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Search results

  1. Jobs for Mathematicians?

    As a quantitative analyst in banking sector its more likely that its $80k first year. As a further if you can handle the pressure and move up into trading then the skies the limit.
  2. Being an INTP is a CURSE :(( Career/Major issue

    Hey mystical_theory, Cliched it probably is, but if you are not sure about career path: 1) Pick majors that are of interest to you e.g. quantitatively inclined do math, stats etc. 2) Get out there and interact with a lot of people (I know, I know), but this is how to discover career paths and...
  3. Math preferences

    When I was completing my degree as an undergrad I liked abstract math, particularly real analysis and setting out all the proofs e.g. epsilon-delta criteria for continuity etc. However as I moved towards my current career path, applied math became more interesting particularly probability and...
  4. best possible career

    Athlete - I like to push my body to the limit Musician - attracted to the freedom and creativity it allows Trading - Current job, challenging and good money Photo Journalist - Like the travel, freedom and creativity allowed Intelligence/counter intelligence - esoteric to me, so not sure if its...
  5. Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    lol, what a dickhead
  6. Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    How far have you evolved this time? Squids to take over the world
  7. What's your favorite kind of cake?

    For my birthday once, a friend of mine bought me a Taro flavored cake from Chinatown. Best cake I've ever had
  8. Forex

    This is only my guess, but sounds like someone banked it in gold. The Aussie housing situation is difficult to predict. Our government keeps intervening (FHOG etc) and we are one of the few countries with negative gearing. I don't think it is worth getting into property atm, especially in...
  9. Forex

    This is only my guess, but sounds like someone banked it in gold. The Aussie housing situation is difficult to predict. Our government keeps intervening (FHOG etc) and we are one of the few countries with negative gearing. I don't think it is worth getting into property, especially in Sydney...
  10. New rules

    1 year later, and trying to a post a response with one link to a wiki entry and I keep getting the message that a moderator needs to approve my post. What's going on here?
  11. What are you all reading?

    City of Tiny Lights by Patrick Neate Quite funny
  12. Have you read The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb?

    Taleb's contention is tail events of a distribution occur more often than models based on normal distribution (e.g. Value at risk) used in finance to appropriate risks. Although like Architect comments, he does repeat himself a bit too much in the book. In derivative parlance, he is long...
  13. seeing yourself in the past and wondering what you were thinking

    When I was really young, I used to pretend I was asleep if my mum/dad/siblings came into my room and wanted to talk to me. I never understood why I did it, even though I didn't harbour any ill feelings towards them. Very silly in hindsight, since I'm quite fond of my family.
  14. Forex

    I'll clarify this before I answer, when you say dodge the bullet, what are you referring to here? That market crashes causes one inevitably to lose, or that one can't beat an algorithm? They've used neural networks for trading signals, but there always needs to be someone to steer the boat...
  15. Forex

    How much HFT/algorithmic trading do you think dominates the market? Market making and position trading/investing are different time frames - they are not directly competing with each other. I personally don't give care for convincing you, but for the sake of objectivity, there is more to...
  16. Forex

    I don't deal exclusively with forex, but since I'm involved with equities, currencies and fixed income has a major part in generating signals [macroeconomic models]. If you are aiming to be just a retail punter, then opening a demo account is a start, but you need to be able to back-test your...
  17. Haha, name me some reasons!!!

    Haha, name me some reasons!!!
  18. Wealth

    I did and was fortunate to reach the goal. I was able to help my parents retire early, participate in charity work and afford to travel and pay for all the hobbies I like to pursue without worry. The sweetest thing is the freedom that comes with it. So yes, for me it is a criteria in life...
  19. Engineering,Physics major or Architecture?

    Depends on the eye of the beholder, but investment banking is actually quite boring, long hours (which includes weekends as well), have to be available for their every summons and you'd have to play to the politics. The profile banks usually look for in this are class captain, all rounder types...
  20. Staticians in the house?

    Ah, Stats 101 I know you asked for a website, but I highly recommend this book, if you can get it from your uni library: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, D Moore If I recall correctly, it has lots of practical examples with output from SPSS and Minitab. Otherwise...
  21. Staticians in the house?

    What area of stats do you require work on exactly? Sounds like just linear regression? or is it stochastic processes which => ARIMA, GARCH, State space models etc. Maybe then we could suggest a better website/book
  22. (Black Swan Theory) Please Clarify for me

    I thought probability referred to proportion of outcomes over the long run, rather than one flip of the coin?
  23. (Black Swan Theory) Please Clarify for me

    Doesn't one only assume equal probability if events [coin flip] are independent of each other?
  24. (Black Swan Theory) Please Clarify for me

    Fooled by randomness He does. In a trading context, his portfolio is net long gamma/convexity, taking advantage of black swans // leptokurtosis in asset returns.
  25. Absence from the forum

    Well fellow INTPs, I have immensely enjoyed your discussions, have learnt alot and highly regard all members. I wish you all the best for future endeavours :) Take care.
  26. Dreading High School

    +1 Enjoy all the years before you have to enter the workforce
  27. FacetiousPersona Banning

    Just curious, anyone know how old he/she is??
  28. What should I read next?

