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Search results

  1. brain enclosed in flesh

    12:34 and 56 seconds on 7/8/09

    ^^ wait, did I just write this? (Except I'd say my parents are IXTJ and ENFX. And thanks to the wonders of modern medicine I no longer have the mood swings.) EDIT: Oh, damn, this was a response to flow's.
  2. brain enclosed in flesh

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Wow, yes. Oh so very much. I don't know how INTP this is, but here's one: I discovered at the age of three that Santa wasn't real but I pretended for seven more that I believed it because I didn't want to let my parents down. I was never disappointed about it myself
  3. brain enclosed in flesh

    What is the forum teaching you about you? Is it worth your time?

    I was telling my psychiatrist about the forum today and what I like about it and what I am learning about myself from it. Due to the forum, I am discovering that I actually do like interacting with people to an extent, that I like bouncing ideas off other people's minds and cooperatively...
  4. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTPs on TV

    I'm leaning towards the latter. I love tv sitcom characters- they are so well developed and non-stereotypical! :rolleyes: But I could handle hanging out with sheldon. My guess is I'd be the guy who made the adjustments to the algorithm.
  5. brain enclosed in flesh

    Toad: Lonely in OC...

    My trip was good. I've discovered that my dad and I have the same sense of humor- I have no idea why I never noticed it before. Being with my family can be tiring, though. I feel a need to be dutiful and complacent around them, so there's a lot of going for walks with my ipod and blaring the...
  6. brain enclosed in flesh

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you go to a family gathering and find yourself seated between- facing outwards toward the trees vs inward like everyone else- all of the men talking about politics and all of the women talking about babies and you have no desire to contribute to either conversation (although the men's...
  7. brain enclosed in flesh

    Toad: Lonely in OC...

    Orange county is a place I hope to God I will never have to live, no disrespect, toadie. (It's a close third behind the Phoenix area and Vegas.) If I had been around I probably would have gone out with you. I would have even let you buy me a drink, but don't get any ideas, mister. I just want...
  8. brain enclosed in flesh

    12:34 and 56 seconds on 7/8/09

    Huh? this is on wednesday, or in august as snow queen points out. (Okay, so I just had to look at the calendar to make sure.) This reminds me of my daughter's favorite joke- Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!
  9. brain enclosed in flesh


    Hi, Seducer! Ca va?
  10. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTPs on TV

    This guy seems way cool. Boy do I sure love people like me! :D I ripped out the walls in my bathroom and re-tiled it, btw, among other trade-related jobs. There is a lot of problem-solving sort of thinking which I enjoy. My INTP bro spends lots o' time fine-tuning his cars so he will get...
  11. brain enclosed in flesh


    I'm with you on this, Ermine and Snow Queen (thanks for welcoming my back to the world of INTP, btw :)). My feeling and intuition seem to come about in more extraverted fashions, all crazy and kooky and ADHD-like. I was at my parents' house for a lengthy amount of time (hence my protracted...
  12. brain enclosed in flesh

    Varied Music Taste anyone?

    Saw mars volta their first tour at a teeny place with about 70 people. one of the most ridiculously amazing shows I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen a lot...
  13. brain enclosed in flesh

    95% Introvert Club

    Yep, I was- hence the goodness of low-maintenance. Good for you about feeling good about it! I wish I could feel good about things like that... (wow, I used the word 'good' 4 times. Yeah, vocabulary!) Thanks. :)
  14. brain enclosed in flesh

    What music does to you

    I'm the same way, very much so. (Even with playing guitar!) My husband listens to music all of the time and I can't. Sometimes I'll go for a whole day without it. What's the point of listening to it if it doesn't mean something? I think it can get to be too much feeling, which throws me off...
  15. brain enclosed in flesh


    Okay, just read the schizoid entry and wikipedia and there is a substantial amount I can relate to, especially the covert aspect.
  16. brain enclosed in flesh


    Tomorrow I am driving to my hometown to stay with my parents. Typically I look forward to this trip. Now I am dreading it. Why? Well, usually it's just my parents, me, and my kids. They watch my kids and I spend considerable amounts of time... alone. Once or twice I'll meet up with a friend...
  17. brain enclosed in flesh

