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My Favorites: Annotated


It's not my fault!
Local time
Today 4:05 PM
Aug 20, 2008
We kinda did this in that other thread, but I thought a more focused approach might be insightful as we spar with each other. I have 3 categories of favorites: books, films, and music. I'd rather talk about things that have been influential, rather than simply entertaining. So, for example, you're "favorite" TV show might be 90210, but the most influential show in your life might be Ken Burns' Civil War. For each of these categories, I'm just going to list a handful of items, so as not to bog this all down. Finally, the whole point of this is not to simply generate lists of things, but to explain briefly why or how these things have been influential in your life.

Most influential books:
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis - This is a very strange book. It's the retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche from the point of view of Psyche's ugly sister. It's an incredibly dark and hopeless story of how Oural folds in on herself over the years, feeding on her own envy, hate, doubt, and pain. In the end she is a totally broken person, and yet, at the moment of her own death, she discovers her true face. This book has helped form my concepts of self, sin, and redemption.

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand - This book must be the ultimate libertarian manifesto, and has reinforced much of my political philosophy. It also facilitated a paradigm shift in my thinking about identity and purpose. I have always experienced some cognitive dissonance regarding the tension between living on earth, now, in a broken state, and a future in heaven, restored, and perfect. If heaven is coming, what's the point of now? Rand helped me realize that my identity is unique and God-given, and that if I don't express my true self, those feelings, ideas, possibilities, etc. will go unexpressed. Understanding God and self and purpose are all intertwined.

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge - What does it mean to be a man? This is the question this book explores. The first think Eldredge stresses is that it's a good thing to be a man. Our feminized, post-modern world has really villainized maleness, and this has caused a lot of cognitive dissonance, and pain for those of us who are male, and a net social loss for the world. The book talks about necessary and good aspects of masculinity like strength, self-sacrifice, violence, and shows what they were meant to be, in contrast to what they have become (war, rape, greed, sexism, etc).

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien - This helped to shape my intuitive understanding, or vision, of the spiritual world, the warfare that is going on between God and Satan. It helped me wrap my brain around the question of evil; where it came from, what it desires, etc. It also helped me visualize why and how God's plan is almost always a mystery to us, and allowed me to revel in the mystery.

Most influential films:
Firefly (TV series) - This series is about freedom, hope, finding a home, finding family, finding yourself. This resonates with me at such a deep level, I don't know if I can really describe it. It's about life as a human. I found my mind just yelling "Yes!" over and over while I watched it. It's just so... right!

most influential music:
A Short Ride in a Fast Machine by John Adams - This is such a cool piece of music. It's 20th century minimalist. This whole piece is about 4 minutes long, and is one continuous crescendo, in terms of energy, volume, rhythm, etc. It opened up the world of minimalism to me; the idea that all the information and emotion and purpose of a symphony could be found in its smallest part, even in the silence between notes. I think this concept applies to much more than music, and has given me a more holistic view of the universe and life.

Symphony No. 5 by Lugwig von Beethoven - This is possibly the most famous symphony ever written (you know, the one that goes "duh duh duh, dum. duh duh duh, dum.) Because of its familiarity it took a long time before I actually sat and listened to it. When I did, a whole new musical world opened up to me. The interplay of themes, the instruments woven through and around each other; it was like if something as complex as Dune or Lord of the Rings were a piece of music rather than literature. It communicated an interconnectedness, an overall theme to life, woven through everything.

Tubular Bells I-III by Mike Oldfield - You may remember bits of this music being used in the film The Exorcist. It's much more than that. It's a massive exploration of sound, instrumentation, narrative, etc. It uses traditional instruments, electronic synthesizers, voice, spoken word, etc. It's like an explosion of ideas, encoded in sound. It is bizarre. It is amazing.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:05 PM
May 2, 2008
(Did you mean to put this in the intro section?)


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Most influential films:
Firefly (TV series) - This series is about freedom, hope, finding a home, finding family, finding yourself. This resonates with me at such a deep level, I don't know if I can really describe it. It's about life as a human. I found my mind just yelling "Yes!" over and over while I watched it. It's just so... right!

And how.


still searching
Local time
Today 10:05 PM
Aug 25, 2008
I am sure that if I answered this on another day i would make a different set of choices, but as of now these are my answers:

Most influential books

War and Peace - because I'm sure Tolstoy was an INTP. His male characters in particular are the type of people I would have liked to have met. I feel I am in the plot and everything that Pierre and Prince Andrei say, I feel I could have said. Tolstoy has that fascinating desire to help the less educated peasants yet at the same time he condemns their simple, unquestioning natures. I like to fantasise that Tolstoy and I would have really enjoyed each other's company and become deep friends.

Dune - I haven't read this for ages but the combination of politics, psychology and spirituality in this book is intoxicating. I don't know anything about Frank Herbert and its difficult to find anything about him - he must have had an awesome intellect and brilliant imagination. Two ideas in particular influenced me - his mantra - 'fear is the mind killer...' and the idea of there being a learning project that takes place over generations (led by the bene gesserit).

All Jane Austen
Jane Austen blends social commentary, brilliant characterisation, compassion and
wit in her beautiful writing. Austen has said all there is to say about social class but has done so with humour and intelligence.

Solving Tough Problems Adam Kahane
This is a book about the authors journey in trying to use scenario planning to help the underprivileged in communities all over the world. He describes moments in his dialogues with groups when massive shifts in understanding, learning and compassion occur. The best example of this being the discussion he held in Guatemala with government officials, soldiers, insurgents, peasant leaders, trades union leaders, church leaders. They eventually come together after an intervention that makes everyone learn deeply and change profoundly.

1 out of 10 - Peter Hyman
Tony Blair's advisor goes back to school to become a teacher. This book descibes how he slowly begins to understand just why it was that top down government does not work in bringing about fundamental change.

A New Kind of Christian - I've talked about this on a previous thread. I sometimes wonder if I would be a Christian today were it not for this intelligent book which blends postmodernism and Christianity.

La Traviata - I love it, love it, love it. It has followed us as we travelled all around the world. I loved the Zefferelli film and Moulin Rouge, one of my favourite films of all time was based on it.

Barber's Adaggio for strings. because I played this when I first brought my new born daughter home from hospital.

A lot of modern Christian music - I love playing this and singing along in the car:eek:

Frank Sinatra - because it reminds me of my mum and simpler, more innocent times. I particularly like the song which has the line 'When I was (17), it was a very good year'. It's so sad and haunting and true.

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
This film introduced me to European cinema and captured something so true and so disturbing in a surreal format.

I watched this a few years after returning from our round the world travels. I cried so much, uncontrollably, after this film. I then vowed I was not going to watch any more films like this that just showered you with depressing information which you could do nothing about. After this film I stopped watching political films altogether. It was so hopeless, it made me indifferent about politics.

I will now contradict myself with this choice. Similar to above but set in Turkey. Explores the idea of freedom in a complex society like Turkey. Makes you realise how lucky you are to live in a RELATIVELY free country.

I love loads of films but none of them have influenced me in the way these two have.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 12:05 AM
Sep 28, 2008
Ra'anana, Israel
You've seen Yol?!? I haven't found anybody outside my former "Third World Cinema" class that's seen that movie! The story line(s) were insanely confusing to follow...
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