INTP Forum General Rules of Conduct
This is not a democracy. Whilst members' views are sought and welcomed, they do not decide the administration of the forum.
01/ Don't be a nuisance.
02/ No Trolls. No Flaming. No attacks on personalities or groups. No Spam. No Porn links.
03/ There is no censorship of ideas, no matter how distasteful, apart from the obvious: this includes, but is not limited to porn, offensive images, spamming/trolling, illegal software links, advertising, and links that don't follow the conversation at hand. These posts may be edited or deleted by a mod, and in all cases the mod will
always mark this in the post or thread itself and sign off. However no-one will ever alter another's posts, except in these instances ( or to correct annoying titles ).
04/ Offensive user-names, user-titles, avatars and signatures shall all be changed at discretion, especially in the case of harassment of another member. Repeated offences will incur withdrawal of any of relevent item. Other than that any user-title may be chosen (or changed by the user using the request feature ).
05/ Offenders may be given warnings; these do not incur an automatic penalty. The moderation team may ban any repeated offender after discussion; but a gross offender may be banned instantly by any mod or admin. The admin team will always back up any decision made. Requests to be banned will not be entertained.
06/ Both being annoying, and/or posting fluff ( including trivia, harrassment of individuals,
and overexcitement ) will restrict the member concerned to post in Siberia for a time decided by the mod concerned.
07/ Threads are moved at the mods discretion, but this, as with all actions by mods, may be clearly indicated at the time by the mod concerned if not obvious.
08/ Mods and admins will not read any other member's Private Messages; posters will not quote Private Messages from others in the forum without the permission of the sender, this includes PM's from mods and admins.
09/ Edit/Deletes: Mass editing/deleting of posts is not allowed. If you choose to leave the forum your posts will stay behind. Exceptions can be made for personal blog threads.
10/ Attacks on mods are against the member's best interest; but should one be attacked, that individual shall not adjudicate their own case.
11/ Basic: Remember to tick the 'Remember Me' box when logging in to the forum. There are no ranking or rating systems used here to grade members.
These take precedence over any additional rules promulgated.
Thought these might be of assistance to the discussion.