"Wtf even was that"
vote Hadoblado
vote Hadoblado
I am town. Why would it confirm that Cheesums is almost definitely mafia? I don't exactly follow the reasoning in that. He does seem sorta suspicious though.
I could see ruminators as the cop, like zerkalo said earlier. I don't want to kill the cop. Maybe the reason ruminator said she'd wait till after night one to post is because she was sorta telling us that she's the cop. The cop can ask at night, right? So she'd get some info and then use it but she's trying to not explicitly state that she's the cop so she isn't targeted by the mafia.
Well you're not gonna get a successful scum lynch by killing me. You might get a scum implication but idk exactly how that would play out. If you guys think it's worth it.. I mean I don't want to sacrifice myself because it'd be fun to stay in the game, but I can't do much to stop a lynch against me
I'm trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for death rn
I think Hado is mafia, as I stated before somewhere, but I don't want to lynch them today.
??? Such a strange responseNeb, don't concern yourself with who the cop is. Again, that's who a mafia is looking for, not a town. You need to trust that your blue role won't be so incompetent as to come last place in a 12 player race in which multiple participants are most like that snubby bitch group that weren't really the popular kids in highschool but ingrouped so hard they were able to establish certain norms such as walking during cross country.
Also, people need to stop this shit. Don't get me wrong accuse away if you think I'm scum and have [like a single fucking] reason for doing so. But when you do. Umm.. Fucking reasoning. Nobody gives a fuck about your unarticulatable feels. Tell me why I'm a very bad man damn it!
Because seriously. Everyone's pointing their middle finger instead of their index. It makes us all look low SES tbh. Tell me why you hate me. Any ignorant college campus hippy can hate the man. Explicitly state why it's worth it for others to also hate the man.
Speaking of hating the man. Sinny, I want to clear you, but I need information so could you please fucking show up already. I mean seriously... Just fucking. Exist. In the game preferably. And answer my questions please. I need more of you in my lyfe.
Nebulous, Me, Zerk, Sinny, Ruminator voted Hadoblado.
I guess we shouldn't post anymore until QT counts.
vote Hadoblado
Actually, fuck, unvote Hadoblado
vote Hado
vote Hadoblado
vote Hadoblado
Vote hado
Puffy and neb, just what is your agenda you 2?
Puffy why the Unvote and neb why the talk if you didn't vote?
Can you guys stop playing around and vote for whoever your real target is? Do it Right now. i want to know where you're getting at
im free now and next time I'm free, votes might already be locked or sth so vote now
Hado: I am now eternally pissed off at you for stopping my tunnel on Zerkalo in Day 2 and convincing me of ESC's guilt.
Also Sinny we could have lynched Puffy if you voted with us. Good job tunneling town cop as mafia, LOL.
Hado's going to be overjoyed when he wakes up and checks the thread
Yeah, Hado did great tbh. He was cop and he convinced me that he was mafia very early and had me convinced. I really can't blame him. I'm guessing he knew Puffy was mafia via his night read.
Hado basically won this game for the mafia.
Hado basically won this game for the mafia.
if you guys(RB and hado) are really townies(i do have a hunch atleast one of you is townie bc you're doing such a intentionally shit job so far :P, i dont think mafia would gamble so much), then you're digging your own graves guys
the spotlight is doing you a disservice imo.
Being the angel that I am, I even gave you friendly advice throughout the thread but you wouldn't listenwhen i said you guys did a shit job, i was talking about garnering other townies' trust
You thought hado was mafia? Interesting.
No. Wat?
I don't see what he could have done really. It's not his fault that 3 townspeople overreact to a Day 1 mislynching and start tunneling him.
I'm not optimistic about my chances of survival, I'm kinda wishing I'd rolled vanilla townie. On top of the prediction thing, I'm thinking I might try and scum myself up just a little bit to make myself a less obvious NK.
So I think I muddied up the waters enough to maybe not get NKed. It probably wasn't required to actually get drunk to do it, but that was fun anyway. The natural inclination of the town to be suspicious of me kind of works in my favour here, because while I believe I'm above suspicion, and I'm really forthright about that, it's not actually a social reality. Many people suspect me, and the backlash I get from being so upfront has made it perhaps look to the untrained eye like I'm not in control.
Cheeseumpuffs flipping green also furthers that cause, because obviously me forcing a lynch on town looks bad. Not that I killed town on purpose.
I'm having a fucking ball btw, even if people are all frustrating noobs and I'm mislynching like a madman
At this point, I'm pretty certain ESC is scum, and that feels goooood.
I mean, it's unlikely to work, but I don't see much harm in trying it. And I'd be fucking smug if it did
I'm not actually certain about ruminator, Happy could very well be scum. I'm just trying to look over confident by proclaiming the game already over to throw ESC off and hopefully have him react to what he thinks is an exploitable mistake
The way I see it, voting for RB is a nothing vote that takes the emphasis of his scum buddy ESC.
Wow I really fucked up making sinny mad.
In my mind I was trying to prevent drama, then got dragged in kicking and screaming. Shit. There's no way she's ever going to stop unless I kill mafia
If I leave it a while things will die down hopefully. Sinny will never forget, but I think people realise just how personally she's taken this. It's like treading on an ants nest! Sinny when you read this bb I'm sorry!
She say she gone to bed but the green light say she still here wanting a fight.
Well this has deflated my ego some XD
I'm worried about people coming in and voting me and then me being unable to respond. It'd only take one of the disengaged a moment's thoughtlessness. The scum could, but I don't think they will be that bold. Maybe once Sinny's really sleeping I could persuade Ruminator off me?
Goddamit Sinny I hope that when this game is over you reconsider your approach to understanding the world.
But assuming you're not, this whole game stands as a demonstration to how you systematically reinforce your own beliefs
You won't be able to respectfully disagree
You will have just been wrong.
And if you trace the pattern of your reasoning and behaviour in this game, you will see why you can also be wrong IRL, while being as confident as you are now.
You then systematically serve as the hand of ESC, just as I knew you would fall to the red agenda.
You're being used
And you won't have a way out of accepting that by the time you read this post.
And if it can happen here, it can happen IRL with belief systems.
For what it's worth, I don't even actually read you as town anymore. I'm not bothering to look back through filters etc. to fix my view because until I'm done with Puffy and ESC, you don't command enough power to do anything meaningful if you do happen to be scum. I simultaneously believe that you are red, and that I am biased against you because I'm angry at your stubborn lack of critical thinking.
Shit. That was my theory, and the reason I shifted suspicion to Puffy from RB...
Well it wasn't just that:
Fuck me, I'd have preferred Ruminator as the cop.
No wonder Town had the disadvantage, we might as well of ad 4 Mafia operating, 5 including your self.
As I as, the aim of Towns people is to convince people that they are Town.
Yeah you guys made a baseless assumption that it's either me or puffy and not both, that helped
I don't see what he could have done really. It's not his fault that 3 townspeople overreact to a Day 1 mislynching and start tunneling him.
Hado basically won this game for the mafia.
Yeah you guys made a baseless assumption that it's either me or puffy and not both, that helped