Is the shadow the opposite of my conscience?
If one were to take the book in my mind that has all of my "dos and don'ts" - would the shadow be composed of all the "don'ts"?
But if so, then how is incorporation one's shadow into oneself something to be desired? Would it not just be accepting and incorporating all the behaviors you disprove of and hate into yourself?
The shadow isn't the "dark side" of morality... err, how can I explain this?
For lack of an easier example lets use homophobia.
Someone who is homophobic considers non-typical relationships to be "bad", "evil", "immoral" or "disgusting", so if this person was to personify his/her shadow the attribute of homosexuality would be an integral part of it. Here we have a clear example that demonstrates the relationship between the shadow and psychological maturity; whereby the development of maturity would be the acceptance of non-typical preferences in society and thus dispelling the person in question of their phobia.
That person's personal preferences are never changed, instead they are changing their perspective regarding the preferences of others.
Further down the darker side of morality would be something like the capacity to kill, an almost universal shadow aspect in society. By incorporating this aspect into oneself in a controlled manner the person develops psychologically into a more mature and thus capable person. To demonstrate how this shadow element could be a positive addition to one's psyche, imagine you were on a farm and in order to have dinner that night you would need to kill a chicken, could you do it? Or imagine your in a hospital and a victim of severe radiation poisoning is asking you to assist him commit suicide, considering that refusing to do so would doom him to days of unimaginable pain & indignity before death finally claims him, could you do it? Could you walk away in good conscience?
Of course murdering someone would be an example of the shadow overwhelming oneself temporarily; or in the absence of remorse the shadow has been forced upon the mind and has thus unbalanced it.
What would become of you after that? You would become everything you used to hate, and would lose your conscience. No behavior of yours would seem immoral to you.
That would be an unbalanced mind, one that wasn't ready for such an extent of the shadow to be forced upon it.