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Best places to live with INTP?

Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
anyone know of any places that are more INTP friendly than the midwest? preferably in or close to the us but if its a truly kick-ass place then at least I can start planning for the next few years

I'm considering a Alberta or BC Canada but its just a thought at the moment, I like the idea of lower humidity during the summer and I don't mind winter, I've lived mostly in the midwest and the northeast US and its all humid summers


Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Aug 8, 2008
I was actually going to ask you how living in Detroit is right now, speaking of locations. Seems like a depressing town right now, I'd love to hear your perspective on the overall morale! As for INTP friendly places.... I'm moving to Portland, Oregon. I think Decaf can attest to its greatness, but really any town that has a decent book store and some intellectually minded folk would suffice.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
I live in Portland, Oregon! But I'm hopefully getting a job in san fran, soooo yeah.

Portland, Oregon is good.
I hear Cambridge, Mass is good too.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Detroit is depressing as hell. I'm sure there are intellectuals here but I don't know any of them. I dunno if its because I didn't normally notice these things when I was a kid but it seems like theres a very high rate of ADHD and supersocial types around here. I am like the complete opposite of that, so naturally I'm at a disadvantage. Seems like most jobs around here are well suited for SJs and those who like to do manual labor and office work, all things I have a strong aversion to, well not so much the physical labor part I don't mind but its the people I have to deal with at work that truly sux. I dunno tho, maybe I just don't look hard enough, good jobs are tough to find especially as an INTP. I can definitely say the area has made me a much darker person than I'd like to be but maybe thats just life

thx for the suggestions, I am definitely drawn to somewhere in the northwestern region, seems a hell of a lot friendlier than where I'm at now


Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Aug 13, 2009
I lived in California almost all my life and didn't care for it. Now I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I LOVE it. My social life has never been better. I wonder if it's because 1 out of every 13 adults in Huntsville is an engineer?


Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 15, 2009
I've been to BC, and I think that a cabin there would be nice. Maybe on the read to ulclulet. Possibly around Victoria or Vancouver.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
College towns are often cool. If you prefer isolation though, I'd say the northwest. Just lat low from some of the locals.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Maybe its my dwindling number of social connections but I'm hating this area more and more. America is just pissing me off, if it wasn't for grant money to go to school I would be 100% livid right now


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Aug 14, 2009
Fargo, ND
Surprisingly, North Dakota is quite good. Large Scandinavian population means that you are easily left alone, and there are few distractions.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
I like scandinavians, I love the mythology even. I actually kinda considered N. Dakota but I'm not sure what kind of job opportunities are around there. Its hard cuz moving costs a lot but I know I need to get to a better area before I have too big of a mental breakdown

thanks for the suggestions, I definitely would enjoy as many perspectives as possible


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Aug 14, 2009
Fargo, ND
Job prospects in ND are so-so. We have low unemployment, but a lot of the jobs in certain areas are pretty low-level. Cost of living is low, so that helps. What do you do?
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
currently nothing, I am a student again in another few weeks, I have no degree yet so its hard to know what I can do. I'll have a basic associates in science next year. If it didn't require random testing I do enjoy driving type jobs, pizza delivery is the best job I've ever had. 2nd best job was working as a merchandizer going to various stores in a region and doing various work as the job calls for it. 3rd best job I had was working projectors at a movie theater, even though I'm a loner INTP, I had almost no social life outside of work and it got too lonely for me to deal with after almost a year. It seemed like any time someone wanted to/was able to hang out I had to work.


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Aug 14, 2009
Fargo, ND
How skilled are you? I hate to say this, but I've basically made my way through my 34 years by just figuring out how to do things. You can do whatever you want--you just have to be able to convince people that you can do it. I'm a college dropout with a 45k job that I don't in any way deserve. But, if you're good at driving, there's a thriving trucking industry in the region.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
yeah, I can do that its random testing I'm scared of. The only way I can get myself to work is to keep my anxiety down.


