsmith. I like to think I am well-learned and fluent in the English language and can sometimes make witty jokes or puns. But it requires something different to make fun of slang with slang. It's like... satire or something. But I hate slang, though I will laugh if one were using it as an instrument to demean it.


Inappropriate Sarcastic Liar
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 21, 2010
American Sahara
...a logic flaw in the movie you just saw bothers you more than the hunger in Africa.

Brings tears to my eyes....
Example : In the matrix movies...why couldn't they just use shotguns on the agents? They couldn't possibly dodge all that buckshot. No, I don't read guns & Ammo and I don't even own a gun. I was just wondering...


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Jun 24, 2010
Rhode Island
This might just be me. You know you're an INTP when contently sitting alone, expressionless and thinking, you suddenly realize how sad you look to everyone else. Your eyes water thinking about this. You're not sad, mind you, your eyes are simply watering. Filled with confusion over why your eyes are watering, you realize that you now look ever MORE depressed to outsiders.

Deleted member 1424

When office personnel mispell your name and write it as Kira.

When you're at the Gym and you hear a fitness trainer giving tips to her client about 'molding' men properly. While you feel exasperated, you're also somewhat amused since they literally could be parodies of themselves.

You wish Fox News was a parody. (Although considering how ridiculous Fox is, probably everyone who isn't Republican feels this way)


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Aug 6, 2010
central ny
-When you realize that other people in the room can see you when your lost in observing other people as if you were a camera and they were a movie.

-When your embarassed to talk with your friends about what TV shows you watch.

-When you go on a thinking rant and then all of

-When your parents bitch at you for not being social enough, and force you into social situations, which makes you develop social anxiety.

-When your posts reflect your stresses and worries in life when you dont intend them too.

-When you get overstressed, and then explode like yellowstone will in 2012.

-When your sitting in class, and your thinking about how stupid and biased the teacher is, and how the education system is flawed.

-When you stay up till 3 in the morning trying to understand everything you can about a topic of interest, and then your family thinks your watching porn.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
-When you realize that other people in the room can see you when your lost in observing other people as if you were a camera and they were a movie.

-When your posts reflect your stresses and worries in life when you dont intend them too.

-When your sitting in class, and your thinking about how stupid and biased the teacher is, and how the education system is flawed.

-When you stay up till 3 in the morning trying to understand everything you can about a topic of interest, and then your family thinks your watching porn.


Local time
Today 2:31 PM
Sep 10, 2010
I LOVE THIS LIST!!! My fellow INTP's you are all appreciated as different as we all are. We are sooo awesome.
=You know you are an INTP when you secretly feel like you are better than everyone around you, even though you spend 95% of the time talking smack on yourself.
=You know you are an INTP when you have the most brilliant life changing idea or story to tell someone, and two seconds after you start telling them you realize you have no idea how to put it into words.
=You know you are an INTP when someone says the most braindead idiotic thing and you resist every urge in your body not to decapitate them.
=You know you are an INTP when you the only thing more annoying than people saying stupid things is when they tYp3 lIke Thi$$$$!!!
=You know you are an INTP when people are amazed at how much random things fly out your mouth.
=You know you are an INTP when you can't help but notice the last statement has probably already been said. ;)


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
-When you stay up till 3 in the morning trying to understand everything you can about a topic of interest, and then your family thinks your watching porn.


Local time
Today 2:31 PM
Sep 10, 2010
-When you stay up till 3 in the morning trying to understand everything you can about a topic of interest, and then your family thinks your watching porn.[/QUOTE]

SO TRUE!!! Im doing that now lol


Local time
Today 11:31 PM
Sep 8, 2010
- When you're terribly afraid that getting wasted that one and only time when you were a teenager might have lowered your intelligence by destroying brain cells.


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
^ I still am haha, but honestly it's also because I feel like I will betray myself if I do start smoking and drinking.


Local time
Today 9:31 PM
Sep 12, 2010
Im loving how everyone else here feels the need (like me) to express the harmony he or she feels with the musing of others

I have one

?. Having a rigidly unyielding attitude towards the vanity of your fellow man, especially if it gets in the way of others in a practical way.

or two

?+1. Feeling bad over being constantly inclined to nurture your own vanities.