    Empty words

    Yep and yep, Citizen and Saffy. Just felt like agreeing. And I mean it.
  18. brain enclosed in flesh


    I don't think I crave attention so much as connection/commonality. So if I am in the center of a conversation and I am enjoying it, it's the thrill of connecting with people, good conversation, shared experience. For example, last night I went up to talk to the musician I saw play because I...
  19. brain enclosed in flesh

    95% Introvert Club

    Hmm, yeah. Well, we had history to begin with and I'm married so that probably affected things a bit as well, but... Opening yourself up like that is always rough. For non-introverted people I suspect it isn't so much- there's people who are always telling other people how they like them and...
  20. brain enclosed in flesh

    What music does to you

    I went to watch my favorite musician, A.A. Bondy, last night. It was a transcendent experience. Granted I hadn't eaten and I was downing copious amounts of alcohol, but still, the music sent me into divine rapture. I felt ridiculously connected to him, to his music, to the earth, to my skin...
  21. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP and screenwriting?

    I agree. The trick is staying true to your own style (or the style of your protagonist who is doing the speaking) vs. being influenced by others. I think my book was coming along pretty well but then I made the mistake of going to this writing workshop full of Bridges of Madison County sort of...
  22. brain enclosed in flesh


    I think you hit on the truth a bit more in this last post of yours, Joey Joe Joe. I used to wonder why I didn't try harder in school and I believe 'not being one of those other overachievers' was one of my reasons- I went to a fairly prestigious school and I had friends who were psychotic about...
  23. brain enclosed in flesh

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum you too, king crab guy! I'll be leavin in a couple of days for a couple of weeks with zero internet. Oh, how shall I spend my time? Perchance I shall actually write or be social or something... or just do crossword puzzles and schlep...
  24. brain enclosed in flesh


    Anybody here ever read Personality Type by Lenore Thomson? She posits that the order of INTP functions is thus: Ti Ne Fi Se Ni Te Si Fe. I don't know a whole lot about her, that's pretty much it.
  25. brain enclosed in flesh

    What songs are you listening to?

    Calexico ist gut.
  26. brain enclosed in flesh

    95% Introvert Club

    Yeah, she's fun. She makes me want to be fun. But she also has a brain in her head and we have good talks. I just kind of feel like a dork, because I don't want to mess it up and because I am almost 35 years old and I think I am worse at making friends than I was when I was 16- or it hasn't...
  27. brain enclosed in flesh

    95% Introvert Club

    I have a confession to make. I've... I've made... a... friend. She called me unprovoked last night and asked me if I wanted to smoke cigarettes with her. Then she told me she's been watching Freaks and Geeks on youtube like I recommended. She's an INFP, btw. Of course I declined her invitation...
  28. brain enclosed in flesh


    I posted this on the INTP or ENTP thread, but it makes much more sense to have it here: Why is the difference between Fe and Fi so hard for me to understand? Okay, so I'm trying to figure out how this is for me: My feelings are like this: typically, I have a hard time understanding the...
  29. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP vs ENTP

    So what's your order then, walfin? Mine, according to cognitive processes is Ne Ti Fi Si. But I'm still so confused by this whole Fe/Fi bit, so I don't know how valid it is. Just when I think I have it figured out (what I thought was Fi is actually Fe), you come along and make me start wondering...
  30. brain enclosed in flesh

    Me and My Shadow

    Don't mean to sidetrack, but it seems there are a number of people on here who were diagnosed or suspected of being bipolar. I would say that for me my bipolar episode (there's only really been one) was my shadow coming out with a vengeance and taking over for an extended period of time. Bipolar...
  31. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    That's more what I mean, anyway. He comes from a much more J family than me, which I believe plays a big part in it. He'll do the "because I said so" thing with our kids every once in awhile (his father, 100%) and I have to jump in and explain to them his reasoning. There is nothing more...
  32. brain enclosed in flesh

