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Search results

  1. brain enclosed in flesh

    do you avoid "deep" topics?

    I love hearing about people's thought processes and personal journeys of evolution, and I love listening to emotional stories from a distance (radio, film), but when I am face-to-face with them... I don't know how to react. I get into internal panic mode and find myself thinking about the best...
  2. brain enclosed in flesh

    Women are inferior

    Hmm, I don't know. My husband's been pretty damn good at asexual reproduction. Ooh, look, another bud! Cheese, I can't give serious and considered responses to such a topic because it in and of itself is laughable and preposterous. No offense or anything.
  3. brain enclosed in flesh


    At the end of the day, irregardless of what's happening per se, I literally don't grab what about this post could be arrived at quote end quote organically. If you know what I mean.
  4. brain enclosed in flesh

    Ne, Ti, and forums

    That's been my experience with forums. That's why I left in the first place... but there's not lots of people around me who understand the whole Ne bit... if that's what I'm using...
  5. brain enclosed in flesh

    Am I back?

    Toad, IB, LOR, blob, tranny.... hi! LOR, I'm not sure I've ever received a better compliment. Thanks for making my day-
  6. brain enclosed in flesh

    Sneaking back quietly

    Hey Fusion, I'm kind of in the same spot. I remember you from way back...
  7. brain enclosed in flesh

    Hey sed! I think I like this place better than facebook... Although I'm not sure how this meshes...

    Hey sed! I think I like this place better than facebook... Although I'm not sure how this meshes with the new year's resolutions.
  8. brain enclosed in flesh

    Am I back?

    Hey people, I haven't journeyed into this realm for months; I'm trying to decide whether I want to return. I liked the intimacy of this forum- by this I mean how small it is and all. What I didn't like was how much it absorbed my time and mind. But I also feel like I have few people in the...
  9. brain enclosed in flesh

    What songs are you listening to?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT_ulRYy-ok Hi, people! This is my friend's band and I'm spreading the word...
  10. brain enclosed in flesh

    where did Brain go?

    Enne, do you say the thing about SP because I'm married to one? If you do, in fact, remember that, (or did you look at my profile conversation with truthseeker?) I am impressed. I think that's something, also, which had me leaning toward T. I'm married to such an F (100% on the test he took)...
  11. brain enclosed in flesh

    where did Brain go?

    Crypt- yes, good way to describe Ni, especially about sharing a number of points of view at once. A question a therapist once posed to me: "Why do you have a tendency to lose yourself?" Meaning, I feel other people's positions/ personalities/ mannerisms so naturally they can sometimes become...
  12. brain enclosed in flesh

    where did Brain go?

    Primarily, it's not about the thinking or the perceiving, it's about the intuition. I've always tested highest in intuition, but I am an introvert, so I couldn't see how I would be an ENTP, not to mention I checked out their forums and I couldn't relate to them AT ALL. Turns out I was confusing...
  13. brain enclosed in flesh

    where did Brain go?

    Well, I am here after a long sabbatical of sorts. I had no computer, and I reached the conclusion, abso-100%-tutely that I am an INFJ, not an INTP, which made me less inclined, I guess, to come around at the moments when I had an opportunity. So if anyone has questions about this, INTP vs...
  14. brain enclosed in flesh

    Thanks. Except I'm not an INTP. I'm an INFJ. And my husband is an ESFP. I was speculating on his...

    Thanks. Except I'm not an INTP. I'm an INFJ. And my husband is an ESFP. I was speculating on his type earlier when I called him an ESTP, but I finally tested him and he got 100% on the F, no hesitating on his part. But yes, being a dominant Ni while he is a dominant Se definitely makes for an...
  15. brain enclosed in flesh

    I don't know. the heads at this forum sent me an email that said you did. but maybe they were...

