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  1. our purpose

    I like what Newton had to say: "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all...
  2. An INTP Finds an Uncommon Niche as a Master Carpenter and Perpetual World Traveler

    Another INTP vs ISTP thread in process... Yeah dude comes off as more ISTP but this part is interesting: Is this related to Si at all?
  3. Interesting New Book For INTPs

    I know what you mean. But if this is true, how do find motivation in doing your own work?
  4. Flat earthritis

    It's flat
  5. judgment and perception might as well be named reverse

    So this would mean IP's and EJ's are dominant perceivers, while EP's and IJ's are dominant judgers.
  6. What's the coolest sounding language?

    Well I should of stated it better. Spanish, Spanish or even some forms of S. American Spanish are OK but it just seems that Spanish is a lazy language that is spoken very informally. Mexicans and especially Americanized Hispanics have screwed up the language. Their dialect is very fast and...
  7. What's the coolest sounding language?

    French or German. Spanish sounds awful.
  8. which type struggles the most with life?

    Nah my Fe wasn't violated, but my Ne is looking for some perspectives.
  9. which type struggles the most with life?

    What is neuroscience based on?
  10. which type struggles the most with life?

    Some good stuff there. I can see how INTP's can be considered phlegmatic/choleric. Both temperaments want to have control over the outcome, but phlegmatic seems to be more concerned with the requirements necessary as they are more inwardly focused and have a longer response delay. This goes...
  11. which type struggles the most with life?

    Yeah it can be and I notice both in myself, but at end of day I would say more phlegmatic. Compare the ISTP to the INTP, I think this may be a key difference. This is just going off of David Kiersey's research and Interaction styles.
  12. which type struggles the most with life?

    I agree but would replace ENTP with ISFJ. ENTP's are self-destructive/impulsive but can manage life using Ne dom opportunistically. Out of those I would say INFP "have it worst". Interestingly those four actually make up the Behind-The-Scenes interaction style and can be considered part of the...
  13. Recent IQ Drop

    What seems to built into the universe? I agree that defining terms is the problem. Math is just a system or language for understanding things quantitatively. You need logic to create an ontology and these systems are limited by our own cognition. It is more fundamental then type but I was just...
  14. Recent IQ Drop

    I think there's a duality of Te-Ti when it comes to these sort of things. Te seems to be focused on using given measurements to create or modify systems, taking the meta-aspects for granted. This is often appropriate as you may know being an engineer. But Ti especially with Ne wants to look at...
  15. Recent IQ Drop

    Maybe now you are actually more intelligent.
  16. I want to study psychology am I making a mistake?

    Yeah that's interesting and not just in psychology but in all of social sciences/humanities, the focus on a solely quantitative method has been gaining traction for a while now. Is this approach Te taking over? I think some quantitative and statistical research can be important even if it's...
  17. Where are all INTP's

    The ones in real life are actually ENTP's in disguised.
  18. INTP's versus ISTP's

    I think this a fair critique but there are arguments for rationality over empiricism. I think both have it's place, but some like Plato believed truth was only possible in the abstract hence his ideas on platonic forms. Reality(the empirical world) may just be an imperfect form of what we...
  19. INTP's versus ISTP's

    Possibly, but how come though? I never suggested being superficial or radical is more superior then the other. Look up the true meaning of superficial, I'm not talking about it in a material sense which everyone refers to that word nowadays. Being radical means you have less patience with...
  20. The Difference: T and F Types and Reacting To Emotions

    This seems to me that the INFP is concerned more with the differences of interjecting values and seeing it's results in a system. While the INTP's on the other hand are more concerned with the the underlying structure of a system and takes the values interjected for granted.
  21. The Difference: T and F Types and Reacting To Emotions

    Yeah so how would compare INFP to INTP in this regard? Seems like INFP's are more attuned to the meaning behind possibilities, while INTP's just want to understand them and see how they relate to each other.
  22. Are you lonely?

    Interesting dynamic. If your a SX/SP this makes sense why you feel that way. You come to the realization that the material reality is somewhat impossible to merge as boundaries will always exist. The secondary self-preservation instinct desires the integrity of the individual to be connected...
  23. INTP search for self-knowledge

    I think your "all else being equal...INTP's are better off pursing STEM" Idea makes sense, but I think it has more to do with economic conditions. Pursuing STEM* provides an outlet or opportunity for INTP's to explore different ideas and be creative than anything(most) else right now. Back in...
  24. MBTI system feels like a trap.