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Aug 14, 2009
Fargo, ND
There's nothing anybody can do about that but you. Basically, you have to figure it out.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area


Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Aug 24, 2009
This is an interesting idea, but I'd really like to see it fleshed out more. Anyone been to Japan? I loved Vancouver BC but mainly for the steady supply of cheap Ecstasy and nature. I think whoever said a small place with a great bookstore seems ideal. This would be Halfmoon Bay in California, which is about 45 mins from San Fran.

I have lived in NYC and do not want to go back. I think also, Barcelona - I felt at home there. Somewhere warm, and outdoorsy. Never the south, never the midwest. Oceans, islands, big cities..
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
I have mainly lived in the east and midwest(US) and neither of those places offer the environment I need. Been to NYC once for a few days, didn't like it there at all. Nice places if you are an SJ though. Also, fuck humid summers.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Aug 23, 2009
I can put in yet another vote for Portland. Powells Bookstore. 'Nuff said.

The counterculture here is fun if you want it. The local unofficial mantra is "Keep Portland Weird" after all. Also, I like that I can go to the city if I want and still live out in the middle of nowhere only 20 miles away. Butt...there's always a butt...The job market is HORRENDOUS. Like, 12% unemployment bad. And that doesn't even include the seasonal workers that have been unemployed. Bleck. I'm only really surviving by keeping my head down as a bookstore employee.

I loved Alaska and BC Canada. No Vancouver though. Bah! Give me a cabin, enough food to survive, and an internet connection and I'd drop out of the social world entirely in BC. No constant city background noise, no people everywhere, and the best part was that the few people who do live out in the bush are weirdos to so they don't expect you to be normal. It's awesome!
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Michigan unemployment is 15%+ I believe, better job prospects there than here!!

edit: Yeah southwest Canada/Northwest US sounds very appealing to me especially right now that I don't have hardly any friends left. Nothing to keep me attached to where I'm at except for a parent that is willing to help me not be homeless and put up with me the way I am.


Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Aug 24, 2009
What makes things tough is being homosexual, and an INTP. Since the city is synonymous with the homosexual - I am basically stuck having to live in them, or close to one at least. I could never live out out out WAY out. Woah its scary to think about being too far away like many of you (and I wish I) could do. Ted Kizinsky style...

Morel Panic

Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Aug 12, 2009
I'm also a midwesterner planning on a major relocation in a few years, both for economic and personal reasons.

Somewhere in the dakotas seems good. I looked at South Dakota when I was considering going to school there (@ the school of mines). They really do have a lot of the good points that TravisW points out, plus I was actually pretty impressed with the school of mines (I'm not going there though mainly for distance related reasons, not academic). I also have kind of looked at moving to Australia, just to not be in the U.S. (I'm thinking of doing study abroad there).


Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Aug 12, 2009
I'm also a midwesterner planning on a major relocation in a few years, both for economic and personal reasons.

Somewhere in the dakotas seems good. I looked at South Dakota when I was considering going to school there (@ the school of mines). They really do have a lot of the good points that TravisW points out, plus I was actually pretty impressed with the school of mines (I'm not going there though mainly for distance related reasons, not academic). I also have kind of looked at moving to Australia, just to not be in the U.S. (I'm thinking of doing study abroad there).

Just an FYI, I'm from South Dakota. Pretty much, everywhere that's not Sioux Falls is a bunch of bible thumping hill billy type people. You might get some saving grace from college students, but as far as adults and teens go... It's all about being drunk, bars, and hunting. Not much for intellectual stimulation.

It's a decent atmosphere, great place to raise children as long as you bring them up right and don't let them be brainwashed by the churches. I grew up in the country, around Valley Springs / Brandon, which is just outside Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls is effectively an up and coming "Denver" (which is where I live now.) All the surrounding towns will eventually become part of Sioux Falls, much like Lakewood / Littleton / Aurora / etc. are all considered a part of Denver. You don't have nearly as much crime or anything in Sioux Falls yet, but then, the entire population of SD fits inside Lakewood alone, with room to spare.

I think I'd ideally like to live in Portland, Oregon. Or Seattle or something. Up there just sounds nice.

