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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    Talking with an ESTP

    there are plenty of ways we can kill ourselves now, so nothing will change. the problem is, dangerous technology is going to be developed whether we try to stop it or not. the irony is, the only way to combat it is to engineer the same type of technology and use it for good and helpful purposes...
  2. Agent Intellect

    What would you ask?

    it also seems like, in order to make a test with answers tailored for the different functions, there would have to be a standard for the different functions. for instance, a lot of people still seem confused about the difference between Fi and Fe, and what Ni and Si are (judging from other...
  3. Agent Intellect

    What would you ask?

    what would you ask if you were making an MBTI test? what sort of questions would you come up with, possibly ones you have never seen on any personality type test you have ever taken? if you were going to try and type someone in a conversation, what sort of questions would you ask the person to...
  4. Agent Intellect

    Destiny, Fate, Karma...

    i don't think everything happens for a reason, but there is a reason, or explanation, for everything that happens, even if we don't know what it is. everything we do, every decision we make, is based on who we are - upbringing, experiences, brain development, genetics. we can't escape those...
  5. Agent Intellect

    Foibles anyone?

    i do that, too. i told my friend about it once and he thought i sounded like a crazy person. i also have an obsession with symmetry. if i step on something with my right foot, i have to step on it with my left so that it feels even. if i rub one eye, i have to rub the other to even it out, or...
  6. Agent Intellect

    Post MBTI tests?

    MBTI tests might be a good loose guide, but ultimately we choose what group of people we fit into. i disagree with the notion of types being skeletons; they're more like genre's at a music or book store. even though a book by Michael Crichton and a book by L Ron Hubbard are both science fiction...
  7. Agent Intellect

    Depression and Intelligence?

    i'd say intelligent people are more likely to be disillusioned, although perhaps not always depressed.
  8. Agent Intellect

    Women in the Workplace

    i'm simply comparing the way homes are today to how they were before. i don't think anybody is assigned the job as breadwinner or housekeeper because of their gender, i'm just pointing out that in modern times, there has not been as much focus on the housekeeper aspect from either gender...
  9. Agent Intellect

    Women in the Workplace

    TV and internet takes care of the children now. plus there is less manual work to be done in the house with modern appliances, fast food/microwave meals, nannies/babysitters, or just neglectful parents (hence the number of asshole children running around these days).
  10. Agent Intellect

    Psychiatric Hotline

    if you're a misanthrope, press whatever you want. whoever answers is going to be an asshole, anyway. if you have anxiety disorder, quickly hit the button before the call drops and you- if you're an alcoholic, take a shot for every number you dial. if you're a pregnant teen, press 4 to bring...
  11. Agent Intellect

    Damage Estimates From Forum Crash (July 27, 2009)

    is it even worth taking an assessment, much less 'fixing' the damage, if it might just happen again? i don't think the loss of threads is the worst damage; the loss of faith in the forums reliability is worse.
  12. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    should make a new forum and move there. one thats actually owned by someone active on it.
  13. Agent Intellect

    Free MIT Education?

    its not an actual online course, you can't get a degree for it, but it is a good place to learn college level stuff, no registration or membership required. anyone can view it and you can browse whatever topics you want (theres no 'courses'). i've watched the introduction to biology and the...
  14. Agent Intellect

    Free MIT Education?

    just found out about this website MIT Open Courseware. haven't checked it out much, but you can watch lectures and read notes for free, with no registration, on MIT level education. i might look this over and wondered if other people might be interested.
  15. Agent Intellect


    i'd say the antithesis of confidence is doubt, and i am plagued with uncertainty. i have nearly pathological reservations of not only my own abilities and intelligence, but i also distrust my own memories, beliefs and perceptions. i am not convinced or certain of anything, leaving me in a state...
  16. Agent Intellect

    Varied Music Taste anyone?

    i would say that i'm a hip hop fan, but i know most people will immediately think of 50 cent and all the "lil [insert name]" people. i can't stand the garbage they play on the radio and the R&B bullshit, and i'm not going to bother listing all the rappers i do like, because i'm sure nobody...
  17. Agent Intellect

    What music does to you

    should check out the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. i haven't read it yet, but i watched the Nova special on PBS based on the book and plan on picking it up.
  18. Agent Intellect


    i don't know about shizoid or schitzotypal, but i'm almost certain that i have Tourette's Syndrome. beside my compulsion to have to have things feel symmetrical, i also am constantly moving my jaw or head back and forth to relieve a perceived feeling of discomfort in my neck, and i clear my...
  19. Agent Intellect


    while on the subject of mental disorders, anyone feel they relate to Schizotypal PD?
  20. Agent Intellect

    Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    just as a side note, are their pdf's like this for the other three types? if so, i'd be interested in reading those, too.
  21. Agent Intellect

    The Mist

    haven't seen it yet, maybe i'll check it out. from your description it reminds me a lot of the movie Blindness. it was a very dark movie, pun intended.
  22. Agent Intellect

    Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    that seems to be a pretty accurate description for myself. i know i've always defined myself by being creative, and doing it by myself. i think one of the many reasons i didn't go to college after high school is i almost felt that it was a sign of weakness, that i could acquire knowledge and...
  23. Agent Intellect

    Existential Crisis, Support Group

    a small essay i wrote a while back that pertains somewhat to this thread: Existence might be meaningless, but one thing people don’t seem to realize, is that its essentially nonsense. We like to put things into nice, neat little categories; we can’t help but find patterns, follow...
  24. Agent Intellect

    30% comprehension?

