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Search results

  1. snowqueen

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I chucked it down the sink - it was first thing in the morning! But now you've got my curiosity piqued.
  2. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    Hi wadlez, I wasn't dismissing it - but I think you need to define what you mean by 'effective' - what, for you, is the purpose of therapy?
  3. snowqueen

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You watch yourself put orange juice into your tea and don't realise you've done it until you see the milk in the fridge as you're putting the orange juice away.
  4. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    Must go to bed - it's been fun, here on the unflirting thread.
  5. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    in your dreams! wellington boots (rubber boots for splashing through puddles)
  6. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    How dare you draw attention to that!!!:eek: People will think I'm human.
  7. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    I love INTPs - truly. I am so proud to be one, quirks and all. We are so funny, complex and defiantly pedantic. Play? Instead of wordplay? I've tried it, it's overrated.
  8. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    'Snow'? hmmm [pats thebarran on the head] there there
  9. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    oh bloody hell, Kaedri was right! Nope - in true INTP style I can't cope with what I've started. You boys will have to go back to sausage combat or flirting with XIII, the old tart. Sorry.
  10. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    Dammit I feel I should be 40 too. :(
  11. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    :D:D good point
  12. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    It would be a big mistake to imagine that - but frost has its own charm - let's say I'm twinkling. :cool:
  13. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    What? You seriously think we have anything to worry about from these guys? They're all pussycats underneath ;) [tickles barran under his chin]
  14. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    not really surprising given this is the INTP forum. I wouldn't spot if someone was flirting with me irl if it hit me in the face! This thread has made me happy though - I like making friends with you.
  15. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    Well you're going to have to improve your flirting if your flirt thread is anything to go by ... I am a queen after all. I am incapable of deception. Anyway you can just check my profile pic. Frankly I think Nigella has nothing on me :cool:
  16. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    lol you started it with the whole Nigella thing! 'tis but a bit of idle banter, don't fret. (But I am definitely more Nigella than Paltrow).
  17. snowqueen

    Can we have a flirt thread?

    This thread explains a lot. [trying desperately not to spill her wine over herself for laughing]
  18. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    medium rare is my favourite - a neck massage would be nicer though.
  19. snowqueen

    snapvine box!

    Call me sad but it's no lie! But an even better one? Look forward to that ...
  20. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    I don't give away my secrets for free.
  21. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    Do you know me? [tightens her belt to show off her voluptuous hourglass figure and goes off home to eat up her leftover homemade curry from last night straight out of the fridge with her fingers]
  22. snowqueen

    How to be an Happy INTP

    It makes sense to me. I have lost friends and lovers in the past by coming out of my 'logical shelter' - in fact I completely forgot I had one till recently. I am trying a different approach to emotions nowadays - partly because my repetoire is so limited and partly because I need some way to...
  23. snowqueen


    Quit your moaning - I bet neither of you are as decrepit as me!
  24. snowqueen

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    Hmm 5 is a bit restrictive at my age Patti Smith “No, daddy, don't leave me here alone, Take me up, daddy, to the belly of your ship, Let the ship slide open and I'll go inside of it Where you're not human, you are not human.” Bob Dylan I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind You could have...
  25. snowqueen

    Identity Play and the "True Self"

    I think this is an excellent question - because the 'one' seeing is also oneself, no? I also had an inventory of things I wanted to see in myself in order to become a 'better' person and felt that my childhood self faded away. The trouble is that ability to keep changing seems paradoxically...
  26. snowqueen

    Let's count to infinity!

    I agree it's ridiculous to the extreme 15
  27. snowqueen

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You go to get some money out of the ATM, take your card and forget the money - all because you were ruminating about how the hell you were going to pay back the £3000 tax credit overpayment which is largely the fault of the HM Revenue department but you still have to pay it...
  28. snowqueen

    snapvine box!

    It's Northern Irish (Belfast?) - the sexiest accent on the planet. mmmm:o
  29. snowqueen

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    hahahaha soooo familiar. Here's one. I am communicating with my INTJ daughter through facebook chat about what's on TV later and she's in the next room. INTP mothering for you.
  30. snowqueen

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    phew - this has got to be the only place I can admit to such things!!
  31. snowqueen

    Astrological Signs for INTPs

    Yeah me too (cancer). Even scarier I went on that site which was mentioned by proxy in this thread (sorry can't remember exactly which) and did my and my two daughters' charts and they were horribly accurate. I have one very introvert and one very extrovert so there was less room for...
  32. snowqueen

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    I've got a really embarrassing one. Colleague whose husband is dying puts her head round my door at 5.30pm. 'Are you busy?' she enquires. I'm not, I'm reading the Intp forum whiling away time before picking up my daughter. Inwardly I groan. I do think it must be terrible for her - it must...
  33. snowqueen


    Fancy a PINT?
  34. snowqueen

    Ex-Smoker needs help.