    I don't know. the heads at this forum sent me an email that said you did. but maybe they were just talkin shit. this whole 'friend' thing is so odd to me. part of the reason I don't do facebook. If I talk to someone, I'm talking to them, right, why do they need added confirmation that I'm their...
  16. brain enclosed in flesh

    Heard you want to be my friend... have no idea how to do any of this stuff... so I am not...

    Heard you want to be my friend... have no idea how to do any of this stuff... so I am not dissing you... just clueless.
  17. brain enclosed in flesh

    so confused... a whole different place... I changed my computer password before I went on...

    so confused... a whole different place... I changed my computer password before I went on vacation and I can't seem to get it right so I'm at the library using the computer here. In other words, very little computer time... how are you?
  18. brain enclosed in flesh


    I'm going to follow Seducer's artistic lead and toss a couple of poems on here- look out, Wordsworth! It gets better every time we talk It gets better every time we talk. I think our words must be hands smoothing out a rumpled sheet. It was better when we talked. I think...
  19. brain enclosed in flesh

    The Weird Feelings Club

    You said it, Carnap. It starts out like, wow, I find you intellectual stimulating, then the hormones kick in and it's all over. I become Ophelia or someone equally ridiculous. But it is also possible that I'm an INFP. Hard to say...
  20. brain enclosed in flesh

    The First Rule Of INTPforum Is: You Do Not Talk About INTPforum

    It's true, I am. As far as talking about the forum, I kind of do the same thing as Decaf- I play it off as it being a component of my typical nerd self. I also lie about how much I'm on it, primarily to my husband. I know he considers it a waste of time, his being an ESXP.
  21. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer's Art

    your teacher has no body? Oh, whatever... Thanks for posting these. They are good, like Ermine said. You are far braver than I. I can barely show my drawings to myself...
  22. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer's Art

    your teacher conducts class in the nude?
  23. brain enclosed in flesh

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    On the cognitive processes site, they define the shadow as this: In other words, the shadow doesn't have to be you at your worst, just, as you say, different. The reason that I came to this possibility is that if I had to pick two types to define me, it would be these. I am constantly...
  24. brain enclosed in flesh

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    It took a long time for this to get posted so I don't know if many people saw it, so that's why I'm posting again... or maybe no one else identifies with ISFP, so that's why there's been no response...
  25. brain enclosed in flesh

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    I didn't feel like going through this whole thread, so hopefully I'm not repeating. My main thing I would say is avoid drinking or doing any drugs until you are out of high school- that way you have a clearer understanding of yourself and you have learned how to interact with others while sober...
  26. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    I agree. History class is the place in a state-funded school. Something else... I see a fair amount of Catholic bashing in this forum and I want to do a bit of defending... I went to Catholic schools for thirteen years, was raised by two very Catholic parents, and by both of these groups I...
  27. brain enclosed in flesh

    Who/ what do people say you resemble?

    I should have known.... people on an INTP forum have to look to a website to tell them who they look like... :rolleyes:
  28. brain enclosed in flesh

    Who/ what do people say you resemble?

    oh, that's funny. You're so musically versatile-
  29. brain enclosed in flesh

    Who/ what do people say you resemble?

    I find this way more interesting than a photograph. So, who or what do people say you resemble (ideally well-known people/beings so we can all visualize). I'm asking what other people say, not who you think. I'll be brave and start it off: an evil pixie winona ryder christina ricci anne...
  30. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP depression prone?

    I get physically ill, not any almost about it. And you know I'm bipolar all ready. But I haven't been manic in ages I don't remember all that well how it is. Or at least I try not to... That sounds about right, btw, crabs.
  31. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP depression prone?

    I get addicted to random things. However when I am addicted to things, it is short term. Then I get bored or I no longer find it interesting.... I guess it was the same with drugs.
  32. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP depression prone?