    Type 'The Dude'

    good one. I don't know about the ESFP, Vegard. He seems too down for sitting and contemplating for that. And he seems to be bothered by people if they're around too long. I'd say an I and a P, at least.
  33. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    Good points, Decaf. I can see the adaption aspect- I'm sure there are more 'feminine' traits I display as a way of fitting in as well. So it makes sense men would do the same thing. As far as INTPs being more obscure, I'm not so sure that it applies to the people of whom I'm speaking...
  34. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    What are considered the more stereotypical masculine traits? I find this interesting because my husband mainly hangs out with other men and he was in a frat (much to my chagrin), but he is still way more feely/sappy than I will ever be. Point in fact, therapists have said he tends to be the...
  35. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    Woops. I posted this ^ while Decaf was responding, apparently. As far as the J/P thing goes in relationships, I think one of you will be more J than the other, no matter what your MBTI type is and it will cause conflict. The level of conflict, obviously, will decline if you are both more P, but...
  36. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    But I'm not talking about stereotypical masculine behavior. I didn't mean to sound the embittered male alarm or anything. All I was saying was that: 1. I seem to have encountered more INTJs than INTPs. 2. The people of whom I am speaking are male. 3. Initially, I considered them to be...
  37. brain enclosed in flesh

    Type 'The Dude'

    What MBTI type do you think The Dude in The Big Lebowski would be? I have a friend who considers himself and The Dude to be one and the same so I'm curious. Any ideas?
  38. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    No, not at all. I'd just like you to explain this to me, because there are a couple of males who I first considered INTP but now I'm not sure. I dig INTP guys, 100%. I see nothing un-male about being a perceiver. Point in fact, the judging side I consider to be way too harsh. Otherwise I would...
  39. brain enclosed in flesh

    Ability of two minds

    I relate to much of the OP substantially. You remind me of how I used to be. The difference would be that although I had the detached observing part of me watching me do the more emotional stuff, that detached observing part was unable to stop it. It would say, "Hey, dipshit! Why the hell are...
  40. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    I guess I just notice differences between myself and those who could be either INTP or INTJ. I am always willing to give someone else or a different idea a second-to-one hundredth-chance (I am exceedingly open-minded, potentially to the detriment of my mental health) while those who seem more...
  41. brain enclosed in flesh

    Top five favorite movies

    This is completely impossible for me but here's some that spring to mind... Tirer sur le pianiste/ les quatre cents coups (Truffaut!) Howards End (one of the best film adaptations of an equally stellar book) Pee Wee's Big Adventure (no need to explain...) An American in Paris/ Singin' in...
  42. brain enclosed in flesh

    Am I Really an INTP?

    I know this is a little old, but... Carnap, all I wanted to say is that my problem is that I don't suck. But I get stuck on the things other more emotional types write about so easily. But I think there are plenty of INTP sorts-o-types who are successful in fiction or film. I just think that the...
  43. brain enclosed in flesh


    I like this (Beebe). I find the shadow functions fascinating because I had a protracted amount of time where I was 'not myself'. Not only does this explain them well, it is a good way of examining whether your type is actually accurate. For example, would I consider Ni to be my witch, etc.
  44. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP vs ENTP

    I have an ENTP friend. He is the best time to be around when I actually feel like being social, but he also tires me out. How he is sober is how I am when I'm drunk. He's always leaping from one thought to another while I sit back, quietly, and try to find the unifying theme, the big picture...
  45. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    I'm having a hard time believing there are more INTPs than INTJs. I feel like in real life I know a handful of INTJs but very few, if any, INTPs.
  46. brain enclosed in flesh

    Songs, Artists and their Functions

    Yeah, like Banana Mango, I typically like music that brings me into a world I don't enter so much in reality. Music is an opportunity to feel things in a safe manner. It's kind of like talking about things on this forum I don't tend to talk about in real life. I suppose that's why music tends to...
  47. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP and screenwriting?

    There are loads of introverted intuitive protagonists. They just tend to be placed in extroverted, sensory situations- so the tension is them being out of their element and trying to find a way of dealing with it- which is, essentially, what is going on in the story I'm writing.
  48. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP and screenwriting?

    Yeah. But what's in my head is a book, not a movie. And there's no changing it. Way too much internal monologue for film.
  49. brain enclosed in flesh


    Yeah. It was a once in a lifetime extreme case for me, too. But it's hard to shake.
  50. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Type %

    Har-dee-har. It took them like twenty hours to get that shot just right... my triceps were killing me. And you... you... just took it away from me. That's Ernest Hemingway, by the way. So I'll take your comment as a compliment, even though I'm supposed to be the cat in the picture.
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