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Search results

  1. Toad

    Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my pm's and posts...!!!
  2. Toad

    Forum Change up

    The other themes are nice...but I don't like how they make the borders of the boxes wider. I prefer the small ones the default has.
  3. Toad

    Toad: Lonely in OC...

    LoL I know I am funny. See! You will have a riot with me guys! We'll paint the town red! Then wash it later because I don't want to get in trouble...hehe Seriously though. If anyone is interested tell me. Oh and if you guys are planning to rob me...please don't...I really don't have much...
  4. Toad

    Toad: Lonely in OC...

    Does anyone live near orange county and is 21 and over? I am so bored! It's friday night for god sakes... I swear I won't try to rape you or rob you lol. Well, if you live near the OC and wanna grab a drink with the Toadster give me a shout. Remember! Just because I was named Slyguy and...
  5. Toad

    Forum Change up

    lol i didn't even realize that latro! Thanks!
  6. Toad

    Forum Change up

    Never!!! We need the darkness!!! LoL...j/k I don't really care. But I do think most forum members enjoy the dark color. I know at INTPcentral they have a bright one and it kind of bugs me for some reason.
  7. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Snowqueen is right. Anything foreign introduced to your body affects it in either a good or bad way. Weed, however weak of a drug it may be, is still a drug. I would suggest not using it at all, but just like alcohol people like to use it to relax. So I say do whatever makes you happy...
  8. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Some people are also cursed with an "addiction" gene. I know I get addicted to things very easily.
  9. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Weed is not addictive. It may be mentally addictive, in the way that candy is. There is no physical nor psychological need for it though. I have been addicted to alcohol and cocaine and I can tell you, there is a BIG difference.
  10. Toad


    You son of a bitch! How dare you use my words against me! lol Where you been cryss? Haven't seen u on in a while.
  11. Toad

    How do you navigate on the Forum?

    I hit new post every 3 minutes!!!
  12. Toad


    If I think I am half Introvert and half Extrovert, does that mean my dominant cognitive functions switch too? Do I have both Ti and Te as my dominant trait? wiki, "An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the...
  13. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Smoking weed was a phase for me. I totally grew out of it. Now when I smoke it I just worry. I obsess about my problems and feel guilty because I told my gf I wouldn't smoke it. I'm actually happier not smoking it now.
  14. Toad

    MBTI Types and Their True Desires?

    or maybe...to be appreciated for our ideas?
  15. Toad

    MBTI Types and Their True Desires?

    I would say I disagree, with the INTP one anyway. I would say the INTP's true desire is to create.
  16. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Yea, like everything...he needs to learn moderation. Suggest that he only smokes it at night after he gets everything done.
  17. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Well let's just say people will never agree on the issue of marijuana. Let me put it this way though. If I were to recommend a drug to someone it would be marijuana. Yes, it would be great if we did not desire to do drugs at all, but this is not the case. So for me it goes like this...
  18. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Ok...maybe I exaggerated a little. But seriously, having 2-3 joints is probably about the same as having a bottle of beer. They are doing studies about it's cancer fighting properties though.
  19. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    What do you mean "unfortunately" IB? lol Weed is so harmless it makes me laugh when people talk about it like it's some kind of crazy drug. 100 joints is about as harmful as one beer. AND THAT IS A FACT. Also, weed may clean out carcinogenic cells in your body by rapidly aging them...
  20. Toad

    weed (responses appreciated) :)

    Serious risks include awesome sex and good times...:D Let him do whatever he wants. You're not his mommy. If you tell him not to do it, he'll want to do it even more.
  21. Toad

    The most selfish personality type...

    I partly agree with you walfin. I am a very selfish person. However, there are some members on this forum that do seem to care very much about their environment and people in it.
  22. Toad

    Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    Keirsey is an INTP. I wonder if he has ever strolled around in here.
  23. Toad


    Hey aren't u glad I came back on your bday? U should feel very special haha
  24. Toad

    Allo there

    Welcome. I also love the shoe "Heroes". Too bad it has been sucking as of late...I seriously think I can do a better job writing a story for the show.
  25. Toad

    Varied Music Taste anyone?

