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  1. Toad

    FacetiousPersona Banning

    I feel like one of the apostles after Jesus left. LoL
  2. Toad


    I laugh nervously when I am uncomfortable.
  3. Toad

    FacetiousPersona Banning

    You guys really thought I was Face? I am flattered. Face's posts are so much better than mine though...
  4. Toad

    FacetiousPersona Banning

    Ok...If decaf says so, then I will stop my plea. That is how much respect I will give to those who are in my circle of respect.
  5. Toad

    FacetiousPersona Banning

    Can we not just one time look upon mercy and not justice?
  6. Toad

    FacetiousPersona Banning

    I would like to unban face again! We need him around to....love us...
  7. Toad


    Does neone else miss Face? We need a villain in the forum...to keep us on our toes. Can we unban him?
  8. Toad


    One thing that bugged me is when you said you decided to try to perceive other peoples reality. Well who's to say whose reality is correct. I feel that if I were to do this, I would be denying a big part of who I am. I feel that I would be trying to conform to "their" standards. I extremely...
  9. Toad


    I'm sorry for acting rude Dwags. If you read my other posts, I often don't realize when I am being impolite or inconsiderate. Well most of the time it's because I don't care. But this time it was because I did not realize.
  10. Toad


    Hmmm...maybe you guys are right. I will re examine my thinking. *makes robot noises* Nope i'm still right. lol Seriously, though. I might be wrong.
  11. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    Wow I can't believe how egotistical we are. If I were to bring this up with regular people, they would crucify me. lol Enne, are you trying to get ur post count up? U have been double posting like crazy lol
  12. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    Yea, it does seem that S types rarely try to understand us as much as we can understand them.
  13. Toad


    But don't you guys find that people are really simple to figure out? Even though I am in my world most of the time, I can read their actions and face expressions and understand how they are feeling and what their motivations are. I wasn't trying to sound harsh. I just thought it was kind of...
  14. Toad


    Hey...at least I thanked him...
  15. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    Wow. So are you saying that NT's run the show, while the rest of the world are our pawns that do our bidding? Strong statements made...I respect that. :D
  16. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    ^^This is why I respect Mango~! Anyways, I don't like SJ's either...I think they are way too narrow minded and bossy.
  17. Toad


    Trying to figure out what other ppl are thinking is easy though. Your answer has disappointed me Dwags...:( LoL newayz thanks for taking time in answering though. Much appreciated.
  18. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    LoL...Yes, but INTJ's are able to kill us. Light vs. L
  19. Toad

    User Titles.

    I would like to change my name to "King of Crabs"
  20. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    So are you saying that NT's are superior? NT's in general, not just INTP's. INTP's are probably the most inferior,imo, of the NT's.
  21. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    I can jack off now and be happy during that time. But contentment keeps me satisfied after the orgasm. Just a little food for thought there ;)
  22. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    You are so good at explaining stuff Decaf. You are now in my handful of people I respect on this forum.
  23. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    Chris, you must remember not to strive for happiness, but contentment. Happiness is just a fleeting emotion. Contentment is a lasting achievement.
  24. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    Do you guys think that NT's may have a higher rate of success than other types?
  25. Toad

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    The MBTI tests personality types, not actual intelligence. But it does seem that the majority of intellects in society are NT's. I am not saying we are superior beings! SO PLEASE do not take this thread as egotistical. I am just stating facts and am wondering what you guys think. I do not...
  26. Toad

    Practising my Se

    I agree. I think many INTP's are missing out by being inactive. I used to be very inactive when I was younger, but then one day I went snowboarding. I LOVED IT. I realized I love the rush of adrenaline. So I started doing other stuff like surfing, zip track riding, and well...pretty much...
  27. Toad

    Wealth or Fame

    That's pretty much what i meant when I said fame.
  28. Toad

    Wealth or Fame

    LoL, Good answer Ermine. I think the only importance of money is to be able to take care of myself so that I can pursue stuff that really interests me.
  29. Toad

    Practising my Se

    Cheers to ESxP's!
  30. Toad

    Practising my Se

    The thing I like about my gf is that I can go do stuff with her when I feel like it, but when I feel introverted and want to stay home she can just leave me and go hang out with her friends. I gotta say when she is around she is kind of clingy, but she is usually pretty busy doing her own thing.
  31. Toad

    Wealth or Fame

    You gold digger Brain! Argggh u suck..lol
  32. Toad

    Wealth or Fame

    I want fame. Not like popularity fame, that would be nice too, but more like acknowledgment for who I am. Before I die I want to leave behind some kind of work so that people can remember me. A book, a work of art, or maybe a building. Money I feel is useless. Of course we need...
  33. Toad

    Practising my Se

    LoL Brain. My gf is an ESTP too! For some reason...she does not try to seduce me all the time with sex. Maybe because I'm a slut and she knows she can get me anytime she wants. My gf works and goes to school like there is no tomorrow. She rarely ever just sits down and relaxes with me...
  34. Toad

    Practising my Se

    Yea I LOVE cooking. Mostly because I love food and eating. Food FTW!!!
  35. Toad


    Is fatalism like when I am supposed to clean my room, but I know I don't have time to clean it well so I don't do it at all?
  36. Toad

    Practising my Se

    Seriously I envy S people. They go around living everday to it's fullest. Only thinking about the now. N's...we are cursed it seems...Must we always dream and contemplate the future? I want to be able to sleep and not stay up for 2 hours thinking about life and the meaning of life. I used...
  37. Toad

    Practising my Se

    You know what I noticed about sensing people? When they go to sleep, they are able to do it as soon as they close their eyes! When N's sleep we have to forcefully shut down our brains somehow. Watching TV doesn't help I don't think. I have watched a lot of tv in my life...and my Se...isn't...
  38. Toad

    Practising my Se

    Play sports?
  39. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    Don't be jealous Brain...you're in my hand too :evil: Now I guess it is my turn to answer my question. What do I want in life? Currently, what I want is to find out where I belong in this crazy world. I'm a an oddball. The black sheep in my family. So much was expected out of me. Yet...
  40. Toad

    Do you use the word probably, or its variations, a lot?

    Yup used it all the time.
  41. Toad

    INTP in a Cultic Environment

    The fact that INTP's hate controlling people would hurt them in cult leadership roles....
  42. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    I respect only a handful of people on this forum. You are now one of them BM.
  43. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    Happiness is too simple. Explain what happiness is to you. Tell us how you are getting there.
  44. Toad

    What do you want in life?

    What do you want/expect from life? What are your dreams/aspirations? What is your philosophy for living? How does your philosophy help you achieve you wants/dreams? As I am asking you guys this...I am trying to answer it myself. It is hard...
  45. Toad

    Am I Really an INTP?

    Yup. I'm in between E and I.
  46. Toad

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Damn I wish we could all get together to play risk! I have no friends that are interested in that game...
  47. Toad

    Am I Really an INTP?

    I do my best. :p
  48. Toad

    Mind Reading

    Now is it just conscious thoughts or subconscious also? There are like a million subconscious thoughts running through your head every second (don't quote me on this). Could you really handle that?
  49. Toad

    INTP in a Cultic Environment

    How is it like swiss cheese? Have you ever been inducted into a system?!? It changes you man...it changes you... Don't ever insult my posts without backing it up! Fool...
  50. Toad

    Am I Really an INTP?

    Don't go to a psychologist for this stupid test. Jeez...there are so many other good reasons to go to a psychologist, but for an MBTI test? The MBTI is a very rudimentary test. A real psychologist will tell you that. So brain, does that mean you are not an INFP? In that case we may be...
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