Edit: After reading some of the thread I skipped, it's kind of funny... I'm hardcore Scandinavian :P And I have to say, the cost of living is ridiculously much cheaper in SD than in Denver.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Aug 23, 2009
What makes things tough is being homosexual, and an INTP. Since the city is synonymous with the homosexual - I am basically stuck having to live in them, or close to one at least. I could never live out out out WAY out. Woah its scary to think about being too far away like many of you (and I wish I) could do. Ted Kizinsky style...

*points to Portland* It's a pretty good place for homosexuals. Very open and friendly about that kind of thing.

Yeah, I kinda think Ted just needed to get laid. Even wackos need a little lovin' to keep them sane. :D Also, don't crazy extremists like Ted bomb heavily populated places to make a point? It'd be safer to live in the bush.

Michigan unemployment is 15%+ I believe, better job prospects there than here!!

Damn! And I thought it was bad here...

Just an FYI, I'm from South Dakota. Pretty much, everywhere that's not Sioux Falls is a bunch of bible thumping hill billy type people. You might get some saving grace from college students, but as far as adults and teens go... It's all about being drunk, bars, and hunting. Not much for intellectual stimulation.

I think I'd ideally like to live in Portland, Oregon. Or Seattle or something. Up there just sounds nice.

Edit: After reading some of the thread I skipped, it's kind of funny... I'm hardcore Scandinavian :P And I have to say, the cost of living is ridiculously much cheaper in SD than in Denver.

When it comes to bible thumpers I agree. I've lived a number of places that are quite similar. The closer to the city and universities you get the more open-minded people are. The further away the more you pick up the sound of banjos...

I'm not hardcore Scandinavian but my roots are Swedish ND...and they've got nothing terribly wonderful to say about the place.

Seattle seems nice too. They've got the Bumbershoot (which I'm tenatively excited about this year despite the crowds) and a punk rock museum.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I like small towns, mainly the town I grew up in. Loveland, CO. Ft. Collins sucks.

I like visiting Denver, not sure about living there.

Ft. Collins is a kind of liberal town, because it has the college. Despite all the open-minded individuals, I would take conservatives for the sake of their community and friendliness (even if they are Christian- some Christians aren't terrible).
Last edited:


Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Aug 12, 2009
I don't mean to deter anyone from moving to the Dakota's by any means, either, I just wanted to put up a fair warning, having experienced living there.

I really am not fond of the Rapid City area, but I didn't spend much time nearer the Universities. There is definitely a divide between West River and East River, more so in the younger school systems. What it boils down to, is west river kids hate east river kids, it's pretty much a conservatives hating liberals thing. The best part about it, is I didn't realize it until I met some liberal west river kids and they were talking about how much everyone else in their school rails against us east river kids. But no one in my school really even cared about west river, preferred to judge on character rather than generalizations >.> (Again, more liberal thinking than conservatism.)

You'll definitely feel intellectual above a majority in the dakota's though, more than likely, unless you find a niche. That's why I think Portland or Seattle would be better, you'll encounter a larger variety of higher thought, at the very least in art and creativity, if not more in general.
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
I always liked the atmosphere of college towns better myself. I think that is one of my top factors that I will include in my search.

right now the 5 factors I'm looking at is

1.geographic are closer to my place of birth, wondering if living 2,000 miles from where I was born could have an effect on my mind. I know that geomagnetic patterns are real and that magnetic flux levels can affect the brain and maybe just maybe it will have a beneficial effect for me. Won't know unless I try.

2.humidity levels in summer, I don't enjoy feeling like I need another shower 5 minutes after taking one / although if people in the area are really nice and the area is nice or if I land a fat paying job this may not matter so much

3. Job Availability

4. Living costs vs wages

5. college town or near one

This would make Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Washington, N.Cali, and the west Dakotas in my top list of contenders for the US. in no particular order

southern BC and Alberta are my top contenders for the Canadian side
edit: also considering Ontario if I were to stick with the midwest area, screw the midwest US though.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Mar 10, 2008
Boulder is also a college town, but it's very expensive. It's also kind of.. snobby.

In general it seems like Colorado is very dry. I don't think the job availability is very good in N. CO right now. I haven't been able to get a job. I guess the living around here is a little expensive. It depends where you're comparing it to.

