I'm not sure what they're paying hermits these days.
"reason tells me that one shouldn't look for fun and excitement in a job. "
Reason tells me the first wrong assumption is thinking in terms of "a job," ie, you do "work" someone else pays you to do. That's inherently, basically teamwork, at the level of DNA or architecture. If teamwork annoys you, any job where you are doing someone else's bidding is annoying and will become more so as time passes.
My INTP contrariness leads me to ask why looking for fun and excitement is
1. wrong
2. conversely, the most important metric.
I've met several successful folks who have a different paradigm: If you enjoy what is bringing you a living, you'll not "work" a day in your life.
Another random and converse thought is that if you can set up the machinery to bring in money in such a way that it requires minimal attention on your part, you can spend your time doing whatever you want. A kind of a deistic theory. To that end, the subject matter of your income-producing machinery need not be fun, exciting, fulfilling or anything at all, it needs only to be successful at producing money for you with minimal attention. That's a worthwhile puzzle.
Another possibility would be to inherit money. (In other words, marry well or get adopted by a rich family.)
And there's always "adapt yourself." As others noted, picking a compatible team is not out of the question, you just need to define what's compatible and study how to identify that in a workplace. There's big differences among Google and IBM and Chase Manhattan bank as employers. Not all work cultures are toxic.