What is Extraverted Intuition exactly...I am curious because I stumbled across this:
INTPs who have developed their Extraverted Intuition to the extent that they regularly take in information in an objective fashion, rather than strictly to feed Introverted Thinking, will enjoy these very special gifts:
* They may be exceptionally intelligent, and make ground-breaking discoveries.
* With a well-developed understanding of their environment and the ability to act very quickly, they may good athletes.
* They're typically able to communicate their ideas more concisely than the average INTP without sacrificing accuracy.
* They understand the benefits of close relationships, and understand how to support and enhance these relationships.
* They see the value of principles that are not strictly logical
* They have attractive and compelling personalities, and are well-liked and accepted by most people.
1 - well the ground doesn't literally break... but cannot leave your intuition behind when you think... it's the part of making new leaps in thought. Instead of dwelling over something over and over...
I consider myeslf quite aware of the sourroundings, and i find solutions in my enviroment, so maybe I could be a good athlete in theory
I've worked on communication, and it requires work in the area. Hmm... Intuition is part of keeping a conversation going. Its part of illustrating abstract concepts. suppose thinking doesn't illustrate an idea, but instead, it lays out the idea for you, alone. You need to make the leap to the other human mind explaining your idea. And the best way to get better at doing that, is simply seeing how many good ideas you can talk through to people, and see which response you find you get.
I personally hate when people think I don't want to utter their opinions back after I've said something. My ideas that may have crumbled once have less trust. Because it is sometimes regarded as an unquestionable truth that is static, and because my ideas could be flawed, or my position as a student is less than that of a teacher, my ideas can be questioned as incorrect or false.. simply because they come from me. The static truth that some people see is like an unhealthy trust to a fellow human being teacher, without any proper skepticism.. and thus, no work on really constrasting the teacher's ideas to anything else... as it's always right. It's bad..
I don't want people to follow anything I say without evaluating it first either way though - i don't want any followers. Not that i really have followers, i am not really a teacher like our high school teachers are... but still I get to be alittle bit of a teacher.. and yeah... etc etc
I just want some flowing of different ideas, and also about being a part of the humans in a significant way. So we share something that makes your thoughts have some merit. Sharing the same base sometimes makes you glad you are not totally on an alien path all alone.
I guess, you make new leaps from the same base. You might have 2 people branch out from the
same base to different branches. You need some faith in the unknown,when nobody has been to your branch yet. Your left to figure out for yourself if that idea is worth anything. So suppose to grow is to have faith in growing into the unknown, or is it about recognising that the new branch shares traits with the older branches you already know?
Well, to define anything new, it has to have a feature unlike something old... you need to have an old trunk first... it's just about remembering that your part of the same tree....no matter how new something is....'
They understand the benefits of close relationships, and understand how to support and enhance these relationships.
This is true. but it's vague in what a relationship is. It's usually a relationship of exchanging ideas.. otherwise I do not have any interest in a relationship except when i sometimes need some child like comfort..or reassurance...this is basically my family or role models...
They see the value of principles that are not strictly logical:
well, ive not come across any principles that were not logical, if they were Ilogical I could improve them..
They have attractive and compelling personalities, and are well-liked and accepted by most people.
Pretty much what it says.
I don't share much details with people that i don't share ideas with. Because it seems like they don't need to know information on me. What will they need it for, since they are not discussing with me to gain a deeper understanding.
Generally ppl find my nature quite fun.... and interesting, and generally very few have things against me