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Search results

  1. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Fe Fi Fo Fum

    IDK WTF any of you are really saying, but I did draw from it that Music has a way of altering your motivations and responses. I find that to be true of myself and music also. For some reason, without music and especially in the presence of people noise, I becomes drained and ADD-like... But...
  2. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Hello... My name is Don and I "think" I might be an INTP..

    Can someone please explain to me what trolling is? I thought that was when you lurked a website (forums, in particular) and made superfluous and/or degrading commentary throughout? I know I could just Google it, but since I'm here among my peeps, I will just ask you guys. lol...
  3. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Words- Exactly
  4. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Speaking of "when I was younger"... I remembered as a child, I would sometimes get in trouble for doing something to one of my younger brothers... and my mother would say, "Tell your brother sorry!" and I never would, I would only say, "hush". Which is some Jamaican slang I picked up in my...
  5. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    OK 1839, only survivor of a slang fad in Boston and New York c.1838-9 for abbreviations of common phrases with deliberate, jocular misspellings (cf. K.G. for "no go," as if spelled "know go;" N.C. for "'nuff ced;" K.Y. for "know yuse"). In the case of O.K., the abbreviation is of "oll...
  6. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    sounds good to me
  7. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Someone be more INTP and go look up the etymology of Okay! :)
  8. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Yeah, K is the one I use most frequently. Or Alrighty....
  9. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    "Not paranoid, it's perfectly logical"?

    No, this thread did NOT just throw away my response!?!?!?! Ugghhh!!!!! I just wanted to let you know I responded, but it disappeared, so now I'm not writing it again...
  10. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    http://www.okcupid.com/quizzy/results?quizzyid=9935030990046738815&userid=14119159737652537908 Computer Savant 43 % Nerd, 52% Geek, 57% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some...
  11. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Well every couple years I somehow lead my friends down a path of some strange dialect that we begin using around only each other, but incessantly and to the point where, when other people come over to visit, they start doing it too! So now, even thought we're highly intelligent people (well at...
  12. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Philosophical Personality Test

    Wouldn't say the neuroticism was correct... as a matter of fact, if anything I'm probably near 10% on that, but okay... the rest I will agree with... Openness: 100% Conscientiousness: 25% Extraversion: 8% Agreeableness: 17% Neuroticism: 100%
  13. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Hello Meer! Love that name, btw (I have two cats).

    Hello Meer! Love that name, btw (I have two cats).
  14. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    ENTP Forum?

    Think about it... if they're ENTP, they're likely out and about immersing themselves in people and activities to dissect and understand like you. But it seems less likely they would do it online.
  15. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Socionics Testing >.<

    WTF is ILI?:storks:
  16. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How do you butter your bread?

    Yeah, I use margarine in a tub like someone said. I don't eat butter on bread unless it came that way, like someone else said.... it's too much work. To me, butter is for cooking and basting....and it's like a delicacy. Nothing that good should just be laying around my kitchen.
  17. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Names n' Faces?

    EVERYONE gets nicknames or has a characteristic I can associate with something I already know... whether they know it or not.. I work in a doctor's office and have roughly... 1200 patients... I know practically all their names, but only in relation to their charts. I could tell you if they've...
  18. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What course is for me?

    psychopathwannabe I am not interested in making life and death decisions like that. I am truly more interested in the technical aspects of medicine than the human... But I manage to pull off being likeable by my patients, so I stay... Since I was 19 and working for Motorola, I was told I have a...
  19. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How to summon a member

    Oh, the awesomeness of this for'm! lol
  20. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What songs put you into your happy place?

    OMG, so many songs! Today, it's Technologic, by Daft Punk and Satisfaction, by Benny Benassi Presents the Biz. Those songs really get me going at work!
  21. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What course is for me?

    That sounds like something I need to get into! I'm a nurse and I do love it, but I'm feeling like my potential is being wasted slowly everyday. I want to go back to school, but now I'm not feeling like nursing is going to be what I go back for...
  22. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Tips on 'dealing' with social situations?

    This is probably PART of the reason I haven't gone back to school. The better part of why just being the time it takes that I must focus elsewhere.... but I digress... I hate group work, I hate relying on anyone, I hate having to communicate to others things that I see as clearly obvious. I...
  23. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    why do iNTPs love mainstream music?

    Oh, no, I've always stretched out past my peers' interests in music. I went to a majority-black school where it was required that you listen to hip hop, reggae and R&B 24/7.lol. Even the white friends I did manage to accumulate there were doing the same. I was "weird" because I liked Fiona Apple...
  24. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    About you?

    What is your name? Tricia but my friends call me Pussy (because I always have a puss face :| ) Where are you from? New York, United States. Transplanted to South Florida How old are you? 32 What's your gender? Female How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I...
  25. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How do you develop Fe?

    :smoker: It does! I would say don't try too hard... My friends recently thought it was a good idea to practice "exposure" to help me get over what they perceive is a fear of affection (that's what happens when you watch too much TV- Thanks A&E! :aufsmaul:) I HATED it. First off, I...
  26. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    To have more motivation To always have a way to get emergency money when needed To be a Vampire (couldn't think of a third... that sounds awesome though!)
  27. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    I took this test on Okay Cupid! It said I'm all three but MOSTLY a dork! lol Next Runner up being a Geek and 3rdly, a Nerd. In keeping with the supposed definitions of these words, I would say they were totally on the money!
  28. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Another Poll You Know You wanna Take!

    Well I suppose I was gearing this towards people who have completed schooling and don't plan to go back. People who are going to school right now have the potential to become disinterested, derailed or drop out, I think was my line of thinking, so that would screw up the numbers, but let's see...
  29. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Gauging your introversion

    Well for me, the internet was not even an option, but I totally understand what you mean. I'm from New York and upon moving to my current home of Florida, I instantaneously remembered interacting with children and thinking, "really? These are my peers?" They were so immature, so ignorant. They...
  30. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Another Poll You Know You wanna Take!

    Just wondering what the overall make-up of INTP's we have here. I imagine that most any of us can have PhD's if we wanted, but I want to see what the spread looks like between drop out's and PhD's we have...
  31. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Self Indulgence

    Fuck is trolling? lol
  32. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Which country are you from?

    I am from New York, Born there, Raised in Florida, Parents are from Jamaica...
  33. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Do you have pervasive doubt about yourself?

    I have this, "one-of-these-days-I'll-get-it-all-together" attitude and things just get constantly put off. I can sometimes focus so hard on things, I refuse to do what else is necessary for daily living and such, just to figure out some issue I'm trying to correct or a process I chose to create...
  34. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Why did you pick your name?

    Because I am using a play on words too, (Misanthropy being the correct spelling) and me being a woman... made sense...I'm a woman who doesn't care for the human race as a whole... And I never get tired of my disdain for the same. lol
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