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Search results

  1. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Poizunus - Dreamin ft Q
  2. Madoness

    two little logic tests

    Few minutes to pass the time http://www.think-logically.co.uk/lt.htm http://www.think-logically.co.uk/lt2.htm
  3. Madoness

    The Perception Personality Image Test

    Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test ... NFPC - The Artist Nature, Foreground, Big Picture, and Color You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on what's in front of you (the foreground) and how that fits into...
  4. Madoness

    Art test

    Same result... though disagree, at least a bit.:slashnew:
  5. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Peace Orchestra - "Who am I' Renegades Of Bump - Rentgenas - Galileo Galilėjus
  6. Madoness


    Your score is 7 Maximum is 40. Average for Americans is 15. Highest tested celebrity is Robin Quivers, with 34. Your score for Authority is MEDIUM Your score for Self-sufficiency is LOW Your score for Superiority is LOW Your score for Exhibitionism is LOW Your score for...
  7. Madoness

    Reincarnation placement test

    Spy 58% Intrigue, 59% Civilization, 61% Humanity, 45% Urbanization. Live well, ride fast, and die young, baby! Well, you turned out to be something of a rogue. This may not be exactly the life you wanted... but it's difficult to place people who want to enjoy all the romance...
  8. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Demune - Must we trust
  9. Madoness

    Fun Logic test...

    You have reached 16 points in our IQ test.
  10. Madoness

    Why do people hate you?

    Your result for The Why Do People Hate You? Test ... The perfect human. 26 Cruelty, 42 Anal, 31 Pushover Congratulations. You're easy-going, friendly and know when to stand up for yourself. You're perfect. In fact, you're a little bit too perfect. Chances are, hoards of...
  11. Madoness

    Brain Works Test

    uhmmm.... Your Brain Usage Profile: Auditory : 21% Visual : 78% Left : 33% Right : 66% Mad, you are somewhat right-hemisphere dominant and have a strong visual preference, a blend of characteristics which typically apply to persons with an "artistic"...
  12. Madoness

    Hand pain

    I would suggest to take some magnesium..... (not literally). It however should help the working of the nerves.... I had leg cramps before, it was suggested to me.
  13. Madoness

    Driver's license

    Well... I started getting it from April 2002 when I was still 1.... got it in may 2009:P Just hadn't enough time or money at times..
  14. Madoness

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    Data A controlled personality with a vast range of skills and behavior, you are often intrigued by the people and places surrounding you. In the strictest sense, I did not win -- I busted him up.
  15. Madoness

    Find your Spirit Animal Test!

    You are a Cougar! (your score: 24) Characters: Adrek, Endrus, and Daria in the Aspect of Crow trilogy Powers: Stealth, strength, phenomenal jumping ability, as well as enhanced sight and hearing Grrr, baby—you're the personification of animal magnetism. Your confidence, beauty, and athleticism...
  16. Madoness

    Picture Personality (Short Test)

    You Are Independent You are happy, driven, and status conscious. You want everyone to know how successful you are. Very logical, you see life as a game of strategy. A bit of a loner, you prefer to depend on yourself. You always keep your cool and your composure. You are a born leader and...
  17. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Jel - Trashin
  18. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Sage Francis - Eviction Notice
  19. Madoness


    Uhmmm.. try to be a little more open minded. If one does not hurt you (or someone else) and he or she wants to do something, then.... I don't see a problem. People are different, on music tastes, on political spectrums and stuff like that. Why should I judge one being on another side of the...
  20. Madoness

    Colorgenics Test

    Uhmmm... kind of negative... isn't it?:confused: You don't need anxiety and problems. All you really seek is a conflict free environment which can offer peace and mental security. You don't like the idea of being alone and, whatever the reason, at this time of your life you feel as if...
  21. Madoness

    Stranger from Siberia is new ancestor of man, claim scientists

    A new "species" of caveman that lived alongside Neanderthals and early humans up to 50,000 years ago has been identified by scientists. By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent Published: 7:00PM GMT 24 Mar 2010 Archaeologists inside of Denisova cave...
  22. Madoness

    Is there such thing faster than the speed of light?

    Actually.... do a one quick experiment.... Bring a person to a dark room with his or her eyes closed.... and then turn on the lights... if he or she did know what was in the room just before the light hit, then the thought would be faster, if not, then no.... our thoughts are slower. I know it...
  23. Madoness

    Is there such thing faster than the speed of light?

    I have some "original" Niice's and Adibas's that are made in China.... is that enough?:D
  24. Madoness

    Yet another robot thread...

  25. Madoness

    Is there such thing faster than the speed of light?