    The City of Tiny Lights - Patrick Neate Very funny book about a private detective in London. Lots of street talk and very different style/conventions from all others that I have read. Of course there is a mystery involved as well...
  29. INTP Careers?

    I'm part of the Australian system, so it may not be applicable - but if your quantitatively inclined - just do a math degree. It is quite flexible later on. I noted you said you were quick with mental math, so I was going to suggest something in trading/game theory related. But then saw you...
  30. I am an INFJ - very odd.

    Wouldn't it be fun if Face and bluesquid met?
  31. It is me: FacetiousPersona. A message to the community.

    I like this clown
  32. New rules

    I wasn't even trying to post links Initially was responding to Facetious new thread Its stopped now
  33. New rules

    Posts have to be authorized by a moderator? EDIT: This is what it says when I post...???
  34. Martial Arts

    I've been cross training with Jiu Jitsu, where there is a lot of participation in competition. I don't see how what they do perverses the art? If anything through competition they are improving themselves and their system. I have seen a lot of traditional martial artists who can't spar/apply it...
  35. Resume/Cover Letter Blues-Corporate Employers HELP!

    Just take a look at the key competencies they outline in the ad and really hammer on those in your CL and Resume, backed up with examples. As long as they find something 1) interesting and/or 2) shows you have experience they will give you a chance for an interview.
  36. interesting forum I found

    Was at work, when it started reading out the numbers.... Got lots of funny looks
  37. "Fairness" in game?

    Not always - it will depend on the odds offered The structure of the game itself can be unfair
  38. the test results vs. the development of the cognitive functions

    I've no doubt it possible to develop later, interpreting MBTI claims as a general distribution, - but possessed doubts surrounding the curvature of growth [INFJ => INTP] and whether it is reasonable in the time frame discussed.
  39. the test results vs. the development of the cognitive functions

    I'm not well versed with the distribution of development of MBTI in individuals. Considering he is ~ 35 y.o., and assuming he has at least tested himself within the last 5 years, is it feasible to be developing Fe to the extent suggested so late on?
  40. the test results vs. the development of the cognitive functions

    I don't see why, of all personality types, he'd choose to be an INTP to start with
  41. The three most interesting cities in Europe

    Barcelona is awesome. I'd add Valencia, would've added Amsterdam - but I went a few years ago. The word is that they have cleaned up a lot since and now its very mainstream. If you're in Greece and like the clubbing scene, you have to hit the islands. BM, I felt the same way about syd when I...
  42. Do a lot of INTPs consider themselves different from the rest of society?

    I agree with this!!!! :applaus: We're all human, and there are plenty of non INTP's whose thinking is not mainstream
  43. Soccer Thread

    Just some of the upcoming [mouthwatering] UCL clashes: 1) Lyon vs. Real Madrid 2) AC Milan vs. Man U - I think this one will be a cracker, with slight edge to Man U 3) Inter Milan vs. Chelsea - I suspect this will be boring "park the bus" sort of football 4) Barca v. Stuttgart [mainly just to...
  44. the test results vs. the development of the cognitive functions

    I interpret MBTI as our preferred tendencies, but depending on the environment we may act differently to our "type". I prefer to play lone ranger in my pursuits but due to family, social circle and activities I engage in, I find myself exhibiting more extroverted characteristics than I would...
  45. I want to get a tattoo

    I have a tattoo on my back so that I wouldn't notice when I eventually got bored of it. I agree with Lucylie that the actual words INSANE would be a bit intense, lol......maybe if you did it, it would confirm you are nuts :D
  46. INTP worst fear: Dancing.

    Yeah strangely its the same over here. Beginning 2001 - 2006ish the rave scene was just getting big, house and progression at the forefront- but now its just all high school kids. I guess the feeling is its too "mainstream" now. The best places I've been were when I traveled to Europe -...
  47. Linux user feels alone

    I run Ubuntu on desktop and Slackware [yes I hate this thing - but in a good way] on my laptop
  48. INTP Jobs

    When I was at uni, I used to instruct MA - but found the money & practical/physical challenges was lacking Currently a derivatives trader - meritocracy, autonomy, challenging, dynamic, very well rewarded, and will bode well for further independence in the future when I am more experienced...
  49. Oh wow, that's great - always nice to meet another MA! My main practice is Qin Na I envy your...

    Oh wow, that's great - always nice to meet another MA! My main practice is Qin Na I envy your position being able to combine martial arts + philosophy. Was a path I once wanted to tread. Wish you all the best. Enjoy!!!
  50. Saw that you mentioned you practice Qi Gong. May I ask; any specific branch? I spent a year in...

    Saw that you mentioned you practice Qi Gong. May I ask; any specific branch? I spent a year in HK, but mainly for external application
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