Ok now I just noticed that DirtyBit's banned as well... so was he/she/it CoryJames or what?
You'd be surprised how many people make duplicate accounts.
Just today somebody registered 6 new accounts under the same IP... Can't spell troll more clearly than that.
Funny that this thread is still active
What would be the point of closing it? Then someone would make a new thread and keep discussing the same thing, with added (misplaced) accusations of censorship...
And I do believe it is good that people discuss these issues, whether they agree or disagree with what moderators do. Input is appreciated, but as the ones responsible, we do reserve the right to make the final judgments.
Moderators should act like the police, (in most cases) acts. Without personal interference.
If personal dislike or disagreement were the basis of bannings, there would be
a lot more.
Is the judgment that one member's actions are hampering the forum as a whole subjective? Yes. If you think there is a way of having an objective system that somehow does not destroy this forum's freedom with absurd rules, or a way to stop democratic systems from turning into mob rule and popularity contests or bogged down in eternal debate, then I'd be interested in knowing about your fantastic solutions to the issues of human communities.
Sometimes necessary decisions are unpopular—which is one of the problems of democracy—and they are not taken as lightly as you might think.
And if people must know—though it is hardly relevant to the discussion at hand—it was not me who banned him, but I agree fully with the decision to do so.