    Okay, I'll apply the same logic. I went to China, Russia and Canada under a second....! This logic rocks!:rolleyes: Dmn... it doesn't work that way....:( I wasn't there was I?
  26. Madoness

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 110 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 87 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
  27. Madoness

    Personality Patterns Test

    Solitary Creative Curious Reserved Cautious Slapdash Unflappable Loose Original Unsettled
  28. Madoness

    Fit INTP description but very different music taste?

    I'm sure... the music taste does not say whomever you are.... I might be listening to different music but all my other aspects I may think of important are still the same. My sister, as I am, is an INTP, though we really are different in music tastes and we do argue most of the time (I'm glad...
  29. Madoness

    moral politics test

    Your scored -5 on Moral Order and 3 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Socialism Ideology: Social Democratism, Activism Party: No match. Presidents...
  30. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Go Mean! by Buddy Peace http://www.mondayjazz.com/mixes/mj126_go_mean!_by_buddy_peace.mp3 mondayjazz.com rules;)
  31. Madoness

    Fascist or Liberal? test

    Your F Score is: 2.7666666666666666 You are a liberal airhead.
  32. Madoness

    last night I washed my cell phone

    At least it got clean...:) Anyways if you'd want to be able to restore some functionality... open it up until you'd see the microscemes and then let it dry.... because some of water may be left inside your mobile phone, it is nessesary to open it. Although it is more likely unfunctional in...
  33. Madoness

    Spot the Fake Smile

    You got 10 out of 20 correct Is this smiley fake:)?
  34. Madoness

    Character Analysis Test

    Your result for The Character Analysis Test ... Moralist You scored You have a high Morality score. That's both good and bad. It's good, because that means you're a decent human being. It's bad, because your other traits are less developed, and...
  35. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Yeah I certainly agree to be having a certain mood or mindset to listen VS.
  36. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Venetian Snares - Hajnal Venetian Snares - Öngyilkos Vasárnap
  37. Madoness

    How to memorize a speech.

    Uhmm..... just remember your main idea..... but study your speach.... even if something is forgotten, you can still build your main idea when you know the key points to build your speach around. Devil is in the details, but when a whole picture is drawn, it is easier to work on rather than to...
  38. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Digital Underground - Jerkit Circus
  39. Madoness

    What evidence is there for the existence of atoms?

    Warning: Gravity is “Only a Theory” Float away now! And don't fail! :aufsmaul: Do not base your other "theories" on there being gravity. Unplug your electrical machines.... they actually only work through magic. Even more, don't ever pay electrical bills, now that you know. When at summer...
  40. Madoness

    Thematic Apperception Test

    LIWC dimension Your data Male average Female average Need for Achievement 3.49 5.8 5.6 Need for Affiliation 3.88 1.1 1.3 Need for power 0.39 1.7 1.8 Self-references (I, me, my) 2.33 0.5 0.8 Social words 10.85 11.4 12.0 Positive emotions 0.00 1.8 2.1 Negative emotions 1.16...
  41. Madoness

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    Not in a sense that I've been put into a category by some people who should know me, yet still mislabel me. Ending up as being labeled as INTJ is not a problem, but that people seem to be, in that case, thinking of me being different that I really am, though it may be I who has got it wrong, is...
  42. Madoness


  43. Madoness

    Mensa Workout

    You have half an hour to answer 30 questions. Because of the speed of internet traffic and server response time, the actual time taken is not factored into the scoring. If you have metered access to the Internet, if this page is fully loaded into your web browser, you may disconnect from...
  44. Madoness

    Using a handle vs. using one's true identity online

    I've always wondered if I'd ever work for the net provider, how much dirt I could gain only in one day... :confused::p There are some statistics... and if people know how to get information... almost all of us would be f****d.;)
  45. Madoness

    Using a handle vs. using one's true identity online

    Well... I personally know one person who got fired because of posting some things on facebook. Though I do not like he got fired.... employer cannot dictate things and thoughts people are having or expressing on their free time, when while working they are doing okay, some sorts of freedom...
  46. Madoness

    For Linux Users: Gnome or KDE?

    I must openly admit. I am using GNOME, and it kind of fits my needs. I've tried KDE a few times... though somehow didn't like it. There must be something wrong with me?:confused::(
  47. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Ice-T - Squeeze The Trigger
  48. Madoness

    I think in ideas, not words.

    Maybe it has got something to do with INTP's thinking in overall pictures but not really in details. Therefore, in snapshots or ideas rather than thinking in words.
  49. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Ohmega Watts - That Sound
  50. Madoness

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Haiku D'Etat - Wants vs Needs
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