The weather here can also be a tad crazy. It's somewhat unpredictable. I don't enjoy driving during the winter...
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
I had a friend recommend I not move to CO but its still on my list. He said crazy women are drawn to there. I did know this one female from CO and she was crazy....although I suppose you'd have to be crazy to move from CO to Detroit. Maybe he is right? :p


Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
I think the ideal may be a small town that doesn't have "small town people." In other words, the open-mindedness of city people without the traffic jams of a city. I really like the feel of small towns that still have some nature left and I hate crowded areas.

For me, I'd also like to live somewhere where the summers aren't so damned hot. I stupidly look forward to summer every year, only to wish it were over after about two weeks of it.


Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Aug 12, 2009
Just to give you an idea of CO, at least Denver, it took me about 2-3 months to find an entry level job when I moved here a year ago, and that was with 2-3 apps going out a day... well, that might be a little exaggerated, but I tried to make that my goal :P (I totally don't have that much motivation >.<)

I dunno, the living expense is a ton more than I was expecting, but then, it's cheaper than East / West coast, just definitely more expensive than SD, by quite a lot. I'm making about 3 dollars more an hour, and coming home with about 100 dollars less per paycheck. It sucks.

My sisters husband was just laid off a few months ago, and he's not really been able to find a job, but he also hasn't been looking terribly hard. Denver... didn't have as much to do as I was thinking it might, but it's really nice having the mountains nearby. I like nature / hiking though, so it works.

Agreed on the comment about boulder, it's expensive, and snobby... the people there are like... fake, I suppose, is the best way to put it.

Zero, you're in CO? Let's hang out ^_^ Or something. haha.

It seems like loveland / fort collins is a decent area, but I don't know much about it overall. FoCo is definitely a college town, but from what I've heard loveland is a little nicer... they're not far apart though, so living in one is kind of like living in the other.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 31, 2009
This is an interesting idea, but I'd really like to see it fleshed out more. Anyone been to Japan? I loved Vancouver BC but mainly for the steady supply of cheap Ecstasy and nature. I think whoever said a small place with a great bookstore seems ideal. This would be Halfmoon Bay in California, which is about 45 mins from San Fran.

I have lived in NYC and do not want to go back. I think also, Barcelona - I felt at home there. Somewhere warm, and outdoorsy. Never the south, never the midwest. Oceans, islands, big cities..

Yes, stay the hell OUT of the south, it's terribly depressing here. Bright skies, green grass, and the most CLOSED minded people you'll ever come across.

As for Japan, I've always wondered what it would be like to live in Tokyo. Think of all the subtle culture differences, like electric toilets! :D


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Apr 7, 2009
I currently live in Vancouver, BC. It's nice. Rains a lot, like Seattle. The mix of people is VERY diverse. There is a lot of gang violence going on recently. The city if known for its drug dealers. The olympics are coming soon though. Living here is fairly relaxing. People in the west coast for some reason, all have a very laid back life style.

I don't think it is ideal for an INTP though. If I had to choose an ideal environment for the INTP, I would say Japan. Introverts are praised in asian cultures. Unlike the extroverts in western societies. Plus Japan is where are the cool new gadgets are at!


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Oct 27, 2008
Detroit is depressing as hell. I'm sure there are intellectuals here but I don't know any of them. I dunno if its because I didn't normally notice these things when I was a kid but it seems like theres a very high rate of ADHD and supersocial types around here. I am like the complete opposite of that, so naturally I'm at a disadvantage. Seems like most jobs around here are well suited for SJs and those who like to do manual labor and office work, all things I have a strong aversion to, well not so much the physical labor part I don't mind but its the people I have to deal with at work that truly sux. I dunno tho, maybe I just don't look hard enough, good jobs are tough to find especially as an INTP. I can definitely say the area has made me a much darker person than I'd like to be but maybe thats just life

thx for the suggestions, I am definitely drawn to somewhere in the northwestern region, seems a hell of a lot friendlier than where I'm at now

ya i live near detroit not detroit it self it sux
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