    perhaps 30% is comprehension of the authors intent and 70% is personal bias. but, that seems like way too much on the side of comprehension.
  25. Agent Intellect

    Personality and the brain.

    the way the brain works is that decisions are made either emotionally or with our reasoning. the emotional decision making is based off of trial and error: when we are anticipating something, the brain releases small amounts of dopamine, then when we do something right, the brain rewards itself...
  26. Agent Intellect

    Personality and the brain.

    a lot of psychology doesn't seem to talk much about the actual underlying organ that our personalities emerge from. I, on the other hand, have always wanted to know what the difference between the actual brains of different personalities are. it's been my theory that extroverted judging takes...
  27. Agent Intellect


    i'd say INTP's are more likely to be hypochondriacs then schizoids.
  28. Agent Intellect


    Fe, i'd say, is an automatic function for us. it happens beneath the surface, out of sight, and therefore we don't have to consciously use it. being such conscious and thoughtful individuals, it becomes more difficult for an INTP to notice that they are doing something "Fe-ish". this, of...
  29. Agent Intellect

    Question for Women- Makeup- yeah or nay?

    make-up increases the symmetry and lowers the contrast of a persons face (makes it look more 'feminine')
  30. Agent Intellect

    Chris' Suggestions.

    why stop there? we should have a cardio forum, a weight lifting forum (one for upper body and one for lower body), a nutrition forum (one for vitamins, and one for minerals). we could have a seperate forum for people to tell us their own stories of triumph over obesity, and another for their...
  31. Agent Intellect

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

    i've never experienced increased creativity, or even happiness or giddiness, from weed. the only affect it really has on me is that i became a lot more spaced out then i usually am. my mind will run off on tangents about stupid little things and i lose track of reality and forget how my mind had...
  32. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outages

    i really wish you guys would successfully secede from the nation.
  33. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outages

    i hate everybody equally. except texans. texas is filled with a special kind of fail.
  34. Agent Intellect

    NT's - Superior Beings?

    i'd say that the types are different, not better or worse. NT's i'd say use a lot more of the rational, logical part of the brain, while others (XSXJ's in particular) use more of the emotional, or intuitive (not the same definition as in mbti) part of the brain. i touched on this in a different...
  35. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outages

    i think somebody is putting dihydrogen monoxide in my water, and everytime i look in the mirror, someone is staring right back at me. its like he doesn't care if i even see him there. these diabolical conspirators are trying to starve me to death, everytime i go to make a meal, there is less...
  36. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outages

    on the way home from work today, i noticed that people were following me. they very strategically turned off the road in different intervals before i got home. when i talked to people at work, i noticed that they were listening in on what i said. i can't help but think i'm being spied on...
  37. Agent Intellect

    Forum Outages

    i think its a conspiracy. if you pay attention, you'll notice that it only happens at times of the day, and on days of the week. certain other events are happening simultaneously, which absolutely cannot be a coincidence. if you follow the line of reasoning: the forum is up -> the forum is down...
  38. Agent Intellect


    so, there's a word for how my mind works? to me its not only expecting defeat, but when it happens (and it often does) i dwell on it as if it were the beginning of the end. i know that this type of thinking has created much of my avoidance and procrastinating behavior (aside from just laziness).
  39. Agent Intellect


    i feel exactly this way. its the same when i read any post, i don't know if what i extracted from it was exactly what they meant. but, then again, i am filled with self doubt (even about things i think i know) so maybe i'm just crazy.
  40. Agent Intellect

    do you look different than you think you do?

    i hardly ever look in the mirror and my profile picture is probably the only one thats been taken of me in the past eight or more years. i think i have a distorted self image, though. i used to be a lot heavier when i was younger, but i've lost a lot of weight, but i still think of myself as a...
  41. Agent Intellect

    Susceptibility and Categorization

    i know for myself, when i stumbled upon mbti and found out i was INTP, i started to act more 'INTP' then before. after a few weeks i recognized the behavior, but i still have those thoughts in my mind like "i'm not like that, i'm an INTP!" in some ways finding that out was beneficial, but i do...
  42. Agent Intellect

    Am I the only one who doesn't care about Obama's latest activities?

    people pay attention to stuff like that (along with celebrity gossip) for the same reason people like soap operas. people are just generally interested in the activities of other people. i, for one, don't understand why. unless the guy brings peace to the middle east or completely converts us to...
  43. Agent Intellect

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    no, but this is how i do it.
  44. Agent Intellect

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    i'm shooting blanks... whenever i stroke my INTPness, it just blows a lot of hot air.
  45. Agent Intellect

    The Singularity

    his predictions, while interesting and fun, seem a little too optimistic to me.
  46. Agent Intellect

    Surprise, surprise

    i clicked neutral, even though i usually expect terrible outcomes and surprises are generally in the form on turns for the worse, but just because i've gotten tails more often then heads doesn't mean the next flip will be tails.
  47. Agent Intellect

    David Carradine

    i think he just wanted to kill bill.
  48. Agent Intellect

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    somehow i think that if i ever met anyone from this forum, it would end up being a few hours of awkward silence (or less, once we realized it wasn't going anywhere). kudos on being able to come up with subject material.
  49. Agent Intellect

    Introverts/Extroverts and Baldness Correlation?

    my maternal grandfather is bald, and my, my brother, and 4/5 male cousins are not bald (the bald ones father is bald). my dads dad, on the other hand, is 80 and still has a full head of hair, which i and my brother (and all cousins on that side of the family) do too. i haven't read much about...
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