    OK once you get through 2 months it does get easier - this is the hardest bit so stick in there! Distraction is the key. Also look at all the total idiots who manage to do life without smoking - surely you can do it if they can!! driving - chew gum, play stupid games like I-spy if someone is...
  35. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    The whole of your post was really thoughtful but this stood out for me - a great insight. The moral shame issue is so insidious - in a system of thought where the person is always the site and source of problems then it's inevitably your 'fault'.
  36. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    Oh kia - how horrible - this is exactly why I think this kind of therapy is really toxic for INTP :( I'm sorry to hear this. It may sound a bit extreme but I think this is a form of abuse - sadly your mother has no reason to doubt the veracity of the therapist's opinion because the...
  37. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    In the UK psychiatrists are very much doctors who diagnose mental illness and give out drugs etc. Clinical Psychologists are the ones who tend to do specialist therapies and also do various kinds of intelligence and mood testing etc. There are also people who train as psychotherapists from...
  38. snowqueen

    Who is snowqueen?

    Thanks both of you - I am very touched by the warmth of your welcome (especially the wine!) I like it here a lot. occupational therapy - theory mostly. XIII thanks - that means a lot to me :):)
  39. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    That's a really good observation, snoop. Yes - and in that sort of situation, solution focused methods are really useful and maybe CBT. The problem is that if you end up in one of the psychodynamic methods you might end up thinking you've got a whole load of problems you don't have or worse -...
  40. snowqueen


    Hi Latro, welcome - I am new here too. My daughter tests like you do - and she is the sweetest, cleverest and most charmingly goofy nerd elf I have ever come across. Are you anything like that?
  41. snowqueen

    Invisible Boundaries - the discussion

    Funny, one of the best things about this place is that no one seemed to worrying about how we related to each other (which feels a little icky to me). I kind of wonder if you are trying to solve a problem which doesn't exist? This seems a perfect community for INTPs - there's a minimum of...
  42. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    Yes I think INTPs need to retain control of their own processes and do have the capacity to transform themselves. Frankly I've found the forum to be more useful in gaining a sense of calm, purpose, identity and comfort than any therapy I've ever undertaken. But I quite fancy some narrative...
  43. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    I have been in psychodynamic psychotherapy twice - once I found it quite useful but not helpful if that makes sense, the other time it reduced me to a gibbering wreck because the therapist went straight for my emotional jugular clearly not realising that it would make me run in the opposite...
  44. snowqueen

    Your Clone?

    Interesting thread. The guy I have shared an office with for the last 5 years is an INTP and very like me although not a clone exactly. And our relationship has gone almost exactly as you describe sagewolf. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, sexual about our relationship - in fact I think...
  45. snowqueen

    Extraverted Intuition

    That's interesting - that is pretty much what I'm like irl and interestingly those attributes are things that I've developed over time. I definitely wasn't like that as a teenager!! Reflecting upon how I developed that I guess it's through certain friendships - I have two very close friends...
  46. snowqueen

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    INTPs tend to have a fairly high incidence of mental and emotional distress and in today's over-pathologised world where everything is a sign of some disorder or other, and where the slightest bit of odd behaviour means you are recommended to go to therapy I thought I would offer my personal...
  47. snowqueen

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You love this thread but hate having to open it because of the two spelling mistakes in No.1 [retreats to dodge Morgoth's bullets]
  48. snowqueen

    The Only Truth I've Told

    :o thank you
  49. snowqueen

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    It's Edmund Dulac's original illustration for Hans Christian Andersens's The Snow Queen. I have used the nick snowqueen for nearly 10 years in various guises on the net - IRC in 1998, blogging etc. When I discovered I was INTP I joined the forum and looked for an avatar to match my name and...
  50. snowqueen

    Banana Mango

    Hi Banana Mango, I felt like I finally found my way home when I got here. Don't you hate parties when you have to talk to more than one person and you end up having to tell people the same information over and over. At least I have a distant memory of that happening ....
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