    Yeah, but I think it depends whether you are an addictive sort of person or not. I've never done coke or heroin, but I drink/ did drink, used to smoke cigarettes/weed, I've eaten mushrooms, I've taken ecstasy, etc. Every single one of these things, if I ever felt like I was doing it too much, I...
  33. brain enclosed in flesh

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    Uh, that's why I'm on here so much... Not that I don't have intellectual friends, but there is a big difference between being an INTP and say, an ENFP or an ENTP. My ENTP friend talks all the damn time and it's always so instantaneous so I never have time to formulate my thoughts properly and...
  34. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    Yes, please regulate your blood sugar levels first.
  35. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    He lives in England, Crab. And what do you think of what I had to say? You can't ignore the fact that religion exists.
  36. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    My problem with standing for my belief and identity is that it is so stinking inconstant. But I cannot deal with people teaching their own beliefs as gospel. It drives me MAD.
  37. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    I think religious education is valid in public schools if it is taught objectively. Like it or not, religion and religious history are a HUGE part of our world and culture. I went to Catholic schools where I was taught world religions as well as Catholicism and if you don't know the religious...
  38. brain enclosed in flesh

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    Now I know that they say ESFJ is our shadow function, but ISFPs, in actuality, are our eight cognitive functions in reverse: Fi Se Ni Te Fe Si Ne Ti. I know that when I am at my most depressed (or most manic) I become a tortured (or self-righteous) artist type. I really don't ever see myself...
  39. brain enclosed in flesh

    Seducer vs RE teacher

    Are you saying that you're racist?
  40. brain enclosed in flesh

    INTP depression prone?

    Good Hemingway quote, Crabs! Although I'm not positive it has to be true. It might be harder for us (dare I say I'm intelligent?) to be happy, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Or maybe we have a different sort of happy... Depression used to be a frequent companion of mine- no, not...
  41. brain enclosed in flesh

    Book Club!

    We don't have to do this book specifically, I just thought it would be a good one. It's an argument for practical thinking vs. abstract thinking written by a person with a phd in political philosophy who chose to become a motorcycle mechanic after working for a think tank for a stretch of time...
  42. brain enclosed in flesh

    Book Club!

    So I was thinking of creating one- what do people think? I've been in a couple of real ones in the past and the level of conversation did not live up to my expectations. Here, I think it could. I propose a book, but I am welcome to other suggestions: Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew B...
  43. brain enclosed in flesh

    Stuttering & INTPs

    Yes, very much so. That's why I talked like Ringo Starr when I was a teeny kid and a valley girl when I was a mid-sized kid and why I pick up foreign accents or other people's speech patterns and mannerisms, sometimes even their interests. It's the easiest way for me to interact with people I...
  44. brain enclosed in flesh

    Stuttering & INTPs

    Yup, all of this, especially what Tekton said. I either sound like a Valley Girl on coke or a stoned dictionary.
  45. brain enclosed in flesh

    12:34 and 56 seconds on 7/8/09

    lamictal is the drug. It's a mood stabilizer/anti-seizure med. I'm on a very low dose (50mg). I was on a higher one but it made me drowsy and stupid and my short term memory was abysmal, which made me depressed in a different sort of way. I still have mood swings but they aren't as intense as...
  46. brain enclosed in flesh

    What is the forum teaching you about you? Is it worth your time?

    I think I might be happier now that I'm on here. I guess that counts for something... I just hate how I'm so all or nothing about things, to the point of obsession, like I enjoy being on here a little too much and because there are no blatant negative consequences (like a debilitating hangover...
  47. brain enclosed in flesh

    MBTI Types and Their True Desires?

    My true desire is to know what is my true desire.
  48. brain enclosed in flesh

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I had a dream involving snakes last night, too! They weren't sexing it up in my mouth, though. I'm so dull... I might turn my dream into a short story, though. It was somewhat Hemingway-esque.
  49. brain enclosed in flesh

    12:34 and 56 seconds on 7/8/09

    If you don't mind my asking, flow, where are you in Iowa? I'm a cornhusker myself.
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