    This is key right here. MBTI/Typology/Jungian theory are just advanced ways of categorizing people. A lot more sophisticated and high level any than others I have found.
  25. INTP's versus ISTP's

    Going along with what Architect said, Sensors are superficial while Intuitives are radical. Introverted Sensors are superficial but deep-they go below the surface to understand what works and is possible in the present. Extroverted Sensors scan everything that's in front of them, they are like...
  26. INTP's versus ISTP's

    I agree with the general idea that the difference of course revolves around the middle functions - Ne/Se, Ni/Si. In broad terms the ISTP is more zeroed and focused on certain activities and can actually be more stubborn or narrow in the information they pursue. Se observes the external...
  27. I want to travel.

    No but the only ones that think their nation is better or special than other developed places that I am aware of. Most rednecks in other places(S. America, Australia) while ignorant could care less what the country they live in do, and are aware and annoyed at the problems they may cause. A lot...
  28. I want to travel.

    I think this is more apparent in more cosmopolitan places like LA, SF, Miami, or New York areas. In general California is probably one of the most sophisticated areas in the world I would say. This meaning having a lot of progressive ideas and establishing trends. American excpetionalism is...
  29. I want to travel.

    Yeah good point. There's a peculiar Se trend that I have been noticing as well. This has gained steam because of social media I think. You find some folks who go somewhere just to say they went there or to take a picture showing they were there. I know a girl who's friend works in the airlines...
  30. I want to travel.

    I think a benefit of travel especially for Americans, is that exposes yourself to the outside world. Out of all people it seems people in the US have the most pride(exceptionalism) and narrow-mindedness when it comes to other places - at least in the developed world. There's a lot out there and...
  31. programming language

    The first language I tried learning was C++ back in high school, but got old pretty fast. I took another shot at learning programming a couple years after with Python and it was a bit easier to learn. If your trying to make money relatively quickly PHP is probably the best. Of course with you...
  32. programming language

  33. Type Tyler Joseph

    ESFP maybe ISFP
  34. INTP's, things you hate

    This has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world, which is why I seldom explain things unless I know the person will actually listen. I agree with many points on here. Patterns and routines annoy me when they are done like automatons. I follow routines but I will consciously...
  35. Any other oddball INTPs?

    I could see ISTP or INTP for Larry David. In Curb he admits that his character is more honest than what he would normally ever be like. On that show he comes across as a ISTP. Reading his personal life he seems more reluctant and insecure than a ISTP. He explored different outlets and roles in...
  36. What to study?

    UCSD as well... I think it was one of the first cog science programs in the world.
  37. What to study?

    My initial impression of public relations/marketing/advertising before studying them was how much it's related to human action(economics) which I have more of a background in. It's sort of like social engineering. Economics tries to understand the laws of market processes like exchange and...
  38. What to study?

    Thanks for this, never heard of him.
  39. What to study?

    Yeah was going to say marketing and advertising as well. I think this a very under appreciated role especially for INTP's.
  40. How do you feel about protests?

    Group coordination is useful and important but perhaps there are more effective means than protests. Protests in the political sense, not in the broader sense of a reaction against something. Look how much the Internet has done.
  41. Any other oddball INTPs?

    Yeah I relate to these things as well. I wonder if it has to do with our instincual variant stackings. I am SX dom - SX/SO/SP http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/133-Instinctual-Stackings
  42. Breaking Bad

    This is similar to STJ's, if not directly about them. Sheldom comes across as a ISTJ to me. Seems like your taking about the Si obsession with remembering details and factual information as well as the Te approach to standard methodologies.
  43. How do you feel about protests?

    I'm pretty "anti-statist quo" but I think protests, political revolutions, and others are pretty useless. If you don't like something try to figure out how to go around it. If not, be aware of your sphere of influence and try to not get effected by such problems. Most of these things I believe...
  44. INTP problems

    Suffering fools gladly
  45. INTPs as lawyers

    Yeah its pretty hilarious actually. Whoever has the means to determine what is intellectual "property" gets to decide how people transfer information or communication. Nice loophole against free speech.
  46. Information junkie

    Yeah or in more academic terms - intellectual hedonist.
  47. "everything is connected"?

    Taken in an absolutist sense it's pretty annoying.
  48. Last movie you watched

    I think this shows how Socrates was a ENTP leading with extroverted intuition.
  49. Are you human?

    Why We Do Not Behave Like Human Beings
  50. How would the various types fare in a military setting?

    Nice :smoker:
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