Local time
Today 3:31 PM
Mar 17, 2010
- When you're terribly afraid that getting wasted that one and only time when you were a teenager might have lowered your intelligence by destroying brain cells.

Or you often consider ways to rehabilitate cognitive decline caused by substance abuse.
Or that was caused by years of hanging out with people who, uh, how to put this, aren't exactly INTPforum material.
Or caused by the natural aging process...
Or a broken educational system...

I'm going to stop now.


Local time
Today 9:31 PM
Sep 12, 2010
- when you type out a humorous response to something, but upon rereading it you realize its far too ostentatious, and likely to be taken in an unintended way, and therefore dont post and forget you ever wrote it

oh god i swore on my soul and sanity that i wouldnt conform and post this like everyone else has

lets get it out the way

"youre freaking the goo out of my cranium with your identical fucking perceptions"

and p.s. i love you and i love myself for not having to ever look up the word 'ostentatious' again in order to be perfectly secure to use it

wtf is going on ive been on this forum for just a few hours, ive only learnt the concept of 'INTP' yesterday

yet i cant help but place the meaning of 'INTP' as synonymous with the meaning of 'genius'

Deleted member 1424

When you successfully convince someone (who is admittedly toasty) that you're actually a sentient ice cloud from Neptune that possessed a human child from birth and masqueraded as said human, spying on the human race all the while.


The New Gai
Local time
Today 9:31 PM
Sep 20, 2010
These are... incredibly accurate. It's almost scary.

-When you correct your significant other's grammar in the middle of an argument.

My wife hates this.

-When you're called a 'manipulative bastard' and you reply 'I'm just judging how people will react!"

-When you pretend to have a plan all written out but really it's all in your head, so when you're remembering what you had planned you adsent-mindedly pretend to shuffle through papers or look through files. Or maybe this is just me?

-When you wish everyday that you had the knowlege of everything, but you spend way too much time thinking of how to use your other two wishes to make sure that wish isn't ruined.
Addendum: Well, when you spend too much time thinking of ways to phrase a wish that will make it impossible to mess up

Edit: Thought of another, possibly.
-When you have an idea of what to put into a post, but you forget what you were going to type, but after reading through the post you remember so you go to edit it back in, but you forget it again.

The amount of commas in that sentence hurt me, but I had to leave them in to explain the pauses and to seperate the logical arguments and I haven't the time to actually rewrite the sentence into something more coherent.


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
You know you're an INTP (in school) when you'd rather stay in the background and fail rather than risk embarrassment in seeking out a partner for a group.


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 8:31 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
You know you're an INTP (in school) when you'd rather stay in the background and fail rather than risk embarrassment in seeking out a partner for a group.

Have you been in my brain lately?

Seriously, stay out, you never clean it after yourself.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
Ok wow, there is a lot here, I'm half way in reading them all!!! Have to keep making sure no one hears me laugh. But I'm going to write this before I forget, just incase its new.

- atleast once a day you realize you are more than just a mind, and, o look I have a body! [true story, usually happens when I'm absorbed in reading, and haven't yet realized this today]

- you discover truths about reality [almost daily] that no one else seems to either: care about and/or understand.

- when traveling to/from work/school/the store/or just out traveling, you only remember getting in your car, then stepping out, finding out your in a parking lot, and not remembering how you got there.

- you carry a cell phone around just to tell the time because you are severely paranoid that watches are meant to control you heart beat so the government can decide to control you at will. [this may just be me]

- you can't understand why people are so religious about making up a bed EVERY freaking morning!

haven't read last post so I am in hopes this isn't dead... death is another favorite topic.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
Ooo, before I forget and go to bed:

- you have half your hard drive full of notepad files, holding you random thoughts/discoveries since no one else wants to hear them.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
Ooo, before I forget and go to bed:

- you have half your hard drive full of notepad files, holding you random thoughts/discoveries since no one else wants to hear them.
I know this feeling. I usually post them anyway. I need to start a masterthread for that kind of stuff. Which I have honestly been intending to do, but can never bring myself to do.


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
- atleast once a day you realize you are more than just a mind, and, o look I have a body! [true story, usually happens when I'm absorbed in reading, and haven't yet realized this today]

- you discover truths about reality [almost daily] that no one else seems to either: care about and/or understand.

- you carry a cell phone around just to tell the time

- you can't understand why people are so religious about making up a bed EVERY freaking morning!
All true.

Ooo, before I forget and go to bed:

- you have half your hard drive full of notepad files, holding you random thoughts/discoveries since no one else wants to hear them.
YES lol. I've switched from papers to notepad, since I can get more down.

I know this feeling. I usually post them anyway. I need to start a masterthread for that kind of stuff. Which I have honestly been intending to do, but can never bring myself to do.
It would be cool to have a section on your profile for notes. I doubt I would ever release mine to the general public though. Not only are they far from being worthy, but what I know could be dangerous if left in the wrong hands. :phear:


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
Every so often, I just get this "feeling" that something's happened... I have no idea what that is or what it means. I feel like I've actually received a glimpse of reality for half a second. I don't know what it is. It is much different than anything else I've ever felt, and happens for less than a second.


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Aug 6, 2010
central ny
You know you're an INTP (in school) when you'd rather stay in the background and fail rather than risk embarrassment in seeking out a partner for a group.
Hahah thats happened so much to me lately, that brings me to another thing..

u know ur an intp when you have to get into groups with a college class of 80% girls and a random girl tells u to get in her group. Then all the girls in the group ask you for ur number because your better looking than 2 out of the other 4 guys in your class. Then for the first time in your life you use ur phone to text and not just call or act as a clock, not caring about what the girls say most of the time because u know they are probably stupid, and u can get sex out of them.

No intp girls in my class for sure. which sucks..not even any nice looking girls either....so u have stupid ugly girls..maybe one or two u could get it on with ha. how do u spot an intp girl???


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Hahah thats happened so much to me lately, that brings me to another thing..

u know ur an intp when you have to get into groups with a college class of 80% girls and a random girl tells u to get in her group. Then all the girls in the group ask you for ur number because your better looking than 2 out of the other 4 guys in your class. Then for the first time in your life you use ur phone to text and not just call or act as a clock, not caring about what the girls say most of the time because u know they are probably stupid, and u can get sex out of them.

No intp girls in my class for sure. which sucks..not even any nice looking girls either....so u have stupid ugly girls..maybe one or two u could get it on with ha. how do u spot an intp girl???
Funny lol.

Idk just include breasts along with the stereotypes of INTPs. Look for the quiet girl in the back of the classroom or in the library reading a book. She may just be an arbitrary introvert, but that's close enough. Oh! Watch for clumsiness.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
Oh! Watch for clumsiness.

Ooo wow I was thinking clumsiness was just part of my superhuman agility[this is true, I can't do sports but I'm agile as hell, probably comes from years of avoiding people].


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Aug 6, 2010
central ny
I have super human agility...ya..im gonna post a video or two, just to show you. Though i am slightly overweight, i rival the tiger in a test of swift dexterity and agile movements...You know your an intp when you make videos like these..and you also know that your fuckin awesome and a multiple intelligence kinisthenic genius.
YouTube - Awesome - first video i ever made.
YouTube - Badass mother fucker


lust for life
Local time
Today 1:31 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
INTP =/= clumsy...
Living in a model of reality instead of how thing actually are, I can easily see how Ne would lead to INTPs being clumsy because of where they thought something was.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
Living in a model of reality instead of how thing actually are, I can easily see how Ne would lead to INTPs being clumsy because of where they thought something was.
I'm incredibly clumsy, lazy, and procrastinating but I am really trying to get out of all three of them and actually do shit. I am extremely agile though. But I hate sports.


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Aug 6, 2010
central ny
ya im clumsy too, but its werid because ill drop something, and ill be able to catch it, or ill lose balancce do a barrel roll or something..its weird...i hate sports...so much..i wish my parents didnt make me play them....shit..im so depressed.i have baseball practice tommorow. i just wana go home after school and sleep, not play baseball in freezing rain.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
57 pages, cannot read them all...
You feel so happy that someone just compliment you "You're insane".

just happened today!!


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
- when you just now experience what everyone else has been calling depression. Atleast thats what I think it is, or maybe I'm just hungry.


Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Aug 6, 2010
central ny
Im depressed as fuck. Welcome to the club. Im more depressed now that i cant find a video editor that works..im getting sick.its like a feeling of helplessness. I have all these awesome video clips, and i cant do shit with them. Its like holding a piece of chicken in front of a starving black man, and not letting him have it.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
Number...I am not a number. I am a free man.

That speaks to the only emotions I believe I have, :D. I could listen to the same Iron Maiden songs over and over again and never get bored. But other music is just boring to me... I know this doesn't really belong here.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
just happened today!!
I love it when that happens. :D It makes me so proud, because I know that, deep down within myself, I really am insane.
- when you just now experience what everyone else has been calling depression. Atleast thats what I think it is, or maybe I'm just hungry.
Yep... I know that feeling. Too well, in fact. After being in an almost constant state of depression for 6 months (doesn't seem like that long) I have come to do away with the notion of 'depression' and accept the way I'm living now as life. It is a ton easier that way than actually "being" depressed. I don't think I'll really get out of this (not even really a 'slump' anymore, it is just reality), and I don't intend to. I struck it full force and just accepted it. That may not be something many can just "do" though; to give up many of the things of pleasure in life rather than just attribute the loss of pleasure to some temporal season. The idea strikes many people, I'm sure, for some reason... as quite absurd.
Its like holding a piece of chicken in front of a starving black man, and not letting him have it.
Goddamn it, I love that analogy.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
Sep 19, 2010
...you definitely switch sides in case of an alien invasion.

Oh god[or other imaginary being you grew up around] would I ever. I have thought this through so many times.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:31 PM
May 31, 2010
That speaks to the only emotions I believe I have, :D. I could listen to the same Iron Maiden songs over and over again and never get bored. But other music is just boring to me... I know this doesn't really belong here.
I can enjoy Iron Maiden's mega hits. It's good. I haven't listened to them in forever. Lately, I've been listening to a ton of hardcore and super experimental stuff.

Have Heart
It prevails
Call To Preserve
Saints Never Surrender
Returning We Hear the Larks (amazing beyond belief)
A Lot Like Birds
Stray From the Path
The Effort
The Faceless (doesn't really fit with the rest of these bands)

I usually listen to metalcore and alternative/indie, but fuck me this experimental underground stuff is so good.


Local time
Today 2:31 PM
Aug 13, 2010
You know you're an INTP when...

(bear with me on this one)
You put off your three week English essay until the night before, but realize that there's no chance in hell you'll be able to finish it, so you decide to just tell the teacher and turn it in late. Then when the teacher extends the due date two days, you again wait until the last minute and again decide to just turn it in late. Then, when the teacher extends the due date until next Monday after Thanksgiving, you put it off until the last minute and AGAIN decide to just turn it in late. Then, when your teacher forgets to collect it for three more days, then extends it two more days, you work for about an hour a night at midnight to finish it and turn it in nearly two weeks after the due date for full credit.

Coincidentally, that is also when you wonder who's gonna die to balance all that luck.


Local time
Today 2:31 PM
Aug 13, 2010
...you definitely switch sides in case of an alien invasion.

Honestly, who wouldn't?

Edit: NOOOO! I double posted!!!

Edit: SO TRUE! [I just read the first post]. Except for the prefix demi-, and certainly with the asterisk.


Space Jokes.
Local time
Today 3:31 PM
Jan 12, 2010
You know you're an INTP when...

(bear with me on this one)
You put off your three week English essay until the night before, but realize that there's no chance in hell you'll be able to finish it, so you decide to just tell the teacher and turn it in late. Then when the teacher extends the due date two days, you again wait until the last minute and again decide to just turn it in late. Then, when the teacher extends the due date until next Monday after Thanksgiving, you put it off until the last minute and AGAIN decide to just turn it in late. Then, when your teacher forgets to collect it for three more days, then extends it two more days, you work for about an hour a night at midnight to finish it and turn it in nearly two weeks after the due date for full credit.

Coincidentally, that is also when you wonder who's gonna die to balance all that luck.
I wonder how many times I've done this....

Has anyone else ever developed an elaborate scheme for cutting off the power in the school/some other means of getting class canceled for two days? (Two days in most cases of classes that only meet twice a week. So If class is missed Monday, you have that day and....You know..)
Last edited:
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