    I like the Jonas Brothers. I don't know anything about them and I can give a rat's ass that they are a boy band with gorgeous features that make girls want to have their babies :p. All I know is I enjoy their music. Just like I enjoyed Backstreet Boys when I was younger, but never had the...
  26. Toad


    Happy Birthday you fool! :p
  27. Toad

    Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    I find it incredible that psychologists know me so well before even meeting me. The article fits me to the tee. Hey Cryss, doesn't the revenge part sound like me? LoL So Melkor, you still consider my "Independence Theory" to be untrue? Now bow down to me and accept my theories as truth you...
  28. Toad


    The series made me cry once. I don't remember why. I think I might have already been depressed and it just put me over the edge. :(
  29. Toad

    Diablo II

    Killing myself in Californina. Wish I could play with you guys.
  30. Toad

    Diablo II

    My hand is permanently shaped like a claw. My ass is numb. My eyes burn. My back is aching. Just like the good old days...lol I tried looking for a private server...but i'm not good at this kind of stuff. Any volunteers?
  31. Toad

    Diablo II

    Wah de fook? Untransferable? 12 hours of my life gone? Sigh...
  32. Toad

    What music does to you

    Yea...music is like food. Sometimes when there are no songs I like on the radio, I turn it off and just sing to myself.
  33. Toad


    LoL. Yea. I hate when someone thanks me or says something nice about me. I have the worst reaction to it. I give them kind of a half smile without looking them in the eyes. It makes me feel so weird when someone praises me. Just a simple thanks would do it for me. Even better if they...
  34. Toad


    My friends tried to throw my a surprise birthday party. I didn't show up. They were very mad at me. I was even more mad at them.
  35. Toad


    My nails and hair grow too fast!!! Arrrghhhh!
  36. Toad


    What do you guys feel about attention? I know as INTP's we are supposed to be closed off and abhor attention. I think this may be the reason some of you guys question my INTP-ness. I, unlike an INTP, enjoy attention. However! I do not enjoy direct attention. I love subtle attention...
  37. Toad

    Diablo II

    LoL. I am an attention whore INTP. I actually want to start a thread about attention...I'll go off and do it now!
  38. Toad

    What music does to you

    LoL you're a hippie... I know how you feel though. I don't think I could live without music (does that make me an F type?). Music is like a knob that controls my emotions. It can make me feel happy, sad, angry, excited...But when the music compliments my mood, that is the best... My mom was...
  39. Toad

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum Many of you shall rejoice. I will be going to california for a month or two. I'll be on here and there, but not much. I'm leavin saturday. Just in case I don't come around during those two months, have a good summer guys!
  40. Toad

    Diablo II

    O rlly? Where are you now? I'm gonna be at my homes house...so probably won't be able to play. I'll be on the forum sporadically though.
  41. Toad

    Diablo II

    I'm leaving to california for a month on saturday. So I guess you guys go on with out me...
  42. Toad

    Diablo II

    I don't know man...i'm starting to feel the obsession coming back. I don't know if I should get into it...
  43. Toad

    Diablo II

    ah...i remember why i hate this game now...it SUCKS OUT YOUR SOUL! lol...welll i've been up all night now...the sun is coming out. LvL 15 Barbarian!
  44. Toad

    Diablo II

    Well i'm all set to go! Call me when you guys are ready for a private server. edit: holy shit...3 hours of playing and my right hand has turned into a claw...it hurts...
  45. Toad

    Diablo II

    How are you going to play online with a dl'ed version? I'm wondering myself.
  46. Toad

    Diablo II

    I wouldn't mind playing Diablo with him. Only 20 more seconds till the download count down!
  47. Toad

    Diablo II

    If Ulysses is playing then I am definitely in. Getting DII + LoD now. I think we should play a maximum of seven players. Then each of us will each be a different class. We can draw straws or do something random for which class we get. I think it's a good idea to play on a private server...
  48. Toad

    Deus Ex

    Never heard of it. Looks interesting...
  49. Toad

    What songs are you listening to?

    hehehe :D
  50. Toad

    What songs are you listening to?

    Jonas Brothers - When You Look Me in the Eyes ;)
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