Alright, I have recently be hiding under the facade that I had a developed Fe. I felt like I was being plenty expressive with my emotions. Due to a certain change of events, I realized that many people have no idea what emotion I am feeling even when I thought I was accurately portraying it. In addition, I have realized that though I can read body language from all I have read, I still have trouble picking up on emotions from tone of voice, and natural skills that should be gained from a developed Fe function.
My question is, how would I go about developing it enough to express what I want without feeling like I am blowing the entire thing out of proportion and in addition, to gain the ability to better read those around me?
My question is, how would I go about developing it enough to express what I want without feeling like I am blowing the entire thing out of proportion and in addition, to gain the ability to better read those around me?