Alpha) You meticulously read the whole thread and either jumped with recognition or thought about what to write, but forgot when you began.
Dos. You write reminders to yourself on your palm.
3. You have these strange moments when you realise, "I'm alive!"
Quadro) You think that the present human race conditions (culture) isn't very different from past cultures, only the form has changed.
Penta. You thus love to imagine what a possible future culture would be like, given the current fads and practices.
9 inverted) You have this constant disapproval of those who haven't developed their cognitive abilities enough, and thus pity them because they cannot see or appreciate beauty the way you can (or maybe make an overt effort to make them see it, only to be faced with disappointment).
Luck) You've thought these higher processes need to be expressed in some form or the other, but cannot simply do so, as you might have to invent a whole new method of expression.
(Infinity rotated 90 degrees ) You remember your forgotten points midway.
*insert metaphorical representation of 9 here* You incessantly pace around when on the brink of designing something.
10) You love using words like "incessantly"
Eleventeen) When you've been appreciated by an ENFJ "Teacher" (these often happen to be English/Literature teachers for me) and thus develop an almost instantaenous Love, especially their ability to appreciate that you aren't "Lost in yourself", but highly intelligent, and need to be encouraged rather than discouraged.
12) You ask yourself, "Why is it that what I'm looking for cannot be found anywhere but things I was looking for earlier (and are no use now) are